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Space E Walkthrough

Space E

Dr. Fou: Space E is a free online point and click room escape game by Just1 using Dr. Fou's Room Escape Maker. You found yourself locked inside a room . Try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun![Submitted by Just1]

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Hi ev'body - hope you enjoy

Google is your friend but one puzzle is designed to be ungooglable

beware of homonyms

Oh, and
Good luck and have lots of fun!

So stuck...have tried several options for "ABOMB" and nothing works. Cannot think of any 2 letter option for the other safe, as well...

Hi Pixi

the 2-letter safe is supposed to be mysterious till you get to it - then it's easy
For the 1st answer, 'lose' the 'e', then look where the A-bomb was created

Finally got it, now trying to find something about "hug" and "laura"....is this the ungoogleable one LOL?

laura: name origin :)

also translate previous answer from Spanish

Ok ok just another hint lol....for the next safe, is a thesaurus required?

what bothers bees in trees? (also, there's a character who says 'Bother!' a lot)

btw have you been clicking the hnts in the corners?


Hints in corners??

Oh just saw it! I did on the first and forgot about the rest! Makes a huge difference haha

corners of each large 'E' - you actually draw the E as you click them
use 'em one by one when you can't get it - sometimes the 4th is a near-dead giveaway

what a mess, clicking color points. Idiotic idea..

When i see this POU Games i like to vomit...

what a mess, clicking color points. Idiotic idea..

When i see this POU Games i like to vomit...

Well I didn't pay attention to the order on the safe which includes: 1779, war, king, mech, frame, sabot. I thought maybe war and king were supposed to be "working", I thought maybe it was a video game called Hawking, but I don't know anything about it. Am I anywhere on the right track haha?

Also, Addicted, you don't have to be so rude.

feel free to vomit!

This is my love letter to my friends on this site - life is changing, and I won't be around as much, esp. for live games - don't know if I'll make another of these or not.
I long ago decided (C64 days) that programming wasn't for me - glad these actual programmers will let me play in their sandbox!

*hawken, sorry

And you want to share this info with us, @Addicted, because....?

Maybe some respect for people (actually our fellow escapers/friends) who do the effort to make a 'free' game so other people can have fun.

And as said so many times in other games; If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to play. And if you want to give your opinion thaere is a star rating above on this page and that will be enough if constructive criticism in a nice way is out of your league.

No @Pixi, wrong track - you need some creative googling to find the 'King' mentioned, if you haven't heard of him

Here's another clue - his followers were notorious around 1810

Well, sorry just1, but I may have to come back to this, stuck on the one I mentioned haha but for the record, I think you've done an amazing job! This one really forces you to think outside the box a bit, and rely on research rather than just click, find, use, repeat. I'm actually scratching my head on this one, and that's a good thing! It is a nice change of pace from the barrage of other Fou makes happening.

Thank you EvilIrishPixi, I feel Gongtats'ed!

You're very welcome just1 :) and I WILL come back and defeat this game! LOL!

I can't believe I got the "king" one

lol I can believe it Nini! Where are you now?

FILE NOT FOUND... this is probably for the 2-letter code and it should be easy but my brain is damaged already from thinking too much haha

lol what option do you click on, under protest, when there's only one option?

LOL got it just1... I was overthinking

now you're halfway - from now on I'll be more obscure with my hints :)

Ohh wow, just got in and I'm already stuck rofl! Help! I like the creative use of the gems.

just1.. am I on the right track on this one? (SHEILA SECTS BLIND HEAVEN DISCO CRASH)..
I thought Rey Charles.. maybe if I check his discography?

Mmm not quite Nini - check name origin, and yes discography but someone else's, also translate 'disco' from Spanish!

I'm totally lost with first 6-letter answer.

I checked the name origin already! haha was surprised.. but still can't find the right person..
And Disco Crash is an album from Bob Sinclair.. is he related?

1944 is part of the clue?

The answer 'es un disco'... in 2 senses! (Maybe even 3)

@Verito - yes, that's the date of the invention of what kind of bomb? Then you need to find out where it was invented (and 'lose' the 'e'; that describes what to do with the first clue in every puzzle)

Nini, lose the 'e', but don't lose track of it completely!

