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Quest of Dororo Walkthrough

Quest of Dororo

Quest of Dororo is a new online riddle game with a simple gameplay: read all the hints and provide the correct answer. The riddles are at random difficulty - this means that you will not go from easy to hard: you may find first 10 riddles easy, next 5 extremely harder, then next 5 medium difficulty etc. Solutions of the riddles are not similar - means that you will have to dig through different domains to find the right answer. You can read more on the game Hints page. Good luck and have fun riddling! [Created and subbed by Dororo]

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Ha! We're there! But we still have a loooooong way to go.. btw, what is your name in the hall of fame? It's not Verito for sure lol

"Veri" right next to yours! There are so many levels ahead but we can do them!

Yeah... but 1st level 23.. GOD I dunno what to think anymore! Where are the other players when we need them?

Yes, anyone playing silently is welcome to share ideas here. We're so stuck going round in circles over the same thoughts. Help, please.

I'm here with you :)
Thought there might be a cipher or alphabet with heads and directions, but didn't find any
even thought of the band one direction lol
still lost...

http://www.reallusion.com/iclone/help/3DXchange5/Images/Setting_Jaw_Movement_00.jpg - this url has nothing to do with the solution. but is just a hint to the source hint

Thanks Blogger
I'm assuming we have to use the opposite of what the head is showing. So if the head points downwards we have to go upwards and viceversa. Am I right?

wrong direction not always means opposite one; but if you think too hard and too deep w/o any luck maybe is time to go back :P

I would say opposite is misleading just do what the pics say

I'm thinking than wrong direction means that we should take sides (left & right) from heads point of view.
But don't know what to do with it...

Oh, got it!
Notice that first head is just tilted, not turned

when you are talking at phone and you have both hands busy how are you holding your phone? whats the name of that position... Any Way Good Luck

i think the first pic was vague. tilted...? really!

any extra help for 24?

if that is poem one just use what is after all of it

hehe --what??

after ear .....

And I'm back nd just into 24! 23 was not that hard.. just had 1 letter wrong (1st pic) lol Thx Leven!

"if that is poem one...."
Is there a poem two?

or "if that (the text) is [a] poem[comma] one just use..."

or "if THAT (the word) is [a] poem..."

i really cant get you, man! some helpful grammar please? Anyone?

Ow Jimmy.. I'm on 24 too.. I tried the obvious: taking everyletter after "ear", that would give us "s e s t" .. anagramming doesn't help at all

I'm back here, on level 24!

try more than every letter after EAR

I tried 2 letters and 3 letters as well mtatt100

Ear, bear, appear, clear?

Try more lol
anyways could use some help on 31 thought one time pad but don't work

yeah Verito..

ok got it but didnt like it. answer is 4 full words. no relation at all.

really? no anagramming was needed? damn! lvl 25

Ohh! Me too was trying to find something else out of those words!

Any help on 25? lol It seems so simple but I can't get it. Tried Milky Way, Triangulum, latin names, some stars like Canis Major Dwarf and Sagittarius... .. >_<

Nini, it's a constellation Right next to that one!

Yeah... I'm searching constellations right now Verito!

And 26 :) Let's see..

What do you see?

What lvl are u Verito? I'm working on the capitals right now

i see that some dudes stopped at 32. heh! :)

I see what I have to see but I don't know what could be the answer.

Verito 3 hens 3 letters. Replace

So on 28, I'm trying to get from one capital to another by using google maps and then taking the 1st letter of the capital of each country I pass.. not working!

Oh, I was removing, not replacing. Got it now. On 27.

I'm stuck on 28 too :)
Maybe we should use somehow "dancing" clue...

hmm I'm gonna do some image overlapping..

Oh, 28 is from my country! The 1st letter is right, Nini. But the capitals you're picking you have to change. Look at the image of the level.

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and got it!

lol lvl 29 is really easy (1 letter only)

I was left behind :(
still on 23. Is it a 4 letter word?
Don't know how to apply head positions to pick letters.
For example, first head is tilted to the left. What does that mean? It doesn't give me any clue.
btw, I found that first position is called "taco neck"
And does the answer have to be in capital letters?

Verito did u get lvl 31?

Morgana: 1st head tilted, 2nd up..and so on

POP! Found it. Just used first letters of each position

Help, I don't get capitals...

My computer keeps crashing, I'm translating level 30 right now.

Leven.. for me the capitals were realy hard to get.. I got the wrong letters when overlapping the image and a map of africa. But then I changed 2 letters to capitals near and got it.. keep trying!

help on 32!

Jimmmy help on 31!

Nini, are you trying to decipher? but it is impossible!!

really? that was it? Thx Jimmy!

I got to level 31 but have to leave now. My computer wasn't helping. I hope you leave good hints for me.

Lvl 32: the band name has obviously something to do with the image.. and coincidently the number missing is in the name. Didn't get it yet.

Got it!

Hi all, playing for a bit, stuck on 36

wtf I'm a loafer?? then every here is too!

