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Ena Soul Escape From Hell Walkthrough

Ena Soul Escape From Hell

EnaGames - Ena Soul Escape From Hell is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. Assume Soul are inside this Hell. It's a great challenge for you, search for the available clues and objects and try to escape Spirit. Lets see how good are you in this escape game. Good luck and have fun!

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Took the eyeballs out of the skuls, placed them in the tombs, opened the coffins, put the skeletons back on the skuls, got something (umbrella?) and now stuck

crushed the statue with the hammer, got a second umbrella, or whatever it is

The coffins won't open, even with the axe.

its the swords from the tree in first scene. im stuck after doing that and put the scull of the colored trees on the statue.

sorry not tree! the door

Put the umbrella's in the gate, one horn on the owl, missing a second horn

Out! Once you get the axe thingy, just run around chopping everything.

take the fish bones from first scene and put it in the water with the other one in second you get a scull like that

put the skeleton fish next to the other one in the pond and got a skull

But how do you open the darn coffins ? I can't see any swords or anything else.

You cant open the coffins until you get a crowbar.

Fed the beast in the right scene with the skull... he probably wants more of that.

He does :)


Thank you... what crowbar ? I chopped everything with my axe, put the skeleton fish with the other one, gave a horn to the owl, got an item from the monster that swallows masks...

stuck need one more scull i think and the last shape. in the middle.

crowbar wasnt hidden i think not sure if i remember correct though. where did you find last scull of monster?

Crowbar came from chopping the white tree on the left in 2nd scene.

crowbar is in the right scene, next to the tree

Can't remember where 2nd skull came from. Have you clicked the red/blue/black trees in order?

took one from trees and one from fish.

I got it before I chopped the tree.
Chopped the tree too though.

I may have missed it and only noticed it after chopping tree.

Still missing one horn for the owl

restarting i dont know what i didnt do now.


Thank you, finally I found THE pixel to click in order to find the crowbar.
For those who could be still looking for the crowbar, after you have chopped the tree, zoom out and click on a very tiny hotspot between the tree and its stump.

Now, I think that I'm missing the second horn for the owl (the first one was just lying in the grass, in 2nd scene, I think).

Both owl horns are in plain sight - one in each scene. At the back.

2nd horn is behind the blue eyes tomb.

I've just noticed that tab works, LOL !

ok out didnt found the 2nd horn before.

Pop, found the horn, next to the gate.
Horns give fire, Light the candles for the las symbol

easy paseasy

Only crowbar was a bit hard to see. Without the comments I would have overlooked it.

horn behind blue eyes tomb was NOT in plain sight. Thanks for the help with that. out now

horn behind blue eyes tomb was NOT in plain sight. Thanks for the help with that. out now

does anyone know what to do with the gargoyle like statue? tryin' smash it with axe, even crowbar but nothing happens......

Zoom in on that gargoyle and smash it with the hammer (think that hammer was first scene left next to the tree).

This time I need help - and got it - thank you all!
Good game!

Where is second blue/white sword?

the thing that got from put the skeletons to the skulls is sword.... put the sword on the door

Oh, hang skeletons on skulls

A bit repetitive with having to get all the eyes, then place all on graves, then get coffins and open and hang skeletons times 6 each time. Otherwise OK.

This game was terrible. It was repetition of the same action, coupled with the fact that I had to mute my computer for the consistent stream of hidden advertisements playing behind the game and the fact that the moment I opened the door it jumped right to another advertisement.

Ena Games=Do not play, for me.

Well, thanks to hints here being so crappy, I made my way through via the video walkthrough and am too tired to write one out. And I'm off.

Get "page not found" so probably Adobe Flash game and gone forever.

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