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Ena Spy House Escape Walkthrough

Ena Spy House Escape

EnaGames - Ena's Spy House Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. Assume that you are a person engaged in obtaining information that is considered secret or confidential without the permission of the holder of the information. Now your mission is to find the path to escape from the house where you went to collect the confidential information about a thief. Click on the objects to interact and solve puzzles. Let us see how fast you are! Good luck and have fun!

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HI all....First?

Five green under picture

Combine the 4 coloured numbers with the card suits to open the 4 digit drawer with suits.
4 colours corners hint for painting in first room is in second room.

the key from the 4 colors clue is used on the drawer on top of it also use the pencil on the paper

hello..... I'm stuck with shapes code, I think maybe it was for the code on the door (that says code), but the numbers of the sides of the shapes don't work..... Don't know what else to do now.

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:25 AM  

Got lots of clues but can't seem to match them to puzzles.
Have turned a red light green in middle of circles but don't know what that's done.

Use laser canon on phone. Open bottom drawer with clue given and get ID card. Put on door device and stuck.

The paper with the two triangles (the star of David or so) is the hint how to open the red drawer with triangles. Gives a phone number.

now have a nine digit number, which I don't know what to do with, and not sure what the clue on the flowers is for either. Also, still stuck with shapes code and coded cabinet....

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:32 AM  

Haven't found a laser cannon but got the phone number.

semi circles aloows you to enter 4 shapes code. You get a card with colores shapes.

ok, tried correlating the colored numbers with the colored shapes for the coded cabinet. Didn't work. hmmm....

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:33 AM  

Coloured shapes relate to playing card symbols and colours relate to coloured numbers - cross reference to open drawer.


Roberto, I'm where you are now, hopefully you see something I don't!

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:35 AM  

Spoiler for drawer


       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:36 AM  

I'm guessing the phone number relates to the circles like a phone dial on the drawer. Can anyone remember if 0 went at start or end of old phones?!

smarties- 0 goes at the end!

Number is not for the phone. Forget it.

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:38 AM  

No luck with that phone theory...

Where to use the red circle, yellow star etc hint from putting in the shapes next to the door?

shapes code has the word "code" on back,

ah, sorry..... no no, there is a differant code that comes from the phone... I just related them to numbers in order to remember the order. you need the laser/pager looking thing to hook up to the phone.

Hi, just found out that the COCCO hint from the flower pot is used at the alarm clock in the right room. Push 1st, 3rd and 4th button, then OK. You'll receive a hint for the phone number hint which actually isn't for the phone. Anyone not confused? ;-)

roberto, any luck figuring out where the shapes "code" goes??? it doesn't relate to the cabinet with "code" on it either from what I have tried.

My clock doesn't work with this code. Why 1st, 3rd and 4th buttons?

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:43 AM  

Used cocco on phone in 2nd room - got another clue.

Still stuck heather.

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:43 AM  

Sorry - not on phone - on CLOCK.

I've tried using the number of sides, and coloured numbers on the cabinet but neither works. Not a clue.

1st, 3rd and 4th because that's where the C's are in cocco.
But still have no laser canon. How to get that?
And no idea where to use the fingerprint.

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:44 AM  

This clue must work on the drawer in first room.

What cocco has to do with clock buttons? Don't understand.

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:46 AM  

Got fingerprint - put on thing by exit door.

small tool fingerprint goes on door in 2nd room

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:46 AM  

5 letters/5 buttons. When it's a C - press button down.

I don't see a hint fore the red drawer with circles. Don't see a hint for the cabinet with green dots that go up to 10 and don't see how to open the grey drawer with key in it with 7 cirlces on it.

Thanks ST. Fingerprint goes on door device.

Robert, I could say "why not?". I just saw a hint with a five-letter-word made by two different letters, and I had an alarm clock with five buttons to push. So I gave it a try with pushing the buttons for C, and it worked. Otherwise I would have tried pushing the 2nd and 5th. ;-)

Now I have a key and the colour-shape-hint left but need a clue for the scale door behind the balloon and that laser cannon for the phone. Stuck.

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:49 AM  

Any ideas for 4 green columns, dartboard numbers, 7 circles on drawer, a use for other key???

To solve red circles you need the laser. Can´t remember where I got it.

The nine # number opens the drawer in table with 4 colours, look at the positions.

Thanks for explanation meritneith!

No laser here ....

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:51 AM  

Roberto, are you winding us up with this mythical laser? ;)

For the 7-circles-drawer: You should have a paper clue with seven brown and green circles. Don't know where I got that from.

the 'laser' is the UV light got from putting the cardgot in first room in the card reader

Opening a new game to check where laser comes from.

