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Wow Dark Room Escape Walkthrough

Wow Dark Room Escape

WowEscape - Wow Dark Room Escape is another point and click type room escape game developed by Wow Escape. You are trapped in a dark room. This room is looking so scary and you are alone there, you have heard some Scary noises also at that house. You want to escape from there soon but you don't know where way. Use your observation skills and solve the mysteries puzzles of the room and escape from there. Use your best escape skills. Good luck and have fun!

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Wow Dark Room Escape Walkthrough

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Stuck with numbers 1-7, the shapes, 5 colour squares and i arranged the things on the panel like on the left most room wall. Got colour code but it does not work on the 1st row.

Wait for me Zazie :)

Have all color squares, now what ?

I have no choice Anja lol, totally stuck.

I put the color squares in the very left room by choice - they stay when it's right

Set the colors in same order in the room to the right and got numbers

Put the shapes in places !

Used numbers in order it shows NOT corresponding to the color and used arrow hint and got a card

Placed the numbers in the circles in very left room (stay if there are right)

Use this order for the room to the right

do you remember where yellow was please?

Now set the color coresponding to the numbers in the 3. room and got another card.

found it on floor 2nd room but with a lot of clicks

In last room (to the right) set the colors corresponding to the shapes and got 3. card

Yellow piece was in the room with many windows somewhere on the bottom to the right of table.(on a darker spot.)

Sorry seb, didn't see your question!

With all 3 card got a key and out!

Ohh i am troubled with so many colors and numbers......

Don´t get the right number sequence in the very left room. Too troubling

I will quit thisone, not worth struggeling with all this....thx for the help anyway !

yes strange game, not for me too :(

@Zazie: I'll play again and will look

Number you have to use is: 2673154

when you put all colors, numbers and shapes in leftmost room
return in start view and use this pattern to put panel on wall on right order ==> new hints

return in others rooms and use these hints to get 3 cards

shapes hard to find (for me)
for colors click on panel start view and on curtains (2 under)

Thx Anja for your effort and playing again, but already had closed the game, in fact i did not like it :-(

I can't find the blue color square...or where to use the arrow clue.

blue is in 1st room on the right after start view, click on floor on a sort of circle on the left

arrows are hint for leftmost room (you need good number code too)

anyone playing?

Nm...found it the color I was missing and escaped...

Can't find the light blue anywhere D:

It was in my inventory -_- jeeeez.

Can't find the flower shape. Anyone?

Thanks in advance.

Got it! Upper right of pic with numbers and shapes

anja, where do u find the number 2673154?

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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