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Hidden Journey 3 Walkthrough

Hidden Journey 3

EvilLemon - Hidden Journey 3 is another point and click type hidden object game developed by Evil Lemon. Hidden Journey challenges you to find 130 hidden objects scattered across a winter scene. Choose between 2 difficulty modes and collect all the lost items. The hard mode will give you more points for each found object. Hurry up to get all 3 stars and bonus points! Good luck and have fun!

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Going in!

Crap! Not one of these again. Not for me.

Count me out.

Very difficult, this one - could cause snowblindness

Only found 7 notes so far - doubt I'll finish

well, found one more note, so I got enough to sing Auld Lang Syne - see you!

There's a puzzle piece hidden under the white roof lower right. It has a hot spot but you can't see it.
Also in the upper left there is a moon with a star almost on top of it - really hard to spot.

There's a puzzle piece hidden under the white roof lower right. It has a hot spot but you can't see it.
Also in the upper left there is a moon with a star almost on top of it - really hard to spot.

There's a puzzle piece hidden under the white roof lower right. It has a hot spot but you can't see it.
Also in the upper left there is a moon with a star almost on top of it - really hard to spot.

There's a puzzle piece hidden under the white roof lower right. It has a hot spot but you can't see it.
Also in the upper left there is a moon with a star almost on top of it - really hard to spot.

There's a puzzle piece hidden under the white roof lower right. It has a hot spot but you can't see it.
Also in the upper left there is a moon with a star almost on top of it - really hard to spot.

There's a puzzle piece hidden under the white roof lower right. It has a hot spot but you can't see it.
Also in the upper left there is a moon with a star almost on top of it - really hard to spot.

I used to love these, but now they've gotten to be difficult to the point of not being fun. I had to use the guide to find a few of the pieces and still didn't even see some of the ones that I clicked on.

There is a problem with the game here is not all the painting If you play in the other site is ok

i always want to finish one of these but i have "old lady" eyes and you won't me zoom in even a little..... sigh

I like these - but this one was quite difficult - i did use the guide a few times !

usually like doing these but this one was no fun at all, snow scene was not the best idea

I love these!!

I'm a big fan of EvilLemon but the blinding games are no fun :(

I dont care for this game either. The game isnt bad, its just hard on the eyes. i wish the maker would make it so you can zoom in , other then that its hard on the eyes good luck all

@blooby, thanks for that moon in the upper left spot. Even with the help of the guide, I couldn't find it...

Is there a problem with the hearts? did anyone finish?

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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