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Dudefish Episode 1 Walkthrough

Dudefish Episode 1

Dude Fish Episode 1 is another point and click adventure game by PerfectlyParanormal. You play as Dudefish, a guy that suddenly wakes up under the sea as a fish. Suffering from a bad case of bird phobia and goldfish memory he has to find out what happened to his glorious mammal attributes and find a way to get back to land. This is the first episode of a series of three games. Good luck and have fun!

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Very slow loading....

Bahh so much bah bla and always loading ....

I am giving up thisone, no fun at all...

picked up some stuff and if you press space you can speed up the dialogue. but I am stuck on the first screen and need to go to some store.

Move your cursor around the edges of the screen, you'll get a red arrow, there you can access new screens. I do agree with Zazie, a lot of dialogue.

Way too much talking. stuck at the seagull, anyone get past it?

I think you need to change your color because the seagulls attack orange things.

I have made the cigarette but need a filter to finish it off.

It's a bit slow and boring and I hate having to wait for each scene to load. Giving up.

I have a cigarette without a filter, terms and agreement (used) Liquid courage (drank) fork and glass of slime, but are now stuck and seemed to be playing by myself. Any help would be appreciated.

not sure how much longer I'm gonna play this.....I don't like all the dialogue, or the swearing.....to combine things, use the yelllow squares in the inventory

The scenes usually load faster after you have been there before.

did you go to the graveyard?
try mixing a drink at the bar

went to graveyard, got drink menu, game froze ....may try to restart

how did you find out the grudge?

guessed....it's the toothbrush

Perfectly Paranormal here. If you are having trouble with loading times, the game can be downloaded at our site http://perfectlyparanormal.com/paranormal-projects/dudefish/ . Insant loading on new screens. No need to wait at all. Also, skip dialogue with the Space button. If you are stuck on the first screen, remeber to talk to Fred about everything.

Thanks PP.....the only trouble I had was the game freezing on me twice....once in the graveyard, and once when I came back from the docks...luckily the second time I was able to continue the game....was actually kinda fun....:D

How can I get the Liquid Courage away from the fish on the toilet? Also, how can I get a filter for the cigarette? Any help would be very appreciated.

I played all Ainars game and this is at 27% loading :( I hope that with new link is more fast :(

wow... i noticed now... Download for linux :-o someone remember that exist also linux as operative sistem :) thx :D

Takes too long to load to play online - gave up at 25%, and I never download games. Goodbye for me.

How do I get rid of Larry? The toothbrush answer does not work.

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 7:55 AM  

What are the answers to Larry's questions??? Someone please post a walkthrough. I'm going nuts!

I was really excited about this game but it is too slow playing and the options in the bar for the mixed drink seem infinite. What is the correct drink that will change my colour and enable me to continue?

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 8:38 AM  

Gotta dig up the drink menu in the graveyard, Tania. Scare Larry away.

But how do i get to the graveyard? I look on every scene and couldn't find a different arrow!

Nevermind, found the cemetary under the left side of statue...

hi, what are the correct serie of answers for Larry ?

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 9:17 AM  

Talk to the bartender and keep asking him about Larry. You will notice key words, missud.

ok for this, about the eyes, but the reason ?

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 9:27 AM  

Larry keeps mumbling about a toothbrush in his sleep. :)

I spoke to eel and they said I should scare the gravekeeper by using his boss but I can't scare him - no option in menu so I am missing essential step. This game is SO frustrating!

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 9:31 AM  

Viper, please post how you got slime and liquid courage. I'm stuck! :(

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 9:32 AM  

Tania, Larry says he sees Squidsteen's "ghost" shadow sometimes. Notice the big Squidsteen statue right outside the cemetary, and that nice flat rock that can hold your lamp right next to the statue? :) Now go scare him!

slime by drinking a saltwater glass and placing the empty glass
in the toilets

I give up, this game is not worth so many hours, really stupid development of a very good idea. Would have loved to find out how the story ends but I hate the scene changes - why can't they simply go right and left or up and down like normal games? Why not have a save button that it is our choice to save or not? I am sure people put in a lot of hours designing this game but they didn't think much of the end user :(

Tania, you know you can download it ?
it works better

There is not enough information to proceed. For example, where the heck do I get a lamp which I need to scare Larry? I am fed up going back and forth hoping for inspiration!

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 9:47 AM  

Where the hell do I get a filter for the cigarette?

finally, Larry is dead, so I found a recipe, but it's incomplete

and so I'm stuck again

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 10:13 AM  

missud, just make the first two drink on the list. That's all you need.

thanks, I'll try it

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 10:20 AM  

How do I get liquid courage? This game is nuts.

I've made green paint

now I'm a green fish :)
and larry changed his color too, the seagull will appreciate

missud philippe can you tell me where to find the lantern so I can proceed? I still haven't scared Larry...

the lantern is in Omar's shop

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 10:52 AM  

I think the lantern was in Omar's shop, Tania.

pff..I can't make seagull come

Just go up to him missud :)

up on him ? but it won't comes since I'm green

and if I become orange, it will try to eat me

isn't it ?

Try swimming to the surface of the water.

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 11:02 AM  

Ozan, I think we need Liquid Courage first. How do we get it from the drunk in the bathroom?

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 11:03 AM  

Nevermind! Got it!

       Anonymous  10/23/13, 11:09 AM  

Done! Can't wait to toture myself with part 2!

I can't swim to the surface, I'm afraid of birds

how did you got it jackie cheng ?

ah sounds like you need some courage then :D

I know, but how ?

Can't take the liquid courage :(

Why can't people who have progressed in the game give others hints even if they think it is self explanatory? Seriously the way some people act in here it is not cool. I am going to throw my toys off the pram in a minute!

Ok - figured out liquid courage - you have to have the full (both pieces) Terms and Agreements. (first piece in Omar's in book - far right. Second piece next to the drunk - keep clicking)
Then read them to the drunk - he'll go to sleep.

Thank you Kathy. Now I got cigarette butt but it won't combine with seaweed, argh!

Ok - and I JUST figured out this one - you need both green and white seaweed - combine for unfiltered cigarette and then add butt. (Green seaweed is in shipwreck scene - can't remember where white was.)

Thanks again Kathy. White seaweed is in same scene as green one, i.e. starting scene.

After that, get the watch, combine it with the fork for battery... and give battery to Omar.

finished, this game is so cute !

I hope the second part will come fast

Oh my goodness, that was one hard game and full of frustrations. But the story was good and humorous, it is just the execution that has failed. Loved the graphics, for what it's worth. Please make it better on the sequel!

cant figure out how to turn another color

you have to go to the barcuncumber and talk to the barmaid
with the list og ingredients found in the grave

YAY! Finished!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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