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Light Hall Escape Walkthrough

Light Hall Escape

EnaGames - Light Hall Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. Assume you are inside this Light Hall. It's a great challenge for you, search for the available clues and objects and try to escape from there. Lets see how good are you in this escape game. Good luck and have fun!

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Key from vase downstairs is used upstairs and key you get from that is used downstairs.
Time on thingy on table downstairs is used as code upstairs.

Stuck with what looks light a knife but no where to use it. Thought it would open the pack of balloons but no ...............

Scissors open the bag of balloons. Somewhere upstairs it was I think in a drawer you didn't need a key for.

No idea what to do with the balloon, the brush like thing and the screwdriver like thing. Don't see a hint for the letter/word code :(

Doh, thanks ST

Same place as you ............

Hot spot on computer but cant find what to do there either

Stuck with you small-tool

the brush ?? u mean what i thought it's a flashlight or a knob ??

I think the 'brush like thing' might be for blowing up the balloon?

I think it is a dart to pop the balloon when we blow it up

We are going to need a power cord for the computer

The brush like thing is a knife and is used to cut the glass away upstairs where the light bulbs go.

The knife is a glass cutter - use upstairs

Missing first light bulb. I think the bulbs will give the word code.

Out..nice game

Finally found last bulb and out

Some drawers don't need key to open.

thanx guys !

Lol, doh as well. First light bulb was in a drawer upstairs.

Thank you SueinSpain, the glass cutter hint was fabulous

Lol, the brush wasn't a brush but a knife and the screwdriver wasn't a screwdriver but a thing to attach to the pump.



- Get the two lightbulbs on the ceiling
- Get the lightbulb on the table
- Get the vase on the shelf (3rd from the left)
- Click the pannel above the glass door for a lightbulb
- Check the phone on the table, click on the black square and note the code


- get the lightbulb on the table
- click the left cabinet, open the drawer, get scissors
- click the right cabinet, open the drawer, get lightbulb
- Enter the phone's code on the clock (1245), get glasscutter
- Click the paint, count the birds facing each direction
- Click on the grey vase in your inventory, click on the vase again, get black key
- Use black key on the cabinet's glass door get book
- Enter the bird's code (3 facing right and 9 facing left, get pump part (1/2)
- Use glasscutter on the thing above the TV, place each lightbulbs, flip th switch, note the code


- Click on the book in your inventory, click on the book again, get red key
- Use the red key on the safe next to the computer, get pack of balloons
- Enter the lightbulb's code (zyxwvu) on the table, get pump part 2/2
- Click on the pack of balloons, use scissors, get blue balloon
- Click on pump part 2/2, add pump part 1/2 and blue balloon, note the code


- Enter balloon's code (6566) on the left cabinet, get powerchord


- Plug the computer using the powerchord, flip the swhitch, open the CD drive, get black key


- Use the black key on the door


great wt animaphagus
This was the first ever ena games to make even a semblance of sense.

Thanks Animaphagus.

This was a fun one!

COOL! I am out, and didn't have to get help for once! lol Awesome game!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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