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Quest of Dororo Walkthrough

Quest of Dororo

Quest of Dororo is a new online riddle game with a simple gameplay: read all the hints and provide the correct answer. The riddles are at random difficulty - this means that you will not go from easy to hard: you may find first 10 riddles easy, next 5 extremely harder, then next 5 medium difficulty etc. Solutions of the riddles are not similar - means that you will have to dig through different domains to find the right answer. You can read more on the game Hints page. Good luck and have fun riddling! [Created and subbed by Dororo]

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Level 22 is the line drawing of the tiger from DeviantArt.com.
Source hint says "www.whoiam.pw/dororo/u/replace.zip" (which takes us NOWHERE!
Then I discovered that DeviantArt is not just one person. Original creator's name doesn't work either.
What now?

Oops - I didn't refresh the page first.

WHAT zip? Is there a zip file to find, and where do I look for it?

Ashley, the url will be correct when you do replace 'replace' (with what? Think of the most obvious out of what you have so far).

Okay, got it. Much thanks Verito.
> > Lvl 23.

Stuck again - Lvl 24.
Tried letter sequencing but nothing.

H-E-L-P (please)

level 56 is not taking my answer. how many words exactly should the quote be?

how is lvl 24 Ashley? help me remember

nvm... missed from the source, duh!

Ashley on 24 you need to find something the rime. Read the text and listen the sounds and grab the rime after ear.

Jimmy on 56 what the source code tells you? "one word" :P But if you get the correct (look at photo name in the source) you will find only one important thing, and that important thing said something...

JimmySix; Lvl 24 is "poetic" -
"My ear started to vibe. A big shadow I sense approaching when behind the trees two bear eyes appear slowly. It is clear that I am unlucky"
Blogger, the only rhyme I hear is Ear-Bear etc (4 words as suggested earlier). If they are the correct words, how do I enter them? ... with a comma between? (that didn't work).

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Got it - thanks (could've sworn I'd tried that already).

Level 25.

Level 28: I get the general idea, but I haven't got a program that lets me make the image transparent so I can't get accurate on map. Also am I looking for capital CITY or just Initial of country?
I can't find anything that works.
And if the answer is some kind of dance, than I'm definitely out 'cause I don't dance - anywhere, ever!

Funny, a Nordinho player (where they solve riddles with a lot of pm'ing and so far only 13 comments on this riddle) is telling/complaining "this thread could well be considered as good as dead." while there are over 600 comments here and still counting.

Hello S-T. Long time no see/hear (whatever).
Hope all is well with you.
- Ashley

Oops, yep where are my manners.
Hi Ashley, good to see you :)
I'm doing ok, but sadly way and way too busy, finally a new riddle and it looks like a very good one and I have no time to play :(
Well, the next one I'll be there again, seeya :)

hey tool, no need to feel scolded, lol. i didnt complain and bad you took it as if. i am pointing everyone to where the fun has moved. paced horses now?

Hi everyone!
Can I get some help on lvl 51... I got the acid name but it doesn't accept neither the full name nor the abbreviation...

fjgc, skip acid in your answer

Thanks Jimmy! So easy...

Hey Blogger, if you are around, push me to the right direction on 63!

Ashley, it's definitely a dance...
And use the capital of the capitals!

hi guys. i saw some suggestion about some chat room for diff games. from my point this forum is fine with me.. but in case you guys want a live chat, I added a chat on dororo page: look at the bottom links. i did it in a hurry so it might work slow at some point. but we will see :)) - but this doesn't mean i will be 24/24 online :)) like now i go to smoke so see you in 10 minutes or so :P

if you have issue enter the chat drop a comment here or on fb group page

For level 63 a clearer clue would be "x.xx x.xx" instead of just "x.xx".

I'm on 65 now, Doro, how many words does the answer have?

Lvl 36 I found two poems by the same author, but I do not know how to apply the numbers of the image. I have to apply to the two poems or I have to find another?

verito 2 words; there is a hint on the chat as well

pichi, you need only one poem, then count paragraph-word. Your answer consists of 5 words.

Thanks Verito got it!

I'm stuck with the roman beast now. L66.

stuck at 66 too, n*** full name not working

mishu there are hint on the chat page for 66... how ever let's see you gusy on 67 :))

which chat? i dont see it

mishu on dororo game pagem look on the bottom links there is a chat room

i saw it but when i click i get an error page

what error you get Mishu? try again and copy paste here the error you get

Lvl 44 I see the clothes I try the object that is on top of the television, but everything is wrong. Help please

pichi try other sides as well not only on top

Is more of an object related to clothing? now I'm more lost...

Level 28; got the dance by brute force - trial & error.

