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The Last Door - Chapter 2: Memories Walkthrough

The Last Door - Chapter 2: Memories

[UPDATE] The Last Door - Chapter 2: Memories is the newest free installment in the unique point-and-click adventure The Last Door series with stylish low-res graphics and a spine-chilling horror storyline, developed by TheGameKitchen. With original pixel-art visuals and a gorgeous orchestral music score, this horror game will make you experience a really immersing environment through the stimulation of your own imagination, just like classic horror writers like Poe and Lovecraft used to. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Game is updated!

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The Last Door - Chapter 2: Memories Walkthrough

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Lets take a look .

are those graphics for real ??

I wonder if I'm going to Nope with this one...

This is awful. . . . . . forget it.

Doesn't load....
Though it seems I'm not missing anything according to Parky....

What is this, Minecraft?

The graphics are old-school retro. It's actually a good game - if you like horror.

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 2:38 PM  

I hope someone is playing as I'm stuck.

Have a music box (from the school room), net and log (from the beach) bundle of letters (taken when giving the post card to the patient in the ward), piece of the stone statue from the front of the house and a fragile mirror fragment (from the shower room).

Give letters to the guy in the first bed who you tried to give the postcard to. Log doesn't get used until much later. You'll get coin after giving letters, that can wind the music box, you just have to find where best to wind it :) oh and a lil hint for a lil later on... I wonder what Mary looks like in the mirror when she's crying....

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 2:46 PM  

Thank you ^_^

I don't like this type of game. Oh, well. For those of you who do like it, have fun! :-)

The creepy sound effects at the very, very end were well done! I thought Mr. Baldwin looked a bit shady! :P

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 3:45 PM  

Well the ending was a bit annoying but all in all a good game.

im so lost. after using the music box on the nun then going out to the water i have no clue what to do. i have a magnifying glass music box mirrir shard net lucky coin log and piece of the statue

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 4:15 PM  

DPotts - look out of the window where the nun was standing - you can look and use a couple of things - then go to the shower room.

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thanks! stuck again. crazy man gone.. left a note nun is praying. i now have magnifier music box log lucky coin and a bible. and someone is locked in a coffin

i need to find a way to distract the care taker...

POP. got it!

What to do with the razor?

randyb426~check out the second floor hallway

POP! Combine with the stick.

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 5:18 PM  

It's a pity this has such a low rating - it's a good game and will take a while to finish. The graphics are supposed to look like an old game but the playability is great. If you get this far in the comments - do give it a chance.

Going around in circles after the rabbit story.

randyb426~ check out the room with the chalk board again

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 5:23 PM  

randyb426 - Go back to the school room and look at the rug

misscpants - I agree. This is a pretty good game. I'll give it 5 stars.

I looked out the window after the nun heard the music box, but I can't do anything - I have magnifying glass, music b ox, net, log, stone and piece of mikrror.

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 5:27 PM  

Zoe - you should be able to move the leaves after looking at the drain pipe. Then use the rock and the net.

Zoe, use the stone on the drainage pipe out the window, and then use the net.

Thanks larue, misscpants.

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 5:30 PM  

Any hints on how to distract the caretaker or what to do with the bible? I tried to drop it out the window on him...

misscpants - thanks! got the teardrop! I think we have to slash a tapestry in the hall, but the piece of mirror is not sharp enough. Where is the razor? And the stick?

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 5:33 PM  

Zoe - use the teardrop on the statue of Mary and then the mirror

misscpants - the statue of Mary where the patients are in bed? I can't seem to put the teardrop on the statue - I get a big red 'X'

BTW - the music is beautiful in the game!

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 5:39 PM  

Just needed to talk to the caretaker again after looking at the toolbox to distract me.

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 5:39 PM  

Zoe, the tear goes on her face. There are no preexisting requirements. You will find what you need to cut the tapestry later.

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 5:39 PM  

it is that one - you might have to examine it first before you can put the tear. Or talk to the nun, or both.

       Anonymous  10/18/13, 5:41 PM  

Oh Zoe, stick was found early on. I know because I tried to stick everything.

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Out. Not liking the end.
Never really trusted that guy anyway.

misscpants - what do you mean I might have to examine it first? The statue? I've talked to it several times, but the teardrop does not go. I examined it with the magnifying glass, too.

Try using the mirror on it first.

octavious99 - maybe I have to find the stick first to have the teardrop work. I'll go looking for it. Probably in the first scene or two...thanks!

The log is by the sea.

I can't find a stick. I do have the log - is that the stick? I still can't get the teardrop on the statue. Used everything in my inventory on the statue - nothing. Oh, I'm really liking this game and want to move forward...

