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OPAS Escape Walkthrough

OPAS Escape

Hilgreed - OPAS Escape is another room escape game developed by Hilgreed. In this game, you must find some items and solve puzzles to escape the room. Currently, there is no English version of the game. Good luck and have fun!

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stuck upstairs with wine bottle and a transparent film.

in with alternative link, hope no language barrier :)

Hope I could understand what phone says when I hit rec/play.

BF'd 3 symbols on small window but sisn´t help much.

* didn't lol

       Anonymous  10/12/13, 7:04 AM  

A corkscrew and that's all.

stuck downstairs with a bottle of wine and remote

       Anonymous  10/12/13, 7:06 AM  

I found a wine bottle on a chair.
Letters on tables : V A L M E T

my corkscrew now is a stick... and stuck with it and an open wine bottle.... where is remote???

use sd under clock.

remote is in the bottom of the clock

A key!! on wheel of the cart

remote or phone - not sure yet

this is getting boring, click, click, click.....nothing

there is a book behind the silver box

open box with key from under chart
get a cigar and found a part of SD inside it
take apart corkscrew handle from drawer and combine with the SD part.
Use it under clock.
get remote from under bear.
Look at both pics and you can use remote on clock.
Insert time and get disc.
Insert disc on blue squares on the wall and put code.
Now you can go upstairs.

       Anonymous  10/12/13, 7:17 AM  


Yes, exactly. Boring random clicking.

we need a number code for use remote/phone... I see only letter and machine near the door doesn't work in this moment, we need something for use it, and also for use that "bread" on shelf....

"work diary" in english but inside book is all japanese. :(

       Anonymous  10/12/13, 7:19 AM  

Don't quite understand how to use remote on clock. Have seen summer and rabbit picture - is that what you meant? Nothing doing with remote.

wow... entusiastic.... :(

You can get a red thing upstairs to use on white thing downstairs and take a code film sheet.

zoom in on clock dial and you can use remote.

       Anonymous  10/12/13, 7:22 AM  

Oh, I see. Don't 'open' remote in inventory, just have it highlighted and click on clock.

       Anonymous  10/12/13, 7:25 AM  

Thanks Roberto.

Could you leave a clue for the digit code? Have only seen letter clues, not numbers.

interesting... phone speaks japanese :( but i cannot understand it :( I fear a little language barrier hope the text allow only us to do something an not proprely an hint :(

code is behind disk

the digit cod of clock is very very easy... you have clock and remote side by side and u can read the time on clock...

Don´t understand those times for 3 symbols code. Tried using paper code on clock but can´t solve it.

       Anonymous  10/12/13, 7:30 AM  

Thanks again - had placed disc without inspecting it first!

Where is upstairs and where to put disk ?

upstairs in at the end of tables corridor. put disk on blue squares on wall.

POP use disk and code on blue wall pattern

Thx Roberto, i am upstairs now, but no idea for the phone.

I poured my wine on small window (3 symbols) and I can see some very faint letters CCA?

The grid pattern must have to do with Summer and rabbit, missing the third word.

you can look outside, upstairs, under the big sign...#3 and #4

What is the sequence for the 3 patterns upstairs ?

window code: circle, square, triangle

the 3rd word you can see somewher in the middle of the stairs up

Thx again Roberto, i read CCAI or CCAT ?

film goes on clock, just havent figured out the numbers yet

Thx Antonia found it.

Maybe CCAP? or CCAR?

Ok. I managed to call, but nobody is answering

What did you dial ?

Opened the 3 words panel

How Roberto?

I entered the numbers of the 3 words but answers are in japanese.

something red on chair...and can not zoom at small window

combine the 3 words with valmet from tables and highlight only common letters.
Remember the 3 rows are 132 from top to bottom.

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Wrong allert, sorry.


Should we click all the common letters. i.e. 2 Ms, 2 Es?

Doesn´t work yet....

Now I have a telephone number and what's next?


so click the place of M and the place of E

Zazile, click 3-V, 2-A,3-L, 1-M(2nd),1-E (for this I'm not sure), 2-T

I have a part of a gun and looked into a office telephone. But I only can see a grey display.

Roberto, how did you get it?

Ah got a card

What about the sheet and clock?

Antonia I try but don't works for me :(

if I look outside to the #3 with the telescop-thing I cannot see any number, only a remote

dial #3 and use gun sight on left cabin outside.

Still can´t open the panel, grrr
1st row, 4 and 5
2nd row 5
3rd row 1 2 3
What is wrong ?

Don't know what to do with my card now.

Zazie 2nd row 2 - 5 but doesn't work for me :(

There is a secret safe in floor, when I tried to go back down the stairs.

