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JBG Riddle Walkthrough

JBG Riddle

JBG Riddle is another free online riddle game made by JBG. "This is my first riddle so I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed creating it." Type your answers in the answer box (no spaces or capitals). If the answer is "George Washington" then you will type "georgewashington" in the answer box to move on to the next level. Also there are no clues in the source, but you might find the names of the pictures in the level helpful at times. Good luck and have fun! [Created and Subbed by JBG]

Note: Please do not post direct answers, hints only!

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I am so excited to play my LIL Anikin's aka(JBG) first riddle, I am sure it will be amazing..... Congrats my friend :P

Thanks for a great riddle, Jbg :)

i thought i had the answer to 2 but d/w

Bone Gut, sometimes what isn't there is more important than what is

Okay, here I go!

3- is the pic on the checker relevant, I hate rebus :(

yes, Queen, name them


your hint was confusing to a slow learner like myself.

Bone Gut, maybe thinking about time will help

For level 2 I thought it was a number because I can't see letters, but no. :c

right way, Verito :)

@verito, You thoughts are correct, now how can you make it so???? Donas put a nice hint above: "sometimes what isn't there is more important than what is"

3rd part of 4: counting isnt the way :( it dosent form words, HELP

Thanks, Donas & Queens but my problem is that I'm stuck with the numbers I got, I already tried entering them plain, converting them to letters, anagramming, etc. etc. lol!

Verito, converting is the way, maybe play around with them a little

are you sure you got all the numbers???

Gotitgotitgotit! I wasn't grouping them right. c:

       Anonymous  9/8/13, 11:06 AM  

I don't get level 2 and have read all the above posts.

In level 2, I'm guessing the space after the first "3" is important?

got it. on to level 3. (finally) clever!

smarties, try reading it like a digital clock

E Presto, all of it is important, not just the space

       Anonymous  9/8/13, 11:11 AM  

Am I trying to make something out of the red lines or the yellow dots without lines?

smarties, use what isn't there

       Anonymous  9/8/13, 11:15 AM  

I don't understand. 'What isn't there' could be anything! I think I may be a bit tired as it's making me irritable! ;-)

       Anonymous  9/8/13, 11:16 AM  

Although I am grateful you're trying to help!

smarties, try drawing to connect the dots where there isn't a red line

@smarties: right now you're looking for 6 "things".

Is level 3 a problem for foreing language people? If it's some expression I have to know I'm so lost. I agree with queens @10:36.

Verito, name both pics and find a connection to the riddle theme

       Anonymous  9/8/13, 11:22 AM  

I wrongly guessed 315231. Am I on even vaguely the right track?

@smarties: For level two, try looking at it like a digital clock so each set of six dots will make one number. "What isn't there" just means where there are no red lines.

       Anonymous  9/8/13, 11:29 AM  

Thanks for persevering with me! I've tried 365318 and 165138. Am I even warm???

Your last set of numbers is correct. Now you need to change them to letters.

       Anonymous  9/8/13, 11:36 AM  

Thank you! Got to go now but will be back!

@smarties: now look at my comment @11:04 if it helps. I need you on level 3 please.

Any more hints for level 3? I'm losing hope. Gender for second pic matters?

Verito, concentrate on finding the right name for their house

@Verito: If it helps then, the first picture is of a "king" in checkers. The second pic is of a ckicken "coop".


       Anonymous  9/8/13, 11:59 AM  

Back! And, good grief, can't work out how to convert to letters! tried anagram solver and it came up with sibbie!

@smarties: don't anagram, I didn't have to in the end.

smarties, you only need 5 letters

Smarties, try reading numbers in a different way

       Anonymous  9/8/13, 12:07 PM  

Argggh - so confused. Couldn't someone just spoil it? I've got 6 correct numbers apparently. Tried converting them according to what they look like. Tried alpha-numeric conversion. Tried anagramming both options. And now apparently I need only 5 of them...

