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Coven Escape Walkthrough

Coven Escape

Esklavos - Coven Escape is another point and click adventure style escape game developed by Esklavos. Escape from the coven using the four colores keys. Good luck and have fun!

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 Esklavos' Coven Escape Walkthrough

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Hmmm.. trying to work out the skull numbers. You seem to have to hit 8 times. At first I thought ...21... mean that 21 were 4th and 5th, but combined with the other patterns it doesn't work out,
Also, can get one gargoyle's eyes to glow depending on whether candles are lit or not, but not getting a pattern.

Here we go pick the hidden bits LOL

Hi Anita just starting...

       Anonymous  9/25/13, 2:59 AM  

Hi ther!

For Skulls there are Numbers on the pillars

OK overthinking the numbers,and the gargoyles.
All done now. Final key fell onto the gargoyle's skull. Nice.

I'm stuck at the candles

       Anonymous  9/25/13, 3:07 AM  

Please help me for the gargoyles. Tried a lot but nothing works.

hmm like candle light, the note on notepaper helps not so, but the letters have to get the red key already

POP I finally got it, pull the chain everytime for the candles

look at the hint on the paper, first all lit thenall out then lit not lit not...

       Anonymous  9/25/13, 3:13 AM  

Tryied all but that...gnmpf...and out

hmm ich hab alle 4 kerzen an und ziehe an kette,dann lecuhten augen links beim 1 mal und beim 3 mal,und nun?

       Anonymous  9/25/13, 3:18 AM  

Marita - du musst die Kette nach jedem Mal ziehe wenn du die Kerzen veränderst

find no hint for field übern sector

look below the candels marita

ah danke hab schlüssel


for candles dont forget to pull red chain after each candle code

Hi...got all but last dark grey key. Can anyone tell me where it is please?

I can't make out the pattern for the black and white square

Have you done the pattern on top of the arch
It is the last key
Pattern on Pedestal where the candles rae
Difficult to see

Cool: Look at pattern below candles. The 'legs' are 3 squares down (and up) and not 2. The vertical legs are double lines. Hope this makes sense.

No sorry it doesn't. I've tried all possible lengths and thicknesses, but no luck.

Thanks Joe M and Catqueen. Kept squinting at that shape and couldn't get it. Out at last!


Hope you can understand above

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Thank you .... I could have sworn I tried that one too.
Out now.

Nice game as usual but the pattern was very difficult to make out!

Thanks Joe couldnt have done that without your help

I am stuck at the moving rocks with letters on them. Where is clue for that?

C'mon someone help me please. How do I get red key? Really stuck here.

evans it is on the paper on a post in one of the scenes there are 4 words on the bottom corner. you need to use the rocks to spell those 4 words

Check the paper with the candle pattern

Won't load in FF.

Ran in IE, easy one for him.

for 4 words (hint on paper on a pillar) spoiler

vomjo gdoma mytdu nuagh

I have only 3 skulls, where are the others?

Found them. Last 2 were "gifts"

clicking on candles doesn't do anything. pulling chain says "nothing happened". What to do with skulls on bowl? What is rag for? Thanks

add rag with stick to light candles

where is stick? Thanks. figured out skulls. numbers are which skull to tap 1-5.

stick on right gargoyle (in left view)

found it. out.

       Anonymous  9/25/13, 7:59 AM  

stuck on candles so far light all pull chain, blow out pull chain then stuck.

       Anonymous  9/25/13, 8:00 AM  

then bottom 2 pull chain.

4 "actions" necessary on candles (look at hint on paper on pillar) and pull chain after each action

       Anonymous  9/25/13, 8:03 AM  

ok light all 4 candles pull chain, blow out. pull chain, light bottom 2, pull chain, light top left candle, pull chain.

       Anonymous  9/25/13, 8:05 AM  

the black white code never made sense to me, I just brute forced it.

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Hmmm... WELL I never gave the lady her plant- I was able to use four skulls in the accoustic pit, (5 appeared) and got out without ever doing a plant. Oops?

nice game as always by esklavos

I never gave the lady her plant either and was able to get out. Just curious, where was the plant?

The gargoyles and the candles was a bit tricky, but I managed without peeking for a change! Nice game!

the plant was in gargoyles scene

I did the musical skulls with only four skulls...

I did the musical skulls with only four skulls...

after a lot stragle with candles, finally for the last move, you have to light the 2nd candle, NOT pull the chain yet and blow of the other 2. Then, pull the chain.

light them all, pull chain
blow off, pull chain
light 1st and 3d, pull chain
light 2nd, blow off 1 and 3, pull chain

I cannot figure out how to tap the skulls. I have 54, 21, 24, 21...not 1-5, per se. I tried tapping 5, 4, 2, 1 and so on...then 5x on 4, 2x on 1 and so on...still wondering what to do.

POP, use the bone to tap, not just your mouse LOL.

where is ring? I have searched everywhere, can't get that fifth skull!

I'm looking for the ring too...

Power of POP, used bone on right fire pit.

I liked this game, but I found the candles/pull-ring confusing. Took me 4 or 5 tries to get it right. Also, I had placed the bone in the right firepit early on, but nothing had happened. I finally realized by random clicking, that I had to click the bone again to remove it, in order to get the ring. Still, nice game, beautiful artwork. And thank you for making the gate nice and big this time! :-)

Candles took ages to solve, got first OK, but 2nd no idea - then POP!
took bone out and ring fell out, after doing candles. Plant was hard to find, in the shadows be trees on left scene.

That one was fun and pretty quick!

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Spoiler: To solve the checkerboard, make the pattern seen in the highlighted red symbol displayed on the pedestal that the candles are on.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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