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Find the Escape-Men 76: Pic-Pic Airlines Walkthrough

Find the Escape-Men 76: Pic-Pic Airlines

No1Game - Find the Escape-Men 76: Pic-Pic Airlines is a new Japanese point and click type escape the room game from No 1 Game. Find the 10 Escape-Men, solve some puzzles, and escape. This game has one ending. Good luck and have fun!

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No1 Game's Find the Escape-Men 76: Pic-Pic Airlines Walkthrough 

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you can unscrew the head on the poster.

8 men found, looking for 2 more

I have two cards but am stuck. Where is everyone?

9, one to go

Hi, am slowly working through this telephone conversation.

only 6 men,what is birthday date? i mean where ? :D

Not sure what to do with the pen. Thought it would be RGB, but that doesn't seem to do anything.

birthday date is from laptop when ye have both cards. cick on "e" and on "no1 game" there ye have to enter a code from white card and ye get the b-day date

Have just done the pen according to the card. It made the noise as if I had found a man but I can't see him.

Pete on the first screen on the laptop there is a Go button, press that!

Gmm the clue for the pen is on one of the cards.

aha,bday date on computer :D

Still looking for the final man

Where is the second card? I only have the PAL card.

I just got 1 from clicking around on "my page" he wasn't visible though.

@ Belgarion thx

Never mind, found the second card. Count red/green/blue squares on bed.

I have 8 now but I can't find the one from completing the pen.

ok got last man, now just have to reconfirm the ticket

hmm...still missing 10th ..unscrewed/opened panel at door and stuck

los you use the pen on one of the cards

gmm: the order is specified on the id card.

for me the message about entering birth date is so fast I can't see it.

ah now i got my flight ticket and 10th men per postmail...but?

Ah ha. Keep checking mail.

I assume EM express is email but nothing is showing there apart from Erika.

back to laptop and checking PAL mail...and out

erika is used on door ;)

Los check the box on the door

Nice one Belgarion

Geez, this game is making me feel stupid. I have both cards now and see the info on the computer. The phone message says "Please enter your eight-digit birthday number. Followed by day/month/year." I've tried 19800115 and 01151980 and both are wrong.

No problem Los

Gmm day/month/year 1501980

oops 15011980

Doh! Now I really feel stupid! Thanks Belgarion!

Do I now need another coin for the phone? My cards are unlit now.

Los do you have ten men, if so they go on the phone

This comment has been removed by the author.

only 9 men. Im sure I didn't get the on from the pen. I heard it when I completed the puzzle but it didn't show on the counter.

Did you get one fromm the clock?

Time does not work for me.

What are you putting in Magda

How do I reconfirming the ticket? I got 10 men and the flight ticket but don't know what number goes in the phone?

The number is in the email you get Gil

I tried 19:45 and 7:45

1-800 square, triangle, square, circle is not a number?

Gil count the number of corners

Magda, 19:45 should work when you click OK

Thanks Belgarion! I'm out! :-)

Can someone please post the ID and PIN for the computer?

Gaelle The id is on one of the cards, you get the pin when you make the call

How can I make the last phone call? The coin is used. Is there another coin?

NVM, find 10 escape man as the coin. Out!

       Anonymous  12/27/13, 5:21 AM  

I opened everything except the panel of the door and I have only 8 escapemen, and nothing left in inventory. I found 2 of them on the computer, one on the clock and so on.

1. After using coin found under bed, in phone. Turn coin over.
2. Left side of clock.
3. Use drill on 3D poster (drill on l/h side of bookshelf..note that you can alternate between Phillips Head and Flat Head - highlight and click it to interchange).
4. Under brown pillow on bed.
5. Open RGB draw on desk, (using bed cover as clue) retrieve card. Note colour order on top left of card. Use drill on top of bookshelf, get pen. Input colour hint from card on pen and click circle. Click pen to reveal green nib. Colour in the escape-man on the card and click him.
6. Use drill in base of rubbish bin.
7. Open laptop, click on e, and you are on No.1 game on blogger. Check your card and use last three letters from blog address on card. Welcome to John's page...and grab his id pic....he is your no. 6 escapeman. While you are there, note his birthday. You will need it.
8. Use time on clock to get another card from the bottom right drawer of desk. Turn it over to get another escapeman.
9. Go to phone, swipe new card. Dial the number as displayed on the back of the card. You will be asked to enter your (John's) birthdate, and the PAL no. which is on card. You will then be told your PIN . Back to laptop and click on e again....the PAL. Enter PAL number and PIN and buy your ticket, and click your pilot escapeman.
10. Check your email and note the name of your daughter. Unscrew the box on the door and input her name. Nothing there. Go round the room a couple of times then go back to laptop, check PAL, and see that your ticket has been sent. Check letter box again and retrieve ticket for 10th man.
To escape: Go back to laptop, PAL...and see that you need to reconfirm booking. Note telephone number and note that shapes are used as final four digits. Using your combined escapeman...use him in the slot shape on phone and dial number. Pilot at the door....and awayyyy you fly in your first class seat with 360 degree view. Googles will be provided.


RGB drawer = 564
Time drawer = 19:45
Pen = i cant remember but i think it was BRG?
Phn number 18004271
Birthday = 15011980
ID = 12572
Pin = 1192
Letter box - erika
Phn number for reconfirmation 18004340

ack...the drill is on the right side of the bookshelf !! grr...i always get left / right confused. Sorry.

       Anonymous  12/27/13, 5:46 AM  

Thank you @Clio-Rose !

TY @clio_rose!!!! I needed the whole WT! LOL

well im so stuck have 9 men and 3 cards still highlighted

so so rating for an escape man game

think the thing im missing is on comp u have to inpit 3 letters cause i cant see wat else to do grrrrrrr.plus i got sound on and cant hear sweet f all when using telephone.

it ok i got 10 and now out

That was awful for an escape-men game.

First clues from telephone were
wrong and misleading!

Great game.

thanks for WT :)

This was the worst escape man I've ever played. Nowhere (and no clues left) that said to use a card in the phone. One person asked if there was another coin (which was my question) then came back with the usual NM I got it and I'm out without answering.

Thank you Clio for the WT. I followed your directions but have no idea how you came up with 1800-4340 as the final number. I see no clues in the game indicating the shapes are 4340. Hopefully the next one will be back to their normal fun standards. This one sucked.

lilrascal, the square has 4 sides, the triangle 3, the square 4, the cirkel 0. That's it. It feels a bit like they wanted another puzzle for us to solve and came up with just this.

The escape man not mentioned in the WT above is on the poster with the cartoon man on it. Use drill with the ordinary head on it and the man's 'head' screws up to give green man.

Well, I thought it was a great game! However, I did use your WT, clio, and thank you very much for it!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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