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Escape from Park Room Walkthrough

Escape from Park Room

Games4King - Escape from Park Room is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 4 King. Try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Good luck and have a lot of fun y'all...

Thanks Avatar!:}

You too, Avatar!
Is it just me, or can everyone else not find a thing to do here?
I can't pick up or move anything except the book on the table, which is blank.

I got two chairs. Can't do anything else.

Thanks, Peggy.
Put two chairs in hotspot below coat hooks to get blue ball.

Add ball to other blue ball and it disappears and re-appears in the book. Get it and use it on the window (glass side) for a piece of wood (?). Use that on the curtain for a key to get outside.

Thanks, Emily. Added blue ball to the one on the floor and it disappeared. Found it in the book.

Take rings from the top of the slide and put them on the ball in the sandpit for a horse. Put horse on the seesaw for a mouse.

Put mouse in orange box for a spatula. Use that on the trunk of the tree on the far right for a saw. Cut a hole in the park gate and you're out. Strange game.

have no idea what i'm doing but it is almost 1:00 am here. I should be in bed.

Thanks Emily. Strange game, indeed.

OK I can click on what looks like a key, and open a book without a hint. Am I missing something?

I'll try this tomorrow. I need some sleep. Good luck all.

very odd navigation, but got out OK once understood how it worked

I cant find the hotspot under the hooks to place the chairs. I get a blue/grey wall...but the chairs wont go there.

derr me. I thought because it said chair 2..it meant i had two chairs. Once i got chair 1 (near front door)...i could place them.

I have tried to place chairs, but they won't go. Any tips?

pop! finally got it. had ot get chair #1 from other table and place it first and then place chair #2 on top of it.

Stupid, stupid game!

really bad game!!!

I reckon there is a rule of thumb...

Whenever the presenting site starts with "Games2..." or "Games4" it's rarely something to write home about ;)

Emily ... thanks for all the help ;)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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