Now stuck on 31: XX3Q5-Y00O3T
No clues that I can find. Can someone please steer me in the right direction?

Ashley: if you can not decrypt ... the answer is obvious
stuck in lvl 52, any clue please? I have the other image, but I can not word

Oooohhh. TOO obvious. Thanks.


Hi Ashley! Great progress!

Just a query on Lvl 36; What order do I place the words in the answer box? Or do I have to do trial & error (there are about 25 combinations).

Oops - should have refreshed 1st.

Thanks Verito. Most of the clues are enough but sometimes (like when you all found it easy) there is nothing for me (or others following) to go on.

I'll be back later for answer - have things to do outside.

Wait, was was 36? I don't remember and I didn't write it.

Oh, right! I remember now, just in the order they appear, Ashley, O R T U G.

Mmmm - I should have thought of that order, Verito.
Unfortunately, it still doesn't work for me.

NM - I'm going out for the evening in just a few minutes and probably wont get back to this until tomorrow.
(Current time here in New Zealand is approx. 5:50pm Saturday 19th).

Hi Ashley, hi Nini. I haven't made much progress hehe.
Ashley, that's how I think I had the words, maybe someone else can confirm it. My words would be 9-7-2-13-3 letters, if that helps... And sorry we all have such different time zones and sometimes it's difficult to help each other, as when it's day for some it's late night for others.

Lvl 55: what is y? I do not understand the source code track, nails and wood? I need help

Oh Pichi, that level was weird. Y is the result of doing the math. The math is not only the second line but also express it in (first line).
First of all, did you get what first line means?

Then you need an event in Y, being Y that number and being that number a Y... (something that begins with Y lol)

Thanks, Verito. That's the order I had them in. So I tried with a comma between each .... and "Bingo"!
Last time we had a list of words, they were with NO comma's.

Off to church now - Level 37 this afternoon.

Verito Y is an event? I found a day event Oct 21 related to Martin Luther and wood with nails, but everything is wrong.
I need help clearer. Thanks

pichi think at a date MM/DD/Y :)

Blogger I do not understand how to get the year, the day I have myself and I'm going crazy

Pichi, replace the word 'area' with 'base'. Now time to do the math:
Solve the multiplication and convert the result into . Now you have 'Y'.
This number Y is simply a Y... (at least that's how I understood it, don't know about mm and dd there too??). Two events happened in Y (wiki 'Y'!) so the answer is one of them, one word which is the name we give to it every year. That was a weird level for me.

I did all that but the events that I find none is correct. The year is a two-digit number, is that correct?

yes, Pichi. I think you got it already and you're going through the same things I did. It's the latter and try the name with E as we call it nowadays every year, not R!! And remember one word -cause I was adding the word 'first' first and of course the owl was telling me it was so bad. Rofl.

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Got it!! Thanks Verito!! this level has left me neurons hahaha

Cool! Rofl!

Stuck in lvl 58 I can not see what they have in common ... any help?

Okay - stumped again. This time on 37 - the Rivendell song.
I just cannot see any relationship between how the wind is, and anything I would drink from. And no clues from the lyrics that I can see.

NM. I was thrown by the source code hint ... which seems totally unrelated to the answer.

On to try L38.

I'm struggling to follow your logic on 41. (the 2 orange arrows).
If I drop one letter (eg "below" becomes "blow" ) ... but what letter for the other antynoms? And do I also reverse the order of the words? Nothing seems to work for me ATM.

Never mind - I see which one now.

On to 42 ... ...

Okay - now I AM stuck.
Level 43.
I see two "items" in the pic - same answer as L42. (and both near the TV, as Nini said).
Am I looking for a particular type, or is it something elso? (I tried everything else near the TV in case I was wrong).
Or is it the way I am writing it in the answer box again (eg with a hyphen, without a hyphen, with or without a space between 2 words)???

Hi Ashley, you probably wrote the name of the right object but the answer is just the second part of it. Remove the first part of the word. Just type H...

Stuck on 48 now.
I can read the morse but I don't now what to do with the 5 numbers (98 114 97 105 110).

You need your alt key.

Sorry - don't get it.
What does the Alt key have to do with it?

+ 98 (from number pad!) = b (ascii code) etc.

It's ascii code!

I'm stuck on level 58, please someone help me? I have tried everything and can not get what they have in common

What was it, Pichi?

There are four images of prisoners, with their names and numbers and also Minnesota

Lol ignore all the other information for now... And think coordinates! Then use photos if necessary.