OH - I got the teardrop to work, but I had to put it above the statue's head quite a bit and to the right - kind of on the door frame - not anywhere on the statue!

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oh..duh..use the mirror on that spot....

Sorry I am still here. I was replaying to see what was wrong with the tear/mirror and statue, but you figured it out yay!.

This is the 21st century. There is a reason, and a very good reason, that 8-bit graphics were left behind. Nobody gets nostalgic for playing a game where 5 grey pixels can either be a rock or a postcard or a severed head depending on what the text tells you. You seriously would be no worse off having a completely text-based game. This may very well have been a good game, but there is no way I am going to play it with those graphics.

So this game end with a blank black screen?

Diana~ I am guessing you didn't have your sound on...
Even though it is a black screen, you can hear what is happening to you after you wake up from being hit on the head with the hammer....

Anyone still here? Where is the mirror shard several people mentioned? I'm stuck after putting the teardrop on the statue.

Ah, the mirror mysteriously cracks on its own, I see...

And now stuck for a way to distract Baldwin.

q~when he points away take the crowbar

or nail removing tool or whatever it was~can't remember what is was now lol.

Yes, got there eventually with a bit of help from a video walkthrough...

@bill chinery get off your high horse about the graphics... the game play is completely fine and the story was well done... it's pretty ridiculous to be an escape game snob

not for me, poor graphics, too much text and the constant click, click, click without actually achieving anything

I went to get the morphine and did not talk to the nun first and now i can´t get her to give me the bible ¿?

@Katy, in the game you take either the morphine or the bible, but not both of them. It depends of what you answer to the sick man. If you agree to help him out of his misery, then you get the morphine; if you say you can't do as he says, then you get the bible from the nun.

Old nun and Baldwin missing, frozen man falls out of the coffin. I now have a musicbox, a coin, a log and morphine. Whats the rabbit story?

@Navya, once the old nun has gone outside to check on the "frozen man" as you call it, the front desk under the stairs is free for you to sneak around. To find a key would be your next step.
I made a video walkthrough for this game and the link is posted on top of this page, if you like.

@bill chinery: Aww boo hoo. Because a game has to have amazing graphics to be good. Ever noticed how games like Call of Duty have good graphics, but they're all crappy money wells with an awful storyline? Graphics aren't everything. Stop being a snob.

I agree with the rating. Puzzles are obscure, many pixel hunts, navigation not clear, and story is choppy. Loved graphics and music. If the walkthru paused for text I think it would be better than the game.

Hey, Ive been putting the net on the pipes out of the window, but I cant find the teardrop. Does anybody know what to do?

pls anyone reading this, I never play live..but will someone tell bill chinery to stop whining every time he posts, he is a total baby and needs to respect peoples work or create his own!!!

The only problem I now have is … I have to replay to check this WT.

oh no, .... now the game froze unexpectedly .... sigh ... I blame Nuckelhedd Jones for this ... lol. Awesome series so far.

Great, I don't have to start all over again !

The last door, chapter 2. The adventures of Jeremiah Devitt.
W A L T K T H R O U G H part 1.
We’re in the 19th century.

Matthew 6.
Move your mouse and click every hand you see, this gets you through the intro.

In the dark someone is breathing with fear.
Is it me …..?

(sigh, this game is not suitable for me. One blow on the drums and I’m startled already lol).

Someone is hanging, is it my friend Anthony?
Someone is crying, is it his wife Anna?
Am I in a lost memory?

I describe to Doctor Wakefield what scares me.
The questions linger on … what happened to them?
I have to go back to the boarding school.
In the mailbox is a POSTCARD, take it.
It’s addressed to Mathhew, from Juliette Holloway.

Turning left.
The fountain with the statue of Gabriel.
I take the STONE eagle off the ground.
I keep going left.
A gravedigger at work, Frank Baldwin. Talk to him.
He works for Monsignor.
All dead patients are buried here. It’s a nursing home.
I tell him I’m an alumnus, from the time this place was a school.
I walk on to the beach and take a NET and a small LOG.

Turning right.
The door here is locked from the inside.
I enter the front door and talk to mother Elizabeth.
Everybody arrived after the school closed she says, except Monsignor, he was here before ….
She allows me to explore the place.

W A L K T H R O U G H – part 2.

Turning left I enter a sickbay.
I try to take letters from the floor, but the lady tells me to leave it alone.
Her name is Mary Vinge, sister of Matthew. She claims his wife Julliette has died.
Now, knowing who he is, I GIVE THE POSTCARD to Matthew.
Well, his evil sister takes it from me and makes up a story.
Bad, bad sister.
I throw all my items at her, but nope.
Then, while she is talking, I take some of the LETTERS, and give them to Matthew.
He comes alive immediately, tells his sister the truth, she has to go.
He gives me a COIN.

