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Escape from My Room 5 Walkthrough

Escape from My Room 5

NeatEscape - Escape from My Room 5 is another point and click type room escape game by Neat Escape. Try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Only one possible ending. Good luck and have fun!

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anyone else playing this?

well, this one needs geometry to find the code for drawer.

I'm here Rebekah! Did you finish the other one?

yup got it in the end.... have you got the code for the drawer?

Hint for coloured code on the left side of mirror and hint for 3 nrs on mirror, after making the calculation.

I'm trying to find the cm.

yay! i'm out

I hate maths and geometry!

haha yeah took me a while to remember how to find the area of a trapezium

the area of the trapezium didn't match the code....which is 2625

ok, I opened the drawer!

and out! This one was easy but nice.
Hints: under pillow, left side of mirror, on mirror. Bookcase, look at red books for opening the 3*3 box. Calculate the cms of square and add the nr of paper hint. Trapezium S2PO6IL2ER5.

       Anonymous  11/28/13, 11:43 PM  

You need two hint papers for the red number drawer.

And why do the keys in these games always look like flash drives? lol

Hi! stuck with a ratchet handle (found in pic by using hammer), try on box on table but no

Can't seem to find a socket for the socket wrnch.

found, open right box on table with hint places red books ==> a container
open box Under table with hint mirro ==> a coin
coin in container ==> hex socket to add on ratchet handle

Do you need a hint paper first to open the 3x3 box? I see the red books, but I can't get it.

Ah, thanks seb! I'm out now

gmm, one of those books is not red. Really close, but not red.

Thanks Andrea - I see it now. That was frustrating.

Red number hint - under pillow (area of trapezium) and in colour box (add 110)

3number hint on mirror - under table - get medal
colour hint on left side of mirror -on couch - get 2nd part red number hint
red number - bottom drawer - get hammer

Use hammer on picture - rachet handle

Bookcase - red books (NB centre book is orange!) - grid box on table - get continer
Open container with medal - hex socket
Join hex socket and rachet handle and use on other box on table for key and out.

Trapezium area = 2625
3 digit number 3x8x7=168
colours' Aq,R,G,Aq,G,R,Y
Bottom drawer 2625+110=2735

Trapezium area:

(100 + 50) x 35 : 2 = 2625

Been enjoying these and usually able to figure them out but a trapezium? Haven't even heard that term in years. Please no geometry! Also annoyed at the red book that evidently wasn't a red book. Hope next one is better. Always laugh at people who say this one was easy...

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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