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Button Escape 17 Walkthrough

Button Escape 17

TototoRoom - Button Escape 17 is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Tototo Room. Try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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aaahhhh !!! is it me today or are these games just awkward? have 4 happy face things - no idea what theclues for the square = MR -circle = NT and triangle = OSE mean apart from spelling monster...

nvm - as i wrote spelling monster i had an idea and it worked! yay

       Anonymous  1/17/14, 5:10 AM  

stuck with the blue safe and the cofin not open

have opened left red box and got a key to open the monster painting, back of painting is clue for other red box - now got 7 happy faces but no idea about blue box which i am guessing contains key to coffin...... anyone else playing???

mako, you and i both. you typed your comment while i was typing mine...

haha opened blue safe ...... spoiler

use the numbers off the big shapes - 1st one quarter of square 2nd circle add circle etc

Anyone going to leave some clues then?

SPOILER! Sort of.

Blue safe - The clue is not the one behind the painting. It has to do with the shapes and their numbers. The o+o was 4. You have an upside down triangle, and one that's right side up. Do that with your triangle number. The square, I'm not sure, because I did it last and it suddenly opened. It is a fraction of the square number, though.

missing one happy face....

escape girl what are you stuck with ????

Do you see anything in common between the shapes' letters and a certain word in the room? combine this clue with the large shapes on the wall. I'm stuck on the last puzzle. The second half of the skeleton clue makes no sense, but I need to use it to do red box puzzle. I have the skeleton, opened his skull, stuck after that.

       Anonymous  1/17/14, 5:18 AM  

thank you Tammy, it worked :) out now

something wrong with the padlock on the floor???

The clue behind the picture is 4 numbers! The black spots are "holes". The first number is a 4.

       Anonymous  1/17/14, 5:19 AM  

EllenIsBlessed just look at the clue, there are "insides" of numbers

EllenIsBlessed - you have to look at the clue and see numbers


mako how did you find the last happy face?

I cannot click the button on the padlock. :-(

Ah, POP...if you look at the four symbols beside the skeleton picture, each black dot represents the round part of a number (without the rest of the lines). First number you find by process of elimination.

me too

You don't need the padlock button, but I do want to know what it says! haha

Then I'm missing a button. GAH!

klea me too i have :

1 left of coffin and 2 inside
1 top of blue box
1 inside each red box
1 from umbrella, 1 from purple ball
1 from carpet, 1 from bottom monster pic

Didn't get the shape and mn nt clue at all

Can anybody help with the third Button, first row

Those are the ones I have.

escape girl. Look for the shapes and what letters they are (there's a triangle clue as well.) You will use those clues to spell a word with the big shape buttons on the right hand side.

Escapegirl -- spell monster with the three shapes on the wall by clicking then in order

Check carpet again when it is rolled out.

escape girl - the word is monster - spell it by clicking the big shapes on right in order so square is m (1st click) and r (last click) triangle is o (2nd click) etc does this make sense

DUH! Thanks. Every time I clicked it, it would roll back up. :-p OUT!

thank you indiedog12 - that was driving me insane!!!

Oh no! Was playing some older games and missed a live one :(
lol unlucky me :P


Terrible helps here. Either I am playing a different game or none of these make sense. I have no picture of a skeleton and can't click the big shapes with letter beside. Basically can't do anything. the hints by the safes make no sense to me either.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Can u click the big yellow square, triangle and circle next to the door? U should.. The letters scattered around the room and the word in the pic are ur hint :) click in the order

could someone spoil blue safe please ?

thought 4496 but wrong

The padlock said "ニセモノ ごめんね" which means "Fake. I'm sorry".

seb for square: think visually :)

@seb, first digit is half "8" in vertical (not 4)

Ohhhh thanks Nini, never thought :)

thanks tautau, got it finally :)

Why isn't 4496 working on the blue safe? And, why aren't my colours working on the other safe? Very confused ....

Cracked all the codes, but miss middle top button :(

Oh for goodness sakes, feeling dumb. Got it now ...........

Got it on carpet... that hotspot was... hmmm...

@SueInSpain read com Nini and tautau above (imagine you cut the 8 on square verticaly, it's not a 4 it's a...)

Replaying Jon :)

Oh u got it already :)

How do I get the button on the pad lock?

u can't :D
that's just a red herring

I'm missing just one button

very good little game!

nice puzzles too...

last safe was a bit tricky...

Thanks Nini anyway
Clicked all around it and finally got it.
Codes were pretty easy though... and that lock is deceiving

I found all of the buttons listed in Tammy c's comment at 5:27 AM but there is one button still missing. Can anyone clue me in as to where it is?

one by clicking on bottom left carpet (after clicking 1 x)

Found 2 in carpet? After unrolling it, click bottom left

       Anonymous  1/17/14, 7:03 AM  

Last button: rt. top of maroon box on right. Have to press the corner. Tricky!

I got the second red box open, but there is nothing inside? Just white...what am I missing?

Fun! Thanks to indiedog12! I didn't think to check the carpet when it was rolled out!

Would someone please spoil the Blue Safe and EXPLAIN how you got the number? Sheesh.


nice game

I'm with Andrea and Maggie, what's up with the red box on the right? It's empty. And I'm totally baffled with the blue box clue.

Nice game, thanks for help everyone who gave clues

Red box on right click the top right corner for a button

Thank you, Clee!

I see no one was willing to help with a clearer explanation about the blue box. Not sure what I expected, anyway.

The blue box was explained lots, but I'll try again for you
the Square was 8 so like the first pic on the blue box shows shave off part of the 8 and you get 3. The next was 0+0 (circle was 2) so that was 4. Next was upside down triangle (6) so that was 9 . The Triangle = 6
I missed these button games hope you make LOTS more!!!

Strange, there seems to be a button in the padlock, but you can't get it out and you don't need it to have them complete!

Most of the hints were all given above but for anyone coming after I'll summarise into a WT

Face1 - on left of coffin
Face2 - click umbrella to open and click top
Face 3- click purple ball and click face
Face 4 - unroll carpet (bottom right)
Face5 - click bottom left corner of unrolled carpet
Face6 - top of blue safe

Square = MR on wall,
Circle = NT (click red box on bottom shelf)
Triangle = OSE (blue box on left of door
Word MONSTER on top box left of door

Use these hints to click on shapes right side to spell monster (ie square (M), triangle(O), circle(N), triangle, circle, triangle, square)
Shapes become coloured and have number showing.

Open the red safe left of door using the colours, don't forget to add blue plus yellow (gives green). Opens safe

Face7 - in red safe

get key in red safe, opens MONSTER safe above

Face8 under clue in monster safe

Clue in monster safe tells you there is a face on top of a skeleton. Also number clue. If zero is the black oval shape it tells you that the shapes you see are the "insides" of numbers. You can picture the numbers around the shapes..first is a triangle (number 4 surrounds this), next 2 ovals above each other (8 surrounds this) etc to give number (4896)

Red safe on shelf, open with above clue.

Face9 top right corner of opened safe

Blue safe
Hint is for numbers. On the red box is the number 8...if you bisect that number vertically you get a 3 on the right hand side, so first number is 3. Then 2 of the circle (2 +2=4) then an upside down triangle (9) and the correct triangle (6) (3496) open and get key

Use key to open coffin

Face10- in coffin bottom right
Face11- top of skull of skeleton

Nice games, but I always seem to miss something. So thanks for the hints en Soozn for the WT!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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