Two doors.
1. next to the sad looking statue, takes me outside.
2. next to candle, leads to the old classroom, I take a MUSICBOX of one of the shelves of the bookcase.

A note on the desk.
January 15th, 1876.
Father Ernest fell seriously ill.
January 22nd, 1876.
Father Eugene also is falling ill.
February 23rd, 1876.
We hear the school has to close.
Only Father Ernest will stay behind.
A picture of my graduating class is in the diary.
One face has been scratched out.

Going back to mother Elizabeth, passing her to the door on the right.
It is locked, and private.
I go upstairs.

W A L K T H R O U G H – part 3

Tapestries …. 3 doors.

1. Bedroom.
A syringe with morphine, a desperate nun at the window. Talk to her.
You want to look out of the window, so she has to leave.
COMBINE coin with musicbox … ahh.
This will encourage the desperate sister.
She goes back to work.
I look out of the window and see Aberdeen in the distance. (Wow, I’ve been there !).
Dry leaves are blocking the pipe below me. Try to take them away, but that’s dangerous.
I HIT THE SHARP EDGES of the pipe with the stone and REMOVE THE LEAVES.
Then I PLACE THE NET over the hole.

2. Dormitory.
Leaving the bedroom I turn right and find a tapestry blocking the door to the dormitory.

3. Showers.
Moving on I go into the showers. I take a PIECE of the mirror.
There’s a small shiny object on the right.
Because I placed the net I can now TURN ON the shower.
I go to the bedroom and TAKE THE OBJECT out of the net.
It’s a diamond, a teardrop.

I go downstairs into the sickbay and talk to the nun.
Then I PLACE the teardrop in the sad looking statue.
I USE THE MIRROR PIECE on the teardrop.
The nun is very confused, she runs away.
I talk to the very ill man in the bed, he wants me to help him.
A) But I can’t do what he asks of me. I go to mother Elizabeth.
She gives me a Bible.
B) I am willing to do what he asks of me, and leave to get the stuff.
When I return, he is gone, leaving a note, saying : Baldwin lies.
I run outside, someone is knocking on the coffin, I can’t open it !
I run to the beach, there’s the habit and walking stick of the nun.
I go to the corner of the building near the entrance and find mr Baldwin.
I click his toolbox. I need to distract him to get a tool.
So I start a conversation.
When I ask about Aberdeen, he gets so enthusiastic, that I can TAKE A TOOL.
When I open the coffin a petrified man falls out. Shocked about something he has seen.
Mother Elizabeth comes running and tries to wake him up.
I go to her desk and take the KEY to open up the door on the right.
Finally I will see Monsignor.

W A L K T H R O U G H – part 4

When I enter, the door shuts behind my back, and I find myself in my boarding-school costume. What is this ?!
Some guys like me are warning me not to look into his eyes.
Who’s eyes ?
I go through the door, and there he is, Father Ernest.
He asks me about books I hid .. Philosophy.
He hits me with a stick.

And then … I’m back in the here and now.
Quite a flashback that was …
Walking along, windows are breaking.
I open that door again, and there is Monsignor.
And, as we suspected all along, it’s Father Ernest.
Interesting conversation, I do a test, whether I fail or whether I’m right, I have to leave.
I pretend to walk away, but after going to the right I return, he whispers … the four witnesses …
I take a BLADE out of the cupboard.

Up the stairs.
2. Dormitory.
COMBINE blade with log.
I cut the tapestry to enter the dormitory.

I hear Anthony, talking about prof. Glynn (Father Ernest).
The meeting is behind a secret door …

I lay myself down on my bed and fall asleep …
A note : rabbit, wolf, vulture, snake …
The story unfolds itself as I walk from note to note.
Oh dear … huge rabbits … this room looks familiar … I fall into a play.
Some sort of Romeo and Juliet, but uhm … different.

Oh, I wake up again … (My goodness, what a game).

Now, where did my nightmare take place?
I go to the classroom. In front of the chalkboard I remove the carpet.
Oops, doesn’t smell right. Hmm ….. what to do?
I go down the stairs. Well, now it gets nasty.
Okay, I can go back up the stairs, but … that won’t bring me to the next chapter in this game.
Going to the right. I enter the room Anthony talked about.

There they all are.
We are injected with a serum.

W A L K T H R O U G H – part 5

In the here and now Monsignor walks in.
Oh, I remember what happened, but what is it that we witnessed?
Help me remember it!

The eye of the Bird! ..... Monsignor is no more, mr Baldwin comes in and hits me.
………. a black screen ……….no doubt I’m in a coffin now. (Knowing his reputation).

To be continued ... I hope ...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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