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Underworld Escape Walkthrough

Underworld Escape

Games2Attack - Under World Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 2 Attack. In this game, you must search for items and clues to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Pixelly LOOL be warned!!

super pixelly

can't click on right statues

have pick-axe, logs broom and spider and can't do anything.

Have two different colored stones, pickaxe, spider, key, and four logs. Had broom, used. Now what? Clicking everywhere.

Broom on web spider was on, get key. Then what?

oh and now a key that doesn't open anything

There is a wall view on the right that is very hard to find but pick dont work there

got a view of a blank wall which now I can't find again - this game is a flop!

OK click high middle of right wall

LOL Just1 I only just found it second time

found orange juice on the left wall with axe

YAY finally found the pickaxe pixel!! Can I consider myself out?

What do you do with the blank wall?

and a chest for the key on right wall. but stuck again

Macro: click on your pickaxe without really drag it to the wall.

Cripes, I'm outta here.

now pick worked right side gave chest unlocked gave medallion

give logs in fireplace, add orangejuice, use the two stones to light it, add spider, get key and OUT!

Yikes! Got wood in fireplace, orange juice on top and green stone in front, but purple stone won't go.

Anybody figure out how to start a fire?

my logs open in a window and I can't drag them in the fireplace

Aaargh! I can't get the purple stone to do ANYTHING. Any tips, anyone?

I guess you have to just keep trying. Got it, out.

Cut logs with pickaxe and you need two stones to light the fir

how do you put the logs in the fireplace??

tried to cut with axe but it doesn't work

Miss Tokyo LOL I out with red X.
Game just not worth the aggravation!!


- Take 4 logs left front. In zoomed view take broom behind statue as well.

- Zoom on left rear statue and take the two stones.

- Zoom on left spiderweb. Take spider and clean up the web to get the key.

- Zoom on right spiderweb and take pickaxe

- Click the logs one after the other and use pickaxe on them

- Click the grey stone between the two statues on the left (6th row from top) . In the view of the blank wall, click the pickaxe in inventory. You´ll get an orange liquid.

- Click on light grey stone over the head of the statue right front (6th row from top). Click pickaxe to get chest.Open chest with key from spider. Get medal.

Back to fireplace. Put the 8 logs on fireplace. Pour orange liquid over logs.

- Place the purple stone on top of logs (it goes on left side of fireplace). Put yellow stone on top of logs too to start the fire.

- Burn the spider to get another key.

- Now go to right room. Put Medal on round shape, open door with key and the pixelhunt is over!

One and a half star....

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Dabbeljuh - thanks for the great walkthrough - I never would have got out or even bothered without it!

@dabberjah great job well done out thanks for the WT, I always need it

OMG, burn the spider....poor Thing...

Why it has to so ridiculously complicated to use the axe on the logs, or half-move the axe to shop walls, I'll never understand. I tried different logs in different orders, dragged the axe to different positions on and around the logs, and tried a micro-move near its inventory location. No matter what I tried, the logs wouldn't cut.

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