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Nao's Sticky Riddles 4 Walkthrough

Nao's Sticky Riddles 4

Nao's Sticky Riddles - Vol. 4 is another free online riddle game by Nao Fenix. Solve nine riddles and proceed to the final one (i.e. ten in total). Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Small-Tool]

Note: Please do not post answers, hints only!

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If anyone has a clue on 3 Post it please...... I know what this is refering to SPgOIiLrElsR

Got 3: Think cartoons

for 3, I figured out B*bbl*s, B*tt*rc*p and Bl*ss*m but can't seem to get it accepted

RSA Momma Cyndi
All 3 together (are named?) with 'the' in front


:) thanks - didn't have a 'the'

Oh, for those who are newer, a much needed tool is available at:


The first one you will certainly need it for - unless you are an old telegraph operator

I don't understand the first riddle. I already tried morse code, and that didn't work.

Todd, it does work. But use a whole row of pumkins for a letter.

Thanks, small-tool!

       Anonymous  11/11/13, 8:25 AM  

stuck on the 4th page :)

       Anonymous  11/11/13, 8:33 AM  

well, that was easy, just needed some coffee :)

is 2 a well known story/movie? I am not finding anything including all the the clues.

I'm also stuck on 2. I don't understand the clue or monologue--sorry!

Anyone here?

stuck on 4 - can help w/ 2...

i am still here yasmin

OK for 2: take the 1st letters of the images for the movie - (rt click the image and then select image info)

cant get passed 2 still,

Yea! - rds665 - can you please help with 4?

       Anonymous  11/11/13, 11:13 AM  

lvl 4 - find numbers in those words, like exTENd and so on, the answer is obvious then

Thanks, Mako!

i got tcpmcsmc, nothing coming up on google

Got the letters, Yasmin--thanks. Looks like I need a cipher for it, but not sure what to use.

rds - the names of the images are on image info - the first is associated text: trumpet

For level 2, don't take the first letters, but use the move of the bishop hint. So first word first letter, but second word second letter etc.

ok holly - you got the movie - now find the heroine of that movie

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yes - s-t - I forgot about that you are so much clearer

Hmmm....No 2....rt click-image info isn't a choice for me in either IE or Chrome....or is it called something else?

Can someone give a hint for 7?

thank you so much small tool

Level 7.
Just look at the clock!!!
The answer is very very short :)

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Thanks, small-tool and Yasmin. I don't play chess!

Duh! I was way overthinking that one! Very red faced right now.

You don't have to right-click the pics, just hold your mouse still on a pic and the name pops up.

Thanks ST, just trying to make things more complicated than they really are....

       Anonymous  11/11/13, 12:08 PM  

:D I tried to rearch in the source code and I found out

       Anonymous  11/11/13, 12:08 PM  

... "Nothing useful you can find in the source..."

How do I figure out page 5?

There are a few Caesar ciphers. You need the most simple one.

I have answered level 9 ( fun level) but I'm stuck on level 8. Am I missing the obvious again?

Lol LinR, when there's a clock on a level you don't pay attention to it :P
It's again the (digital) clock and only the clock.

       Anonymous  11/11/13, 12:28 PM  

any hints for lvl 9, please?

Not sure how to input the letters to solve them. I thought it was by columns, but that doesn't make sense to me. Is it a Caesar cipher where you add so many letters to each letter for the code?

       Anonymous  11/11/13, 12:29 PM  

yes Holly, 3 keys - 3 steps

Yep Holly, adding it is.
But I think it was the letters in the rows order.
The keys are the hint how many (although, maybe a mistake or I didn't see the trick, not + but -)

For 9 look at the ENTIRE page.

Level 9 is bigger than you think/see :)

Thanks, s-t and Mako. I had the first part (from Latin study), but forgot about the other part!

Small Tool, you are right! I do seem to have a problem with clocks! Oh my!

do i need a cipher for 6?

rds665 - no.
I am now stuck on the final answer and there is no clock. LOL

Final level: Take it literal.

Not getting 8. Hints?

