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Escape from the Restroom 4 Walkthrough

Escape from the Restroom 4

NeatEscape - Escape from the Restroom 4 is another point and click type room escape game by Neat Escape. Try to escape the restroom by finding items and solving puzzles. Only one possible ending. Good luck and have fun!

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Wow, actually made it out without help. :) I'll stick around if someone needs a hint.

I'm out of the bathroom, but stuck in the hall. Where is the clue for the L/R box?

@gmm, keep looking out the window.

Oh, never mind, just had to look out the window for a while.

Now trying to figure out the clock(?) thing and I think I need a handle for the extension bar.

go from inner to outer circles but by the matching color of the clock hands. then type that in from bottom to top on the box.

from top to bottom: SP4OI9L5ER

I have 8-2-3 but those numbers don't work in any combo.

Nevermind... I missed the view behind the toilet.

for the handle, turn off lights. After turning lights back on check out the corner that was lighted.

Thanks for the help SarahB!

Need help for the box with the bolt. The wrench does not reach the bolt...

Unknown, you need an extension, which is in the other room (behind brown door).

Sorry, i found the solution to find the extension....

Please share, I don't see anything to interact with but shoes and a cupboard that won't open and can't do anything with them.

where is the extension? i go in the room with the brown door but dont see it?

the shoes show you how many times you have to click on the drawer. (I did it with the ratchet highlighted, but I don't know if that's needed)

For the extension, just keep clicking on the small drawer in the room behind the brown door (about 4 to 5 times).

Thanks SarahB! Got the extension now.

just started and got all the way into brown door
have socket and extension
can't use either
can't connect either
can't get out...... going to bed hope someone comes back and helps me escape later

Brin - check out SarahB's comment about the light switch and the glowing floor panel.

Where does the key from the bolted box go to?


1- zoom up and see a green 2 under the middle toilet paper among the stack. zoom out and click on the top of the toilet to zoom in, flush it, and see a blue 8 come pouring out! zoom out, and click the down arrow this time to see the other side of the room. zoom in on the bottom of the door, and see the orange 3. zoom out and enter the code by the toilet. on the right side of the toilet (the pipe), you find a clue to help you find the real code. *SPOILER566/SPOILER*

2- in the hall, if you shut the light, you can see the location of something glowing in the corner. re-open the light and inspect that spot to find the ratchet handle.

3- (thanks gmm) look at the window in the hall for a while, and youll see shooting stars, this is the code for the L R box. obtain new key!

4- open the wooden door and zoom in on the cupboard to the left, the clock from the hall is used to solve the next code. SPOILER495/SPOILER

5- the jammed drawer in the 3rd room should come loose if you click it enough times (ty rambler). now you should have all 3 pieces for the wrench, assemble it and open the box by the window. final key get!

Fun game! Lots of good hints and great WT!

Happy New Year!!

       Anonymous  12/29/13, 7:03 AM  

This one was very difficult and very pixelly. I found almost nothing by myself, very frustrating.

Lovely game! Please keep them coming!

Going in

And going out again

thanks MIllTheThrill! must have been too tired and missed that!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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