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Yoopy Duck Escape Walkthrough

Yoopy Duck Escape

YoopyGames - Duck Escape Yoopy is another point and click type room escape game by Yoopy Games. Help duck to escape from the farm. Good luck and have fun!

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Lol, that was fun; a goat crapping a key :D

Ewwwww! Does any one have gloves to grab that key with?!

are the 5 colors supposed to be from the roosters tail?

Yep, the colour code is from the roosters tail. Order from top to bottom.
But I gave up, could only find 6 ducks. Then looked at the build-in walkthrough and guess what: only 6 ducks described there as well :(

Yes Jo-Ann, but it's a little glitchy. All the squares have different combinations of colors, I just started picking the first one in each that matched one of the tail colors. When I got the color on the 4th square, it magically filled in the 5th and the panel opened up.

k, will try again

Just pan around for hotspots, s-t. The goat and the colors were the hardest for me to get.

haha mine magically filled in too!

I have 6 ducks now and can't see any other hotspots?

The only hotspots I have now are the rooster, cow, cage with the duck in it, duck in the water (but both hotspots lead to the same scene) and the down arrow which it won't take me too because I am not finished (I asume)

nothing in inventory

Each of the windows of the house has a hotspot, have you gotten those?

so did you finish this game smokehalo?

Arrggghhh, my adobe crashed. Will restart

hmmm, now I have more hotspots. They weren't there before I swear!

with all the window hotspots, the game is much easier!

Hot spot on top of tree, use axe on branch.

Have 5 ducks and no way can I figure out the colors from that tail. Not worth my time.

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Opens new window, i dont play.

I agree Magda,

Start button is an external link. BOOOO!!

Low points for cookie planting!

TAB key works...

very picky game. had to click some things over and over before they worked but finally out.

Wow! A goat pooping out a key! That's a new one! I sure got a laugh out of it.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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