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Escape from Old Ghost Bungalow Walkthrough

Escape from Old Ghost Bungalow

Games2World - Escape from Old Ghost Bungalow is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 World. In this game, you are locked in old ghost bungalow and you try to escape from ghost bungalow by finding items. Good luck and have fun!

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Is this game bugged?

1 knife? 2 skulls? 1 broom? and a light cover?
Cant take key?

Made a couple of things but stuck now.
Broke chair in the back with double axe, put wood into the big vase to the right, but got nothing. Used broom on a glass cb, took a bone from right skeletton, put two skulls on skelettons. Got the right symbol which revealed a button, got a cross ans sth else.

I come back later LOL all items list as undefined...

Now i am left with a knife, bottle, something grey, a lampshade, bone and cross.

And i broke flowerpot by door and got red diamond (put in upper door)

key gives sword (under ungettable key)

Hey Leroy, don´t leave me alone !! :-)

OK Im with ya now zazie LOL

My sword is already used (maybe on pot, don´t remember)

You are nice Leroy :-) Items are hard to drag.....

Im here LOL but getting increasingly annoyed with game..

Me too, i can´t do anything with all my stuff.....i am the drag queen lol.

I wanna kill that deerhead that is sneering at me LOL

I can look at grey thing but cant do anything with it

Ok let´s wait for a solution....lol, and for a better game.

Playing the newer game now.CU

I got something of the right candle

Progress LOL wood in right vase

for a while i had forgotten how genuinely shitty games2 attack games are.idiotic click fest.

Hi Leroy

I am still here. lol

Now stuck again.. Do I light it somehow

Yeah LOL grey thing frrom candle can be looked at..;

Flippin' eck! Has anyone found anything else to do yet? I have bone, grey thing, dagger, cross, bottle, bone and light shade and can't find what to do with any of them.

two bones? Or that a mistake?

Haha, sorry Leroy, mistake. This game is making me lose it!

Oh well, better things to do - what a rubbish game.

ok, progress

use sword on deer head without zoom

'Cheese' from chest in new room goes on coffin. Use sword above coffin for another bottle. Light fire in vase with candle, add liquid from 3 bottles.

Now left with bone, lampshade and grey thing. Hmmm!

same as Kernowman. Stuck

I think we need anything for get the liquid. stuck too

Giving up. Not a great game!

can't do anything, bad game

Opened the coffin, but that provided nothing and haven't done anything with or to it. Haven't used the bone or the lampshade. Can't do anything with the gray thing (except look at it). So stuck at the same place as the elite escapers...

Been out for an hour with the dogs - I was hoping someone would have cracked this by now.

You would think that the lampshade would be used to collect the liquid, or the bone would be used to stir it, or the bone would be used on the skeleton in the coffin.......and what the hell is that grey thing?

Well, I found a bug, but it didn't get me too far. Don't use the cheese to open the coffin. Instead, put it in the bowl on the fire. Then stir with the bone and scoop up with the lampshade. Pour on gray thing. You get an orb. Unfortunately, that orb becomes the cheese in the inventory again and I still got nothing from opening the coffin with it.

And the lampshade didn't disappear from my inventory like all the other used stuff has. Is there another use for it?

So once you open the coffin as I've indicated above, then pour the stuff from the lampshade on the skeleton and you get the key for the door.
I'm out!

Oh for crying out loud! Reloaded the game to try DWs suggestion and this time the sword disappeared from my inventory after using on deer so I couldn't use it in the new room!

You can collect the sword again from the fallen deer head.

I can't make any sense of this game, even with the above hints.

Games2World should quit making games, and
go back to playing them!

Perhaps then, they would gain some direly needed
insight as to what constitutes "logic", and "thinking".

Just my opinion! I don't doubt many of you would agree.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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