LOL, Nini

u know what.. after this I'm leaving and never comming back.. Got fed up of this riddle.. sorry game maker! but this is just too long for me!

Dear Doro, I've been playing along with Nini and solving level after level, you've seen us, and I'm sure she's not a loafer whatever that means. Could you please change that? One more thing: could you also enlarge the list so that not only the first 10 are displayed? Since many of us are playing together it'd be nice to know our progress and who else's with us.

No idea why that would pop up, doesn't seem fair at all

nini please ignore that status. i did a test (verifying a function) and by mistake i made your user loafer instead doing my user. :D however thx for pointing it out cause i didn't even noticed it but i was asking my self why i dont see the good updates on my user :))

the loafer status will be about a choise you guys will make in answer at a specific level but not so soon

Hehe Thx Blogger :P Now I'll consider returning to your riddle lol.. But I'm taking a break right now. Good luck all :)

thx for understanding and sorry for mistake. also Verito top is now top 20

Thanks for clearing that up Blogger, any help on 36?

how far you got on 36? i mean what are your ideas so far

hey nini! where is the help for 32?

I know the main book and sub-book of the quote in the picture, tried using verses from that with the numbers, not making any sense

JimmySix, find the name of the band and use that to know which doors to use

Jimmy who sing that song?

donas so.. in source you have 2 "things" and the picture send you to 1 "thing". so you have 3 "things" made by same guy. you got this part?

the picture gives you the title while the source the author. not you need to apply the numbers. if you get to correct "thing" will be easy to figure what 1,2,3 is and what other numbers means

I did get the band. i just dont know how to apply it. should i ignore only one door? the 3rd door? 3 doors out of 6? confused...!

you need to do like that band name say. but in same time to keep a correct equation. a+b=c where c is the answer

I found a well known poet, but still lost on how to use the numbers

how many "paragraphs" have what you found?

got it, thanks. but mostly by guessing all the possible options in both -letters and number- ways. logic. no good when you have to guess an answer.

jimmy true you need to go through all possible combination but aren't so many... :)

Hi! stuck at level 7. I have looked at the usual places and can not find tracks. what should I do with the furniture?. Thanks

on the fb page there is a very little hint for lvl 7

pichi, i compared the pic with another one from the web. there is a small difference in this pic. some small markings perhaps?

i dont get 33 now. gps? how to apply?

POP! 34 now!

Got it! Thanks Blogger, thanks JimmySix

Blogger, I'm pretty sure I know what to use, and it has 3 "paragraphs", but still stuck

donas, help me through to give you a hand. stuck on 34 here! have the paper and the author of the quote. what do i need?

JimmySix, google the subtitle as it is and look for an author

donas you know that saying "you can`t see the forest because of the trees"?
that 1-4

I'm back guys! :) Any help on 33 ? Can't find the relation between the arrows and GPS

title: Scinteia
subtitle: organ al comitetului central al partidului comunist roman


by subtitle he means the other bold title...

hey nini! i have NEWS for you!

lol Jimmy I thought about that but discarted the idea dunno why! But I got it thx

stuck in 8 I do not understand that the original title refers to the text

Jimmy on 34 google the date, u want a name

argh! i swear i have tried that name before...! on 35 now.

still lost in the forest on 36, lol

pichi, cant remember what level 8 was about and cant go back to previous levels. give more info!

ok, what to do on 35? (=equality)

Lvl 8 is: -I'm sorry, but I couldn't let them call Ma an old whore. -But it's true. -Yeah, but she ain't that old.

I'm working on it Donas!

and Jimmy on 35, copy and google this equation :P

that's a quote from a film. find it (maybe without the whore)

Pichi, use IMBD to find a movie with that quote, it will also give you the original title

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thx nini, probably you knew about that particularity, but i never did.

finally 37, thanks Blogger

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Donas a lil help on 36? I tried to take letters from Revalation .. no luck so far

np donas. btw if you read above when I told you the tree/forest thing. i also told you "that 1-4" :P

Nina, use the "paragraphs" and pick something bigger than letters

books are bigger than letters :)) or gift boxes :P

BTW Blogger, thank you for a very entertaining riddle :)

how can "you can`t see the forest because of the trees" be 1-4
wouldnt it be 1-9? its nine words there!

But it's wierd.. cuz normally u don't use - but :


all i get is 'ortug' not helping though


and btw, I have NO idea what u mean by this "tree" saying

JimmySix and Nini, don't pick letters, pick words

       Anonymous  10/15/13, 2:57 PM  

Wondering how the wind is. This is a test LOL

lol I was counting words Donnas!

same here, is that all you have for us?