Too bad I still can't figure out level 3. I don't know what else to google. :c

       Anonymous  9/8/13, 12:09 PM  

Ok. Just tried random words that looked similar... peach????

Smarties, you need all 6 digits, but only 5 numbers

I got the same numbers as smarties: 165138, so the letters would be igsi?b...I can't figure out what letter the 3 is. And then I just read that there are only 5 letters now? I'm confused...

yay! smarties

Is the 3 supposed to be a backwards E?

Zoe, the 3 is C

Zoe, don't read the numbers as letters, I tried that too for a bit though

@zoe: just the most typical alphanumeric conversion. Just keep in mind some numbers may not have just 1 digit.

Am I looking for just 1 word? (Level 3.)

       Anonymous  9/8/13, 12:16 PM  

Ok. Thanks for bearing with me. Gotta go.Will look back tomorrow and see how I do. Normally ok after one stinker round but, sorry Veritas, can't see an obvious answer to the king/coop thing.

Does the word "special" relate to the answer in any way?

I thought I had found connection between pictures and game in level 3, but it didn't work

       Anonymous  9/8/13, 12:17 PM  

Zoe - it's not 1 + 6 + 5... , it's 16 + 5 + ...

Zoe you don't need the special to find the answer

OOOOHHHHHH! I see it NOW! That's why there are only five!

On to king checkers and chicken coop...oh dear...

I'm thinking: King of chicken - colonel sanders???

level 3 : I thought the king in checkers had a long ***** and the chickens, because not in cages look free *****, am I way off track?

E Presto: I mean "nope" it isn't colonel sanders, not nope you are right or wrong...

Zoe, right track, don't forget to relate it to the Mario theme

Red kings as in crabs?

Thanks Zoe

Thanks for the riddle Jbg.
Stuck now on the 4th part of level 4.
Do I need the previous pics in some way or is it just an alphabet trick?

Small-tool, maybe you should read the previous text

I've tried kentuckyfriedchicken and kfc - nope.

@Donas - the mario theme???

Zoe, your first thought "On to king checkers and chicken coop...oh dear..."

annaby, yes mario theme

onto level 5 :)

4 made me feel stupid

Thank Donas have a 4 letter word now, but no answer box. So went back and tried it there but no go. Also not with adding it to the previous answer!?

lol - sorry, but when did Mario get into the picture?

I'm even more confused now. Mario? Am I looking for more than one word?

annaby, the cactus in the first level is from Mario

Verito, 2 words, and it is a rebus, so spelling can change

I GOT it! It is mario themed!!!

ROFL - I'm culturally challenged. How many of you knew the cactus is from mario? :D :D

Hm. no idea what I'm doing wrong on level 5.
I'm pretty sure I counted the correct things, but doesn't matter how I word the answer it doesn't work.

how clever, JBG!!!

404. Sorry, we can't seem to find that page,

not a good start :(

thankyou for the two word hint, I didn't know the cactus Annaby!

Thanks for the riddle JBG, but I'm afraid my last encounter with Mario was 30 years ago. Have fun everyone :)

Small-tool, try saying it out loud and count

Jools, where do you need help?

I googled Mario characters....

Thanks Donas, got it, solved level 5 now but I think there's a mistake there. There shouldn't be a space between king and boo, makes it very hard to understand.

level 4 also has a picture of mario on the minesweeper game.

are still on 4 Zoe?

Well....I watched a video on Youtube with mario tiptoeing through the tulips sung by Tiny Tim! I'm going nowhere with this :-)

For 4, Jbg's first rule of riddling is to always look for hidden text :)

Something to do with the lines on the minesweeper game and there's "something else to see", but I'm not seeing it.

Can anyone take pitty on me and give a more obvious hint for level 3? Rofl. Please.

Verito, google Mario King Coop and see what comes up that is similar. you only need the last name

The maker already posted:
the first picture is of a "king" in checkers. The second pic is of a ckicken "coop".

So try those two words plus the letter from the pic name and C might become a K.

Verito: Have you ever played Super Mario brothers games?