I meant 2nd row 2 and 6

Zazie, the book told us to use the rows 1+3+2

2nd row: 1, 3
3rd row: 2,6

The problem is that I can not put the wine

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Zazie, you have to wright the word VALMET

what book??? where is this book????

Oh Roberto, this was my mistake, i entered the false words in the rows 2 and 3.

zazie, it's vAlmet, not vElmet

Would somebody share how to get the tel no.?

Sisli, poor the wine in the pool outside the little window

Amarantomar, the book is downstairs behind the machine.

Got a jar with honey from stairs

Roberto, how did you discovered the number for the phone?

the book is behind the silver box downstairs

Sorry! Sometimes it's better to refresh the comments:)

Hey I can see were still LIVE! Been quite a while since Hilgreed disappeared from the scene for a long time...

on the phone dial #3 while it's ringing, look out the window with scope into the open door and zoom on ipod - that will give you the safe number to get card

key from honey!!!! thank you Zazie!

grrrrrrr .... doesn't work!!! I try 132, reverse code... grrrrrrrr

Thanks, Snoff! And out

Amarantomar, what doesn't work?

I have to leave, will finish later.
How did you open honey ? Please leave some hints lol....

Antonia, how dit you get out?

inspect the honey first, give it to the black teddy, take it back and inspect it again

Antonia my pat is (x= grey)


but no click :(

And in the end the letters were CCAT.

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The only thing I didn't understand in this game was the 3 symbols code.

Roberto, I don't understand. I have the card. What do I do with it?

Amarantomar, as I said you have to wrhith the wird VALMET, look at my comment in 8.07 and follow the pattern

got it... on my pat (see up) o= gray, x= white and now works :D

(leave comment for who play ufter us :D )

HendrikVeder, insert in the mochine downstairs and enter the code CCAT


if I remember right, so x=white

Give bear the honey and get the green key.
Go upstairs and close the hatch. You'll see a safe. Use key on it and switch it on. This way you turn on machine downstairs.
Use the card on it and input the letters from window.

Antonia, if you mean the grey machine near the door, then my card is nog accepted.

I put in disk and entered code, but still can't go upstairs. I can't zoom on thing where I put disk anymore either. Is there something I need to do first? I've already found the book and looked at all the pages.

HendrikVeder, did you find the safe in hatch upstairs?

Prufrock, the ladder is at the end of the hallway, not behind the door

POP! I just found the ladder and the honey jar. Thanks though, black dusseldörf.

What is the phone number please?

Antonia, the only safe I found was the one in the cb.

try to close the hatch bevor you go downstairs, there is a second safe

Wow! Finaly! Thanks Antonia and all the others.

AHHH in case anyone missed it, the red (?) cushion(?) goes into the little machine that looks as if there's some kind of pad mounted on it.

gives symbol clue sheet...hmmm

to find it, go downstairs where you inserted the disc, and then straight to the wall opposite the entrance (?) diior.

for telephone number look at post from Snoff at 8:21 AM ...

And now I finally know how you got the VALMET word!! This is a bit tricky too: you can select one of the tables and switch through them as if on a picture slideshow, left and right.

Great game :D

yeah, Hilgreed quality

Finally out! But still don't understand why dialing #3. Where is the hint?

@tautau maybe the narrow window you can look thru upstairs? :)

(I should be more specific, I mean the one below the whiteboard with the Japanese written on it)

outside there are two safety positions number 3 and number 4 are marked on the ground
if you look through the telescope you will see that the number 3 is open and there is a phone
so your marks # 3 to call the office and see your number in the phone

Thanks Sisli!!

"指差し確認 レッツゴー" translated as "Pointing and calling. Let's go"

...where "let's go" is even spelt out literally (rettsu-go) :)

What made the windows under the sign appear? They weren't there before. And I can't pour wine, but I might be able to make out the letters. Is there something I need to do to pour it? Yes, it's open.

Why am I the only one who can't finish? I have the card, I know the letters (but it won't let me pour the wine), I flipped the hidden switch, but I can't put card in the machine. I can't even zoom in on it.

       Anonymous  10/12/13, 9:55 AM  

Late to the party....did the disk and entered the code into the blue wall decor, it made a noise but I can't open the door....boo-hoo! :(

       Anonymous  10/12/13, 10:01 AM  

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Upstairs is where I found honey!

*POP* maybe I should scroll back up and read better!

Must have been buggy or doesn't like if you don't do things in exactly the right order. I replayed and was able to pour wine, turn on machine etc. Maybe it didn't like that I turned the switch as soon as I got the key before. This time I didn't turn it until just before leaving.

I just came back and finished the game, i think this game was really cool !!!! Thx for the honey/bear hint !