Aw.. my head hurts and I'm not focusing anymore.. I need to give this one a break..

HAHAH just when I was about to close the game.. I tried one final answer and guess what? It worked!
So I'm not leaving anymore hahah

Los Alamos? :/ Oh, I know so little.

I'll take pity on you


should get you there

I thought the next 2 were the hardest ones, myself - but it seems small-tool breezed through everything when he played it in cbox
So I know they're solvable but may be tough if English isn't your 1st lingo

That's sooo nice to hear just1! o.o *opens google translate*

Lol just1, you expose my lack of knowledge about stuff! Are you having fun? Rofl! :D

Actually @Verito yes I am - whether it's a perverse pleasure or just pure glorious fun, I'll let the philosophers figure out

For #7 you're looking for the middle part of a 10-letter word which is kind of obscure (but everyone at the NSA knows it)

Oops, 'breezed through' is too big a word Just1. It just happened I catched the game just after you posted and I do a lot of riddle games and this one is more a riddle than an escape. Hence that Nini and Verito are doing ok too (also riddlers once in a while).

lol s-t.. my riddle skills don't go very far.. I'm in pain right now..

@small-tool, I'm delighted you beat my game! As I said, it proved it solvable by someone other than me!

... google gives me nothing.. it's always like that.. I spend 2 hours looking for something until I get it right lol (in riddle games of course hah)

and I tried some words regarding the NSA hint.. nothing worked xD

hmmm I said it was ungooglable but maybe if you try words related to cryptography, or hidden messages...

you have 2 parts of the word

Oh.. so this is the ungooglable one.. Why didn't u say it earlier?


you can search for words that 'start with...' and 'end with...'

very handy

I don't enjoy these Dr Foo games.....

Well.. I can't think right now.. So I'm leaving.. I'll check back later.. (god! I need a break!!)

@Nini xD I never meant to hurt you!

       Anonymous  8/21/13, 8:41 PM  

I'm soooo so stuck! hha. I'm on the WAR, KING, MECH, FRAME, SABOT, and 1779. At first I was thinking cards, but then I couldn't really think of anything more than "card" and "deck". Am I on the right track?

Hi khicks21: not cards. The word 'ware' is important too. The King you're looking for wasn't a king at all, but so-called by his followers 30 years or so later; nothing is known of his life, and he probably never knew what he started

Wow, it's harder to find than I thought: try Wikipedia, enter date 1812, look at March 15!

This turned out to be harder than I realized, so I'm leaving some tips for future players on #8 as well -

the references you're supposed to find are

"The keepers of the gate are not your kin" -Li Po
"Darkness there, and nothing more" -E.A. Poe

The answer is a competitive event, maybe peculiar to the US but I think it's spread to other places.

That Li Po poem, by the way, is one of the greatest and strangest ever written, and the history it refers to is fascinating as well

I'm still stuck here, @just1! :__(

       Anonymous  8/21/13, 11:58 PM  

No I'm glad they're really hard! Haha. I think that I'm just not used to thinking like this. The connections definitely require a mix of research as well as a good understanding of English in many forms and how references can be used. It's clever, I just am not very good at riddles (though I like them anyway)

Hi, here's a verbose and cockeyed


for my 1st game
which turned out to be too hard for most
cause for one thing, I didn't research it well enough!

Tip: when you make a game, don't just play through it to make sure it works! Also make sure all the answers are really findable by your clues!

Don't read it if you don't need it

At first, the door is empty (?), and there are 2 active buttons in the room. One, on the opposite wall, asks for a 2-letter code. You can't solve that yet; if you do solve it, by a leap of intuition, you'll skip the first half of the game! So don't. Click the button next to the door; it gives you a code and makes another button light up. Continuing thus, you draw a large E on the wall.
The clues are: LOS, E, ABOMB, 1, 9, 4, 4. This tells you (somehow) to look up '1944 bomb' and discover the place where the A-bomb was built (near where I live, actually); then you 'lose' the 'e' and see that 'LOS' is the first part of that place name, so the answer is the second part,

When you get it right nothing apparently happens except that the screen does not say 'nothing happens'. Actually a new button has appeared on the next wall to your right. You'll be going around the room in a circle.

