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Ena Pet Valentines Escape Walkthrough

Ena Pet Valentines Escape


EnaGames - Ena's Pet Valentine's Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. Assume that like humans, pets see the Valentine's Day as a special day to express one's love and showing appreciation for its love or adore. For this valentine's day, many pets arranged for a party with their beloved ones, but these various exotic pet animals are smuggled out of the country and arrested them into different cage by unknown smugglers. Try to release them from there to attend the valentine carnival with their loved ones. Click on the objects to interact and solve puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Well lets see how bad I am at this one lol

After all the adds LOL

color code for well not working from scarecrows HUMMM

So far: found 5 snails and used them in tree to get a word hint.
found 5 flowers too used to get into the house. And found a feather.
Looking now in house

game clicked out on me ??? Had to restart

Found 4-digit code in watercan. 2 feathers in house, 1 on the rabbit house.

OK back in Bummer

Oh and there was something white on the plate in house. Don't know what it is.

One carrot from scarecrows arms riddle and one from there hats riddle

Used carrots on bunny cage - now have 2 lucky bunnies :)

Missing number to free the cat.

in and out cute game :)

Found my last (green) feather on house, used them to get a key.

OK Game shut off again and takes you to ADD page wont restart Have fun

Where is watercan?

Used key on bird cage and have now 2 lucky birds.

found it!

in the second scene left hand side behind bush watercan is thr :)

1435+love doesn't free the cat?

My game takes me to an ad page 5 times before starting and then while playing the game also.....:(

for the cat cage when u get the number hint and word hint make sure u open the number hint page from watercan otherwise the cage wont open just by reading :) spoiler 1435 open it on main screen

Used word hint and number on cat cage (don't forget to take FIRST a closer look on the number hint in your inventory!!!)

Thanks! Still missing green feather.

I put the white thing from house in front of dog cage and got a collar with color hint for well.

its on yellow hut in the first scene green feather

Got a key from the turning wheels (I don't like them :))

Ah Thanks. I was looking fot green feather IN house and not ON house. Out too!

Missing the blue feather....

Used the key on last cage but don't know what to do with the maze, red ball will not move.

ya anja the turning wheels is quite an effort :)

...no ...the feather!!!

Got the green, thx for the hint.

iam out anyone needs help iam here

@flora: can't remember where blue feather was - maybe on tree beneath the bird?

Use the White Thing from the house in front of the dog house. You'll get necklace with colour code.

Was the blue feather on top of the rabbit hutch?

Thx, Anja, got it.
But what to do with the maze?

I don't know what to do with the maze either. I tried to put the snails on it earlier on! I've done everything else - just the maze to do - help!

@flora: that was I'm asking too - but no help?!

       Anonymous  2/12/14, 6:24 AM  

Anja, use arrow keys...

Pet Valentines Escape Walkthrough:
1. Collect snail from the top of the yellow hut.
2. Collect pink flower back to dog house.
3. Collect yellow flower near to well.
4. Collect red feather at the left side.
5. Collect yellow snail from the wooden pillar of bird house.
6. Collect blue flower rightside of yellow hut.
7. Collect green feather at the front of yellow hut above the door.
8. Note down the shape of the hat and hands of the scare man stick.
9. Go right once, change the hat shapes in the small flower bouquet and collect the carrat.
10. Enter the shapes of the hands in the rightside tree and collect another carrot.
11. Place carrot in the rabbit cage and escape the rabbit.
12. Collect feather above the rabbit cage.
13. Collect snail from the green leaves.
14. Collect digits clue from the watering can.
15. Collect red flower near to squirrel cage.
16. Collect violet snail at the branch near the ku ku.
17. Collect red snail near to the squirrel cage.
18. Collect the blue flower near to the squirrel cage.
19. Place all the snail on the rightside tree and note the clue love.
20. Enter the clues love and 1435 at the cat cage and escape it.
21. Place all the five flowers in yellow hut and get into the room.
22. Collect the thing from the plate and yellow and black feather right side cupboard.
23. Place the thing in from of dog house and collect the belt from the dog.
24. View the belt for color clue and enter those clue on the well and get the let shape and place the shape on the dog house to release.
25. Place all the feathers on the place left to the well and collect the key to release the ku ku.
26. Solve the circle lock and get the key. go right and open the squirrel house using key and maze puzzle.

       Anonymous  2/12/14, 6:25 AM  

And, Hiiiii, Flora. You have to use the arrow keys as well ;)

@ flora use keyboard arrows x.

I've asked all those soppy paired-up animals what to do with the maze, but they couldn't care less.

@Prakta: thank you so much - never thought about that LOL

Thx, Prakta, Cath, never use arrow keys in these games...

use arrow keys to move to the other end and then once its done use the key :)

Ah, arrow keys - thanks Prakta. Better than dragging it round with a mouse - or its lover!

Ohh, the world is full of love...))))

HI, Prakta, didn't "see" you for a while..))))

happy valentine's day in advance to all of u :)

       Anonymous  2/12/14, 6:37 AM  

@flora: Yes, I know. I was a little bit busy in the last weeks and haven´t had the right ease to play ;)

But, if I go back to this game: It is a little bit embarrassing for me, but where the /&%$§$%&/%$ is the "circle lock"?

@Prakta: do you means the wheel riddle on well (near ground)?

check out the well those rotating three circles

       Anonymous  2/12/14, 6:42 AM  

UUUUUuuuuuuhhhh, totally missed that view. Thank you very much, Anja (Stu) and lakshmi iyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi alls :) thanks for arrow keys, never thought

:) prakta

Really hate the fact that you get redirected to the ENA page when you click on things in game. Hope it's not going to become a regular feature!

       Anonymous  2/12/14, 6:45 AM  

Ha, now my world is full of love too :))

The circle lock is under the well.

...oh, too late...;((
But glad, that everything/everybody is full of love now...

       Anonymous  2/12/14, 6:57 AM  


       Anonymous  2/12/14, 7:03 AM  

Another buggy game that loads another page when you click come items in the game.

I don't see any bugs! So what if you click on the sign and it takes you to ENA's website - they deserve a little advertising - lol! It's just a new tab - no big deal.

Sorry, but no Zoe the game ends and goes to the ad page.....
I think we all understand the purpose of the ads but to end the game while playing is not cool!

larue: It must be the browser, then, because I just replayed and when I clicked on the ENA sign it just opened a new tab for me. I didn't lose the game.

I use Chrome.

Same thing in FF - just opened a new tab. Didn't lose the game....

Ty for trying to figure it out Zoe! But yep it must be my choice of browser (IE)because I tried again and the game closed and went to the ad page and no other tab opened.

I can digest all the thing except logo redirecting to new page while playing on all the places, its annoying me, too greedy ena. Pity