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Panic in Space Walkthrough

Panic in Space

Abroy - Panic in Space is another free online point and click adventure game from Abroy.  Help the soviet cosmonaut to fix the space station and get back to earth in one piece! Good luck and have fun!

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joining you Doris


hi Fudge! Hi Fairy!

Oh joy LOL

I'm in the scene with the comet and there's nothing else to do...

Funny as monkeys in space...

my red cable is gone in space, so I have to restart and I'm getting really bored!

maybe my computer is simply slow, but am finding this tedious

In the first comete scene there are hooks left bottom.

So, be carefull, not to loose your cable!

As everything is floating, sometimes you have to wait to see stuff.

well I think i stuck over red levers so canrt move rock...

cable used and grapple attached...

Got stuck in the last scene, thought I had picked up some kind of usb stick or magnetic card. It was actually a bottle of something. Use it on the ventilation up left once it works.

Out. I liked this one.

Ran very slowly for me, apart from that it was ok

Its a bag of water that you put through vent and it fuses the robot.

I am not a abroy fan,
but this looks interesting.
Have now the right space uniform....

This was absolutely great, using the whole 3D room :-D. Please make more of this, Abroy.

I have a whole space suit but must not be the right one. Any hint for me?

Never mind, got it. I had one small piece wrong.

Fun! Not tedious for me! Love these games - funny!

Not too difficult, liked it.

Ug. The worst kind of escape game. The one where the game does all the work. "Games for Smart People"? More like "Games for Lazy People"

I wish Abroy would put a "re-do" button on the page, so you didn't have to restart the entire game to play, when you make a mistake.

Maggie, for me, if I go wrong, it restarts where I left off, so not back to the beginning at all.

I can't select the chest plate on the suit.

What fun! Clever guesswork interspersed with interesting puzzles!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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