#2: HUG, E, LAURA, ECO, ANIM, CELLO, YRIB. Hug a huge what? And who's Laura? Looking up her name origin, we find that she's a
the laurel, and 'alamos' means cottonwoods, and a cello is a wooden thing which your arms encircle, and yrib, the stupidest clue in the whole game, refers to certain much-detested song that concerns what you might do with a yellow ribbon. 'Ecology' and 'animism' refer to the tree-hugging way of life, I suppose.

#3: BE, E, BOTHER, MAJOR, MINOR, 100, WE6. What bothers bees in trees? Major and minor refer to the constellations that in the US we call the Big and Little Dipper, or the greater and lesser
You might also remember that Winnie the Pooh said “Oh, Bother!” a lot. He lived in the Hundred-Acre Wood and was in a book called 'Now We Are Six'.

#4: WAR, E, KING, MECH, FRAME, SABOT, 1779. I thought 'sabot' would be a giveaway on this one. I was wrong. It is the origin of the word sabotage, and refers to wooden shoes that revolting workers would throw into the machines to break them. A similar thing happened in England around 1810-1813, when weavers revolted against mechanical knitting frames. A certain Ned
is supposed to have smashed one of these frames in a fit of rage in 1779. When the protest against them became general, 30 years later, he was hailed as their (fictitious) leader, and called King Ludd. Nothing more is known about him.

When you enter Ludd, 3 buttons appear above the one that was already there. Using the name we follow them Left, Up, Down, Down, and read FILE NOT FOUND, ??
The answer is Bill Gates' gift to the world, the button you most hate to click on, because you never mean it sincerely,

2nd half coming later today

I like new and different games that challenge how we think, even when I'm not clever enough to solve on my own Thanks just1!

WALKTHROUGH continued:

#6: SHEILA, E, SECTS, BLIND, HEAVEN, DISCO, CRASH. Sheila Escovedo is a drummer, daughter of famous drummer Pete Escovedo, she's played with Prince and the Revolution and has a number of solo albums under the name 'Sheila E'. I thought most everyone would know about her. Wrong again. Anyway, she has an album called Sex
which I think is one of the best of its kind, a kind I'm not normally fond of. Blind and Heaven refer both to her name origin (conflicting theories) and to lyrics and song titles on the album. Could be coincidence but I doubt it.

#7: PAL, E, GHOST, TWIXT, TWEEN, SEST, SLY. The 3-letter word you want is embedded in a longer word, which means a message hidden within another message. If you go to
and enter 'sest', then click on 'ends with' and 'search', you'll get it right away. It's a pal-
-sest. I thought I was clever with the word sly because you can put 'imp' into the middle of it – now I see it's a clue that you only understand after solving the puzzle! Well duh. Smart people are so stupid sometimes!

#8: PO, E, TRY, SHUHGA, TESLA, MNO, THINGMOR. There's some misdirection here. Tesla has nothing to do with it. You're supposed to notice the poem 'The Steep Road to Shuh' among the major poems of Li Po, then realize that the clues actually add up to Shuh gate slam nothing more, and look for the gate reference in the Li Po poem, and maybe realize that 'nothing more' is from The Raven, by EA Poe, and then eventually realize that the answer is right there embedded in the clues, and both of the poems are referring to doors being rapidly closed, and the answer is
A Poetry Slam being a competitive poetry-reading event which has been popular lately. Now how could I have expected you to think all those things, in that order? Oh well. I do hope to inspire some of you to read great poetry.

#9: CAR, E, TO, LE, AV, E. Care to leave? What does E mean when you see it in your car? It's
and now the door suddenly spits out a key. You're out! Sorry I couldn't put in fireworks or something.

Thanks to all!

TY Prufrock for your kind words :)

Oh just1, I was looking for the E on 'Alamos' and of course I didn't find it... and never tried to use it for the code!! Instead I've been looking for the E somewhere in Germany and some other places... Enjoy having me as your prisoner because I haven't escaped yet. :D

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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