I am on part 3 of 4 now

So for 4. I think the answer is somewhere in the text above, but I'm not seeing it. My knowledge of riddle games is FAR from "vast"

E Presto: there are parts to level 4?

Zoe, have you found the 4th page?

I notice that on the minesweeper picture, one of the columns has only 6 boxes across, and the other three columns have 7 boxes. Is this a clue???

Thanks a lot!

Zoe, that's not important

E Presto: no. I don't even know what to do on the first page with the minesweeper with lines pic

well the minesweeper is still there, so I'm guessing it's in parts

Zoe, try highlighting the page for hidden text

find something hiding on the page Zoe

I tried looking at every 4th word (because it's the 4th level) in the text, but that's not it. I tried looking at every 4th word in each sentence, but some sentences are less than 4 words...

do we need paint for 3rd part of 4?

E Presto, it might help, try to read 4 letters

You know...that is FUNNY - I highlighted just the text to see if there was anything there - you have to highlight the PAGE!!!!


ZOE you can Control A hidden message in the page so it shows

Hm. Decoded the message on level 7, but now I guess I have to Google again, something Mario related again?

Thanks E Presto - didn't know that

Small-tool, remember that first rule?

To read it must I do something first in relation with the numbers in the text?

still on part 3 of 4 btw

No, E Presto, just read the 4 letters from the pic

@Zoe: something, almost 30 years ago! On a 64k comp :D I'm an elderly person.

thanks Donas

Yeah, Verito, same with me. I just googled mario characters to come up with the answer for level 3. First I looked for the word "king" and the rest is clear as daylight!!

However, on level 4, I thought the answer was bowser, but it's not. Now I'm really confused

Zoe if you are on the very first part of level 4 you have to Google. It starts with W.

I don't see any hints standing out on level 8 :(
No idea if the bold words are a hint, how to use them.

Zoe, for 4, be sure you are looking at Super Mario Bros. 2

Small-tool, the bold words aren't important, try counting

I watched the final scene played on SMB 2, and it sure looks like bowser to me! I'm feeling stupid like someone above said after figuring out level 4. I'm probably over-thinking it.

Zoe, look for King W***, but don't use king

Thanks Donas. I got it, but still don't see that character in Super Mario 2. Was it supposed to be Super Mario 3?

No Zoe, it should be in 2

not sure what to do on level 6

I'm in a level with a big green head and nothing else. Is this part of the previous level? I don't see hints here above either.

E Presto, try counting

sorry I meant level 5 part 2

same place as verito

No, it's Super Mario 2 - I just read about the character. I'm too old for this, I think - lol.

And stuck again on level 9 :(
Is it just numbers make letters?

level 5 has 2 parts, name what the pic is and combine it with your first answer

this time I really am on level 6!

Oh, for second part of level 5 write again first answer and add second part.

are the bold capital letters a red herring?

I got the first part of the end of level 4 but it's only half of the answer. I don't get the cozy + 3-4+5-6 hint for the second word

E Presto, no not a red herring, they are needed

@small-tool, how to use the items in level 8? Apply to text?

that's when the numbers in text become useful Zoe

Nope E Presto, not a red herring.
The letters won't make a word, you have to use them differentlt. Count!

@Zoe, those come from the text on the previous screen you solved.

Verito - finally figured it out. wow.

Hey - I got level 5 myself!!!

Maybe I'm not too old...haha

The first picture on Level six looks like a mushroom, but that's wrong...how do I look up that picture?

Zoe, I think that is the second part of level 5

Zoe, if you google mario with the pic name you should find it

For level 11. Do I need a program like Paint or so? And make the top islands as big as the bottom island and overlap them?

It's a 1-up mushroom...do I spell it out?

Zoe, what does it give you? use your answer from the first part with it (remember that cute Mario cat?)

In the Mario game that means something. Google it and add it to your previous answer.

Small-tool, no need for paint, look for a pattern to know how to pick letters

oh...extra life...duh...

