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Folding Scape 2: L'? Walkthrough

Folding Scape 2: L'?

Foldin'scape: L'? is another online adventure game created by foldingo83 from Enigmes. Find some useful objects and hints to escape from the island. Use mouse to navigate between the screen and to collect the items. Good luck and have fun. [Submitted by Seb2013]

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hi everybody!

hmm, a fan, a floating island, a 4# code box, no code... I'm so dependant on a walkthough for these games... :\

trees, ladder, grid clue... wow

Hi maxi.s he.art, I found a number clue on the island, just look at the trees

but I'm stuck not much further than that! :)

I think I need someone else's brain for the grid haha

there's a paper airplane in the grid box scene, you have to wait for it. if you click it, you can retrieve it by going back down the ladder

box with elevating squares and grid clue just aren't talking to me or together.. if there was a red line or two it might make sense to me but as per normal, i do not get it.... yet!

cool jen paper plane!

the paper airplane is another clue, but I'm not really getting it either :S

Same for me!

so the grid is like size soduku?? well i'll play with my theory...

there's also that building with a door that looks like an egg... you can click up and down on the door, but it doesn't appear to do anything yet

im learning i'm not very goood at theories... anyone got inspiration for the grid?

Don´t get it either. The 2 papers are rather troubling me. I tried to make Eschers stairs as well, but where to start ?

Same for me!

I tried several possibilities for Eschers stairs, no go so far: Maybe i am on a complete false track.I have no idea for the colors on the papers.

I can see how red is the highest and blue is the lowest maybe...that's it. :D This game is making me feel s-m-r-t

i can't see where red has a place however, blending colours is a fail, so confused....

I assumed from the paper airplane clue, I could be wrong! :D but good luck, I'm outta here!

Ok i will see tomorrow, i am very tired as well...maybe a superbrain will help us LOL ....gl all.

ok, im with the ladies... laters very abstract grid clues...

wow, no idea how to use the paper clues on the grid box. You can place both of the papers together but that doesn't help me.

For the egg, you can press up, down and both sides but haven't seen the code to remove it yet

       Anonymous  11/16/13, 2:42 PM  

I have played the multi level height thing before. is this is the same kind, when you look in the blue direction, blue being the smallest, you should only see one. The only way you can only see one is if it the largest b/c then all the others would be blocked.

So having said that:

Using the top center block as the top right corner, I get:

3 1 2 4
2 4 3 1
4 2 1 3
1 3 4 2

Where the number represents the block height (4 being largest)

Unfortunately it does not work, but I think I am close.

It's a logic puzzle usually known as "skyscrappers"
The hint on the plane paper tells you, checked in green, that there cannot be 2 'buildings' the same height (the same number of floors) per row or column (similar to a sudoku).

The red eye is 'bigger than' all the other ones because from its perspective, it would see all 4 buildings. That means they would be placed from lower to higher.
On the other hand, the blue eye, being the smallest, it has to have the 4floor building in front, since it can only see 1 building.

interesting octavious, makes it look like a KenKen puzzle

@octavious99, you are pretty close indeed. You just need to orientate the puzzle. Look at the plane-paper clue: the black eye (which would have a 'red eye' on the opposite side) is YOUR eye.

Thank you octavious and Edgar! got it! now have blue ball

       Anonymous  11/16/13, 2:53 PM  

Thanks Edgar, I just realized I hadn't use the second clue and when I rotated it worked.

Ackk! can not line up these holes!

POP! gotta love POP!

placed coins for egg door clue

need 5 shape/number clue for the space ship

room to the left of where you place the coins seems to have a few shapes that correspond to the space ship

       Anonymous  11/16/13, 3:00 PM  

final clue in the armor room. shapes.

octavious, I can see 4 shapes.... not five?

       Anonymous  11/16/13, 3:05 PM  

Cross(spears), square (seat) circle (table) gen shape on floor and horizontal. (this is all from memory, but I think that's right.

Acckk thought the shape on the floor was a circle!

chair is a diamond (if anyone is stuck)

       Anonymous  11/16/13, 3:10 PM  

Sorry about that Jo-Ann. I remember now that I thought it was a square, but then changed to diamond.

I can't get the level puzzle could some on pleas spoil it

       Anonymous  11/16/13, 3:51 PM  


2 4 3 1
3 1 2 4
1 3 4 2
4 2 1 3

The 4 in the last line goes to the block nearest you,
You will notice the diagonal going from bottom top right up the middle is 4 3 2 1

       Anonymous  11/16/13, 3:52 PM  

Sorry, no a diagonal. The one nearest you, to the one furthest away.

What1s wrong with my cubes? :)

       Anonymous  11/16/13, 4:02 PM  

Roberto, See my later comment, it need to be turned 180 degrees, but besides that it looks correct.

this way?
Doesn't work either.

       Anonymous  11/16/13, 4:05 PM  

That looks correct. Nothing happens though, you have to back away and a ball is there.

Nah! It should happen something to show you it's solved.
It's been solved a long time ago. Thanks octavious!

       Anonymous  11/16/13, 4:48 PM  

The grid must be different for everyone, cause I try and try as you specify and nothing.

One star for unsolvable puzzle.

       Anonymous  11/16/13, 4:50 PM  

lmao, I zoom out and the puzzle is solved... I think it's a big fail you don't get a sound or any sign you solve the puzzle until you zoom out.

       Anonymous  11/16/13, 5:00 PM  

Felicitations Tu as fini.

Whatever that means...

Thanx Octavious
Could not figure that out
easy after
Iconland.. Its french
Congratulations, you are finished

Any other links? The EG24 page has an add floating over the top of the game for me, making it unplayable (it's covering one of the movement arrows)

ca veux dir: Congratulation, you have finished ;)

I have put the coins on now got a compass puzzle

Got shapes but dont understand order

got by random - out and ouch, no like

       Anonymous  11/17/13, 5:06 AM  

final shapes order,
X - diamond - circle - rectangle cube - minus sign

Help I need a WT My grid is the same as roberto, backed out and no ball help please

@sherry, read com Octavius .3:51 it's the good hint
and it gives places for buttons

you must "rotate" initial grid because 2 blues eyes up are now down left on 2nd paper hint

seb thanks but I still dont get the blue stuff I clicked it
what do I do next

grid is good, and blue ball appears in another view

but this grid doesn't mean click 2x 4x 3x 1x...Ok? it's "buildings heights"

for 2431 you must click 2x 0x 1x 3x

see pic link Roberto 4:04 it's good

seb, I did it exactly like you said 2x 0x 1x 3x
1x 3x 2x 0x
3x 1x 0x 2x
0x 2x 3x 1x
is that right thats what I did and what view would the ball be

yes it's good, return (view without zoom ) and blue ball is near buttons box

seb got the blue ball Thanks so much I didnt think to do it like roberto picture, I did it like his, thanks again , didnt see that coment before

ok got 2 coins, stuck again

put coins bottom guards

what do I do with the compass, it doesnt move help please

note place numbers on compass and return in precedent views and use hint to click on door of space ship white

I feel so stupid, sorry still dont get it. I havent anything in my inventory, they are all black, havent any # or notes.

I mean numbers on compass
on door space ship click in order 123456 = ENWESN

got it Went to the space ship and click the egg door like the compass, and did the shapes and finally out hooray, Thanks for having patience with me Thanks again for your help. I know I would not have done it alone

Any clues for 2 gold coins or is it just trial and error?

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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