There is a blanc hotspot on left wall in 1st room.

did the laser come from the popped balloon??? I can't remember either.....

Ohh missed the card reader, thx, have blacklight now.

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:54 AM  

Haven't got a card from 1st room...
Haven't got anything to pop balloon with...

Ok. So I son't need to play the game again. Thanks longfella.

I don't have anything to put in the card reader in the first room and don't have anything to pop the balloon and don't have a paper clue for the 7 circles drawer :(

Get a dart from dartboard to pop balloon.

2/3 done the exit door, cant solve the green columns yet i bet thats whats needed next....

Where to use blacklight ?

On phone in 2nd room.

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 4:57 AM  

Oh my... Thought I had to find numbers for the code thing by exit - not the shapes I had all along!

My laser turned into a blacklight. lol

Ah thanks, that dart made all the difference.
Am where you guys are now :)

nvm the digits by the door are not digits they are the paper and pencil clue

blacklight laser used on phone

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 5:00 AM  

Ok - caught up now. Taking dart to [op ballon was the clue I needed.

Thx Roberto, missing the green bars in 1st room now.

Duh, thanks for the card reader! Now to make it bizarre: The lights on the phone must be for the drawer with the little circles but there are only 9 circles on the phone and 10 on the drawer. Ignore the either the first or the last circle (or maybe dial) on the drawer - sorry, I've already forgotten it - and push the circles according to the phone.

What are the coloured arcs and dots for

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 5:02 AM  

So, only thing to do is to convert coloured shapes code to 4 green columns....

By pushing the right buttons I found a hole to use my key! Got another keycard for the exit door.

Now to that colour-shape-scale-riddle...

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 5:06 AM  

longfella - use them to change circles on wall in 2nd room.

longfella, you need them as a clue for the picture in the second room.

seems were all stuck on the last code, me included haha

@smarties: staying on the same place. :-)

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 5:07 AM  

Tried (and failed) to re-use coloured numbers on wall with the coloured shapes for the green columns. In order of colour and in order of number of sides for shapes.

The bars code is those colour shapes.
You need the angles/corners. Red has 0 and Yellow has 10 (not 5)

What is the paper with the star for ?

Now I got a yar with blue liquid, but no idea where to use that.

smarties, you don't really think you were the first to have this ground-breaking idea? LOL

Hi all. Use blue liquid on left wall in first room. (zoom in first)

small-tool = genius
Who could think of that?

Zazie: Look at the triangles on the david star paper. The sequence is for the drawer in second room.

Ah thanks Catqueen :)
Good, but difficult game.

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 5:11 AM  

Oh well done small-tool!
Meritneith - just thinking out loud! ;)

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 5:11 AM  

where is that blue liquid?

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 5:12 AM  

And out - thanks all!

out! ty for help small-tool

What's this last number for?

       Anonymous  2/17/14, 5:13 AM  

Put it into thing with fingerprint. Cursor changes - just type it in.

Thank you all for your help, funny to make it together!

it seems the blank wall we once thought was a red herring or abandoned screen by the creator has a use after all

Thx Catqueen ! Can i have a spoiler for the green bars ?

Thanks. Out too.

Ohh got it !

I am out too, this was fun with you all !

And out.

Last part was really stupid. Sorry.

Thx s-t for the bars !!

Thanks for the shape hint, small-tool.

Out now.

You're all welcome, but it was 'again' great EG24 team work. Without you guys I would never have popped that balloon and would still be wandering around in those two rooms.

I'm just not getting the bar code thing. I tried 0,10,4,3 but that doesn't work, then tried 0,10,8,6 but that didn't work either. A little more help please?

Great game! Great hints! I got the balloon right away, but never would have figured where to put the blue liquid!! Thanks Catqueen!!!

Thanks ENA!

Cougwife: 0, 10, 4, 3 worked for me. For the zero, don't put any bars at all.

It (0,10,4,3) should work Cougwife.
But in these kind of games you always have to see the hints first before it works. So maybe here it is, not only looking at the 4 shapes but also clicking it to see the backside with 'code' on it.

Thanks, Zoe. It didn't work for me. Oh well. I'll just consider myself out! I got everything else. :)

Cougwife - I think small-tool is right - sometimes you have to look at (zoom in) the clues first before they will work. But all you had left was to get a beaker full of blue liquid, throw that on the left wall and get the exit code.

Thanx Ena! This was much better than your last two games! I just couldn't do them :(.

Same music.............again.

Finally finished it. This is not an easy game. Wouldn't have done it without the many tips and hints here, thanks!

Good game with lots of tough stages. Thanx Ena!! keep posting like this.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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