Nini, you need 5 for the answer

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nini, i think you are in the wrong book. use the source to find a very well known poet.
and thnx for the help. another lousy level with a lousy answer. full words that just wont mean a thing.

im leaving. idk if i will come back. bye all

Sorry Nini, I thought you had the right place. Bye JimmySix, hope you'll be back

Oh great lol.. I forgot about the spurce cuz i couldn't find this poet you were talking about lol

Nini, try googling the source in 2 parts, for 2 poems by the same author, then look for a poem by him with the title of the book you were using before

Ohh I think I got the guy.. but I've never heard of him! lol blame me and my ignorance

finally! got it phew! thx donas and blogger

btw on 37 u need to play the flash file :)
click with the right button

38 now

yuppie lvl 40 :)

Rieccomi, I'm back, hi!! I see you've done a lot!! Good job! Will I be able to join you?

Thanks Doro for feedback! And I have another question: are answers case sensitive? Cause I never know.

no Verito they aren't.
Now on lvl 41: I thought to divide the hint on the source.
So North Open is a championship and above devil could be Angel. On this championship there's a guy called Ángel. So the arrows, on 2007 he was 2nd place so there's someone before and after him.. but the names and the year aren't working.. and I don't even know if I'm in the right track

Yay Nini!! Hi Veri, had to step away for a bit, back and on 38

nothing I've tried is working on 38, any hint Nini?

Hurry up guys! I need some help here!

what is 38 again?

the big tower is 38

well.. it's the opposite Donas!! as obvious as that

LOL, thanks, was looking or an opposite for tower too

for 38 what the sky tells you? :P

nothing on 39, and too brain dead to continue tonight. Good luck Nini and Veri :) I'll try to catch up tomorrow.

See ya Donas!
Blogger any hints on 41?

Goodnight Donas, thanks! I'm trying to figure out 39 too.

Any hints for 39? The picture and the 'nedlog'.

Verito u need a 5-letter word. and black=nedlog which means backwards

But do I need to use some specific tool with the picture? I tried a couple of things but I got nothing. Maybe I don't have the right tool?

paint should do it

Blogger please help me on 41 I have no idea what to try!

Oh, Nini, I'm blind or what? I don't see how to edit it, what other function I can use.
How are you going there?

I'm doing good at all.. could only think of one thing that dodn't work :( and Blogger is not here to help me.

Verito what u want is the white letters, and remember that after every letter there's a space. (just select and move the pieces to the right position)

I'm not* lol

Lol! Ok, I tried something like that, I'll try again. I'm glad you're still here! I'll try to catch you asap and see if we can work it out.

Level 40 is easy? Because it doesn't seem to say much.

Just answer the question Verito and get to 41!!!

OmG rofl! Got it. Well, I'm on 41 now.

Weird, Nini, very weird. Opposite direction.

So any ideas Verito?

I was wondering if we should pick letters from the source but nothing makes sense.

and what about the hint.. it can be nothing, white or blank

I hate that hint! D:

Oh, I've just seen what you posted before, I'd also found the tournament before but didn't know what to make out of that.

it makes sense doesn't it? too bad I can find an answer with that

I don't know if I'm ridiculously overthinking, but each word starts with two consecutive letters and the opposites are below, angel, south, closed. Does that give you any idea?

Hm! Haven't noticed that! Maybe this will give us something

Also 'devil' can be read backwards as 'lived' but that doesn't work for the other words.

lol Verito got it! u're very close with ur antonyms! Just drop 1 letter

Ohh, you're a genius! Good job!

Again same hint... and remember the text two levels ago?

Gotta go for a few minutes, but I'll be back. Sorry.

Nah! You came up with that idea. Now for level 42: I tried the color, tried the animals, tried also find the name of the boat but what I found didnd't work

Oh :( Ok see u! I'll be here trying xD
Btw: 43!

on level 43: I found the second pic. I don't know what's the object on the new pic... maybe where the cursor is pointing? Also, dunno how to work with the source clue

I thought that the answer could be "lantern" since it's in both images and it's related to evening.. nope!

I'm back, anyone still here?

Good!! c: But I'm still on 42!

who's the friend Verito?

Apparently none of my answers. :(

Did u find the poem? And what animal Dororo is? U want the other one

Ohh, I feel silly. I had found the friend of the writer and the daughter, didn't know what else to try rofl! Ok, 43.

Hi, I'm back and working on 39
Tried to edit the image in paint, tried to identify letters formed by the lighter squares (white opposite to black), but i'ts just not working. Do i have to mix and match the rows of squares? And what the black squares are for?
I think I can see some letters like P A E L, but not forming a word

What other pic did you find, Nini? I got the answer from that one pic and the source!

Morgana u need 1 more letter
So Verito, any ideas on 43?

Really lol? Is it that easy? The other pic is a2 (since the 1st is a1)

Welcome back, Morgana!! Join the team. :)

A lil help is appreciated then Verito!

Rofl! Nini, you just found accidentally the picture of level 44!

**Ok, people, after a few more comments next will be on a new page!**

Nini, the hint tells you what kind of word is for the answer. Then look at the picture. Out of that... which one would let you know the hint on the source? It has two different names depending on its size and maybe you tried the other name (because the one shown may be misleading!). Try the other name.

Hah! I indeed tried the other name Verito! 44 now

And Morgana, one of the letters is repeated.

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Oars, shotgun, tv not working... And no source hint this time.

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