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Secret of the Shambhala Walkthrough

Secret of the Shambhala

Hidden4Fun - Secret of the Shambhala is another point and click hidden object game developed by Hidden 4 Fun. Shambhala, also known as Shangri-La is a mythical city hidden in the Himalayas. A lot of people, many expeditions, dating all the way back to the 1600s, looked for it, believing in a lot of stories told about this place. It is interesting that regardless of its position, the climate of Shambhala is not same as the world outside. You probably know that on the Himalayas the climate is snowy while in Shambhala there is more of a tropical climate, which was the reason it was considered as paradise on the earth. The entry to Shambhala is hidden inside a remote, abandoned monastery in Tibet, and kept by creatures known as the Shambhala Guardians - humans (most likely ancient Tibetans) that transformed themselves when they ate the blue resin of the Tree of Life. Those guardians have a duty to stop everyone who’s coming or is close to finding he lost city of Shambhala. Since there are such a stories related to that place, archeologist often visit it. Cheryl is also an archeologist and she is here, looking for some interesting artifacts that will tell something more about this lost city. Let’s see what’s going on there and help Cheryl in finding something interesting. Good luck and have fun!

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Let's see....

Hope you've all got a good magnification app, you're going to need it, I give up, I value my eyesight.

Though it' not an escape game, but a hiddenobject game, it's quite nice...

lol glad i went for normal,wow

I'll agree with you both, it isn't an escape game and I'll go cross-eyed staring at the screen. Off to other games.

I liked it - nice graphics.

couldn't find the spear in the 2nd scene, had to use a hint. All the items were well hidden :o)

       Anonymous  10/20/13, 1:37 PM  

I liked it. And now I know the answer to the age old 3 Dog Night question:

"How does your light shine, in the halls of Shambal"

       Anonymous  10/20/13, 1:39 PM  

"Shambala" That is. Stupid copy/paste.

Not a bad game
Some items difficult
Zoomed screen

ZZzzZZz boring and easy

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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