Holly, try a different angle.

Is the clock important in 8?

Thanks, LinR--that helped me focus better!

tried everything i can find on 8 still need a push please, already read the album

pop!!!! got it onto 9

3 numbers, different angle, then make it a 4 letter word.

I have highlighted letters in 9 after clicking on bottom phrase, but not sure what to do now. Is the phrase "one step left' significant?


I'm still stuck on the final answer.

       Anonymous  11/11/13, 1:32 PM  

now I'm stuck at the final lvl

But s-t, I did click!

LinR, Mako,
Take it literal. Answer is not just one word.

Try different spots very bottom left.

I clicked at the bottom left, and now I have letters highlighted, which I've tried entering, but can't make it work.

Now go Google

Sometimes things can be so simple! Now on final level and trying with hints given so far. Thanks, s-t!

Thanks S-T. Anouther doh! moment for me.

Congrats on finishing LinR :)

       Anonymous  11/11/13, 1:48 PM  

I'll try to finish tomorrow, going to bed, too tired to think any further :) Thanks for clues and have fun :)

Do I need to translate the poem to get the answer for the final level?

Forget about the poem. It's a red herring.

For final level, s-t, you said answer is more than one word. Do you mean I need a space between words?

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Thanks, s-t. I'll try with your hint!

Thanks for playing "Nao's sticky riddles".
If you get stuck and have no idea even after referring here, you can ask me directly from the link in each page.

I might not be able to answer immediately due to time-zone difference, though...

Ah great to see you here Nao Fénix.
Thanks again for the great riddle. Loved it.
(btw. please do say so if some of my hints are too big a spoiler and I will delete them).

Oops Holly, can't remember what I posted. But it's 'no spaces'

still not getting final, I tried taking it literally, but not getting the right combination i guess, any more clues?

Keep it in order as it is on the level.

thanks s-t, was able to get a pop moment with that final clue.

Congrats on finishing rds665 :)

need a hint for level 6 please

What's up or right etc. on a map?

omg so simple thanks st

lol level 7 was too funny!

Finally got it! Thanks!

Totally stuck on page 9. Been clicking around the very bottom of the screen but different parts get highlighted every time I try. What am I doing wrong?


Hello I'm the author.
Could you send me a direct message from "Ask Nao" link in the page to let me know what's exactly going on?

I have done, thank you.

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       Anonymous  11/12/13, 10:09 AM  

For level 8, if I am doing it right I got a shape similar to a greater than sign or a bird's beak. I have no idea what to do next.

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Help on 7 - the clock. I guess I am the only one not getting it (not a surprise)

got 7 after reading small-tools hint not to look at clocks


OK I found your message and replied on G+

abracadabra, for lvl 8. Check out the time on the clock, but from a different angle.

on lvl 4 do understand whats its about but having trouble with right answer any hints please

Hi ger,
For page 4, If you understand what it's about, just try with it.
If you have no idea, you can use "Ask Nao" link at the bottom of the page to ask me directly

ok will ask because nothing I enter is working lol

Need a hint for page 5, please!!! Don't know what C****R I need to use...

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Got page 5, now stuck at final level, any hint?

       Anonymous  11/13/13, 8:23 AM  

Clio!!!! Good to see you again, thanks for your help on level 8....I got a bit faked out by SmallTool saying it was a 4 letter word, for any other person still playing this riddle game, the answer is only 3 letters.

Well, as the title says, it should be just in front of you...
Just watch carefully.

you can use "Ask Nao" link at the bottom of the page to ask me directly

Thanks Nao Fénix got it!!!!
It was so obvius that I thouht "NO WAY" lol

Hi all, just finished this with a good bit of help from you all.

Nice riddle, level 7 was very cheeky though lol

Thanks Nao...

Level 3 The P******** G**** wont work for me???

Thank you for playing. I'm the author.

For Page 3, eliminate spaces and combine the words as indicated in the instructions page.

If the trouble persists, give me a message from "Ask Nao" link at the bottom of the page.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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