My honey was on the first step downstairs.

for 3 symbols code on the window (attention, bad english :D) :
look in the book, you can see 3 symbols with 3 clock times:
X 5:45
upsidedown triangle 7:10
double circle 4:55

go to clock, put transparent film on it, you can move film.
if you put X on 5, circle is on 9 (5:45), so first symbol is circle.
put upsidedown triangle on 7, square is on 2 (7:10)
put double circle on 4, triangle is on 11 (4:55).
so code is
circle square triangle.

       Anonymous  10/12/13, 11:13 AM  

Okay, I refreshed the game thinking the same as Prufrock and I still can't see out window and have yet to find some red thing that's on a chair somewhere........I typically enjoy Hilgreed A LOT but this one? Not so much. :(

Thanks mirco. I didn't realize I could move the film.

Can somebody tell me how to do with the clock? someone saig phone and clock side b y side. I can't do that.And what time is 1 summer, 2 rabbits?

Ok, I put hour on clock, have got disc, and there is a number in it. Now, where I put that number? I can't do anything, there is something I don't know? Help me, please.

For the clock :
Highlight the remote thingy and click the clock, remote will be left of clock. Enter 12:15 (i think it was) ..the time you see on the clock. And then push enter or so.

for disk: There is a blue wall pattern left of silver machine, put disk there and enter code as well above disk. This should get you further.

You have to pour wine on window upstairs before the machine for card works ..This game was do the right thing in order or you're stuck .

       Anonymous  10/12/13, 4:16 PM  

Buggy page. I have an ad covering up the left quarter of the game screen. That happened the first few times I played but it went away when I started the game. Now it won't go away and I'm no further ahead. Still can't see out of window with the rifle sight and still no "red thing found on chair"

I give up!

Try a different browser , and the red thing on chair was the desk thAT you face click the left arm of it (your left) take it to the box down stairs and you get transparent thing for clock that lets you do the circle, square, triangle and looking out the window

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Exactly, it's the POSITION that matters to get the red cushion.

You must be facing the phone (but NOT have zoomed on it), then click like a mad person on the seat of the chair, must be somewhere there.

Gayle, I guess you had tried from the desk's rear side, where the drawers are. This won't work.

I'm pretty disappointed in the wine bug. Hilgreed's games don't usually have bugs like that. I've played the game twice and my wine will not pour into the basin outside the small window. I don't know if I am opening it too early (both times when I got the bottle, hey, red wine is supposed to breathe) so I'm going to try one more time, not opening the bottle until I have to use it. But things like this shouldn't happen. :/

I oepend the bottle immediately after i found it. And it worked on ouside window later.

       Anonymous  10/13/13, 2:56 AM  

Thank you game-makers for having a save button. Could pick up where I left off. And thank you Roberto et al for the clues; needed them... a lot!

Yes I second that. Great job Roberto! You're one in a million amongst those "Hey I found XYZ!" "Hey I'm upstairs!" "Hey I got _the box_ open!" shouters.

@Andrea, you need to pour the wine when pool is still filled.

For the switch on the floor, Left = Fill, Right = Empty.

So if you've already switched it to the right, move it back to the left, pour the wine, and then switch it to the right to empty the pool and see the words.

I got stuck at the end yesterday with the last code. I was fairly sure that it wasn't a bug, but i wasn't doing something right. Thanks to mhtyhr's explanation i was able to FINALLY get out! If there had been English it wouldn't have been a problem. They do make challenging games.

@mhthyr, you are da bomb! I thought the switch had to do with opening the windows under the large white picture!

       Anonymous  10/13/13, 11:50 AM  

Well I got upstairs and got a rifle scope, beyond that I am stumped...

       Anonymous  10/13/13, 11:53 AM  

Got towel off arm of chair upstairs used on white stone thing to get diagram of some sort, no idea what to do.

       Anonymous  10/13/13, 11:56 AM  

What 3 symbols are needed on window?

       Anonymous  10/13/13, 12:10 PM  

Okay, I found roberto code for window, no idea how you got that, poured wine got CCAT in purple, from someone else's clue I finally got to understanding that the phone rings if you click #3 I was looking for a seven digit number, used scope to get number on iphone in tower 3 outside 363-9999

       Anonymous  10/13/13, 12:16 PM  

used iphone number on safe in cupboard upstairs which I couldn't open til now, alot of things it seems don't work until you do other stuff, got the black card.

       Anonymous  10/13/13, 12:26 PM  

Got out, after I got honey off 1st step of ladder going upstairs, gave to bear to open to get green key, upstairs used green key and flicked switch, downstairs used card and ccat on machine and out.

       Anonymous  10/14/13, 8:47 AM  

where is the ‘chart’?

Blom I guess Roberto means a CART which actually is a tea trolley...

over and out

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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