I do not get no place with the coordinates, and no I understand that to use photos

Group the numbers in two in the order they're given, you'll get a set of coordinates. Type them directly like that on your map, then zoom in a lot, if you don't see what's there use panoramio's photos to see. It's something in a park. Just like you found "the biggest..." on a previous level.

Aaahhh - thanks Verito. I would not have known that - would not have got it with any "hints".

I'll try L49 now.

Does Lvl 52 change to Scrabble?
I found all of the letters (I believe), but they do not form a word.
In given order they are not the correct answer.
I cannot find an anagram for them.
So do I now pick letters out to formthe longest word I can find?
(I tried to ask on the chatroom but it is not taking my input today!)

Oh, is 52 the one with the letters around the clock? Did you find the second picture? (I don't remember now which one 52 was.)

OKAY - found another longer answer (with its own common abbreviation) ... ... but still neither answer works.
I'm stumped...

..... and no-ones answering me :(

Aaaaggghhhh - soryy - lvl 51

Mmm - the ONLY mention of 53 in this forum is that it was easy.
All very well for some people ... ...

Any help on Lvl 53 please? Tree of life, gaurded by fishes, looking at German frogs???

I can't find any meaning for the code/cipher at the top of 54 (Mary Queen of Scots).

Stumped again.

NM - got it.


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Sorry!! I forgot to check back here. How's it going?

I'm stuck on 106 trying to understand what I have to do and what the texts mean. Help Doro?? Especially that date and gate thing! D:

Sorry!! I forgot to check back here. How's it going?

I'm stuck on 106 trying to understand what I have to do and what the texts mean. Help Doro?? Especially that date and gate thing! D:

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NM - >>> L59.

Level 66 - at last I seem to be (slowly) getting somewhere .... until now.
As Mishu.. said earlier, N___'s full name not working for me. And any clues on the chat room are long gone.

Well time for bed ... we'll see when I manage to get back.

just 2 names needed

Any help on 67?
Same problem as Ashley, long gone on chat room...

Stuck lvl 60 I have translated what level but I do not get to change the file. I think the cipher is the queen mary but I do not know how you replace the source code: yz_gzppi.txt

Edit: Got it!

In lvl 61 I need to find the complete address or maybe the name of Bob? I hope this is not in yahoo.someone please help me?. Thanks

Thanks Mtatt100.

Pichi, go back one page from here - there's good help from Verito at post at 9:41 (lower down on page)..
Any browser should come up with the same info.
Google street address the search; thare are many office suites in that building.

Still cannot get Lvl 66. Mtatt100 said only two names needed.
But which two? Are we looking at Nero? Nero had a multitude of names - about 5 at a time, but they changed several times during his life. So which two do I pick? Nothing I've tried seems to work.
And not getting any answers in the chat room a.t.m.

Ashley, use the name you have and the one the Julius shared

Thanks Donas. I had tried those but opposite way around.

It seems that this forum has died; where has everyone gone?
I hope not just to the chatroom, as the c/room doesn't hold on to the info long enough.

Sorry I couldn't come all day. How's everyone going? I'm far behind.

Hi Verito. Sitting at 67 with no help, no hints (that I can follow).
Where are you up to?

I don't remember level 67, which one was it?

Stuck with Yoda... 114

Lvl 62 cat eyes. I do not understand I look here

Pichi, (if you're still around), I don't quite understand the connection with cat's eyes. But - imagine the cat had vision that could see through solid matter. But he doesn't. But this answer is like that but at a higher level (but I don't mean game level).

Now I need help again - stuck at Lvl 72 and need some pointers please if anyone is around to help.

Yes, which one is level 72?

Thanks Ashley, im stuck in lvl 71

Nobody plays? I need help on level 149. I'm two days here and nobody helps me, please reply, I do not know what to do with the sentence of QR. Thanks

what is answer to level 3!!!!

help on level 7 anyone??

Help for level 3 please

Donthate Justappreciate & Ellis. It's Dalai Lama and once he was born ;)
Katrien Robbrecht: there are dots in line in the middle of the photo. It's a famous code.

Help for 190 please... The vowels one.. they seem to change everytime I refresh the page.. I don't get the source hint either... any clue

Help please with 11 lvl. Owl with 978-1456728298 and "who say nice?". Stuck. Any hint?

Anna - just google the entire number.. you'll get it..

Vow THNKS! I did it hundred times and nothing... And now found)

Hi vpsj, you leaped to 190 in an instant!
A little help on 175... I don't see the word... is it direct or anagram?

figc- direct.. 4 letter word.. a_ _b

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Although the game ended a year and a half, I hope to have luck and someone peering over here and help me.
I'm at level 22 and can not figure out what word should I replace in the zip file.

level 22 is the tiger with the lines background.
it say useless lines

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