E Presto - did you get past level 6 (the real one!)? I need a hint...

For level 6 Count (where they are).

yes, where are the special letters?

I got 7165144, but that's wrong.

you must count from beginning of each line (1st is 23 i think)

have to go now, good luck everybody

Bye - thanks for al lthe help!

Pfew finally finished. Thanks for the fun Jbg, very good job on your first riddle, looking forward to next :)

231181811420 doesn't work (I counted 3 times - level 6 with bold letters) Is there something else I have to add to this?

23 would be W.
Now a bit of trial and error to find the other letters, but it's no anagram.

Thanks small-tool. I should have figured it would be a word!

Just to make it clear. The answer is always a word in this riddle. If the answer turns out to be a number then it would be spelled out as a word. :)

jbg - lol - I guess I'm just beginning to get that! I'm sitting here staring and staring at level 7 like a zombie. I see the hidden "clue" but it's not coming out of the fog in my brain. Now I am sure that it is a word - lol!!

Keyboard! And again numbers to letters.

I'm also there, Zoe, thank you for keeping me company lol.

Zoe: lol, I probably should have mentioned that it should be a word and not numbers in the instructions.

For level 7, if it looks like it isn't forming a word, just keep going and then ask granmaa for help. :)

I think I have a different keyboard! D:

@Verito: qwerty keyboard needs to be used.

By the way please don't hate me for level 7. It didn't start out being so much work. :)

WOW!!Thank you Jbg !!

Hi Verito - me too you!

So far I have:
heababae aefficeah i aac b?he

for my symbols (numbers) transferred to letters. I'm thinking I just don't know this language :-D

I'm actually getting the giggles trying to figure this one out!!

Zoe, it's no anagram, so maybe make 1212 not abab but 12 12 etc.

@Zoe: abab can also be written as just 2 letters and ae can be written as just one letter:)

Oh...I guess I DO know this language after all!!


Zoe, I've found that ^ is 6, 7 is &, * is 8...

I have a qwerty keyboard but the special characters are all different.

Then I started doing with the numbers like in the "special" level when we started but now I don't know what to do with the hidden text.

Use the hidden text on the text you just translated/converted.

The %:# part is difficult, I don't know what to do. I've been staring at it for a while.

@Verito: Sorry I didn't realize there were different versions of QWERTY. I should have said use the standard US QWERTY keyboard.

For the hidden text, use it to pick letters. :)

Verito, that would be 5:3


5:3 is e:c
2:5 is b:e
4:3 is d:e
4:1 is d:a
9:6 is i:f
4:2 is d:b
2:7 is b:g
3:1 is c:a and
1:4 is a:d

what does this mean?

Oops, nope Zoe. That part remains numbers. (5th word 3rd letter etc.)

Ohh, and then anagram! @jbg: @%!%@! !!*% !#%!!$ (jks, I like you). :D

May I have a push on 8...have tried counting..but not sure what I am counting...or with what??

Dee cee,

@Small-tool: look at the number of comments already.

lol, Verito. I hope you don't hate me too much. :)

Ok, so if I am to assume that this is going to be a 9-letter word, the third letter of that word is 4:3, or fourth word, third letter. According to my sentence, the fourth word has only two letters in it. I am officially obsessed with this game!!

Indeed Verito, so here it goes:

Getting close to 200 comments, so soon the new comments will be on the next page

You made one little mistake Zoe, your 4:3 should be 7:3

@Zoe, I'm glad you're, thanks for keeping me company here. 9 is 9th word.

@jbg: naah, I love you for making the game. Btw, how many levels are there?

So have been counting barrels, assigning different values to them..but still not getting a word

Ok, I'm just going to make a fool of myself (again) and say this is the word I got after checking 6 times!!!


what is WRONG with me!!

Verito - I think I may have one or two hairs left on my head - lol!

@Verito: There are 12 levels.

@Zoe: Nothing is wrong with you. Your letters are just rearranged a little. :)

dee cee, look at your numbers, only 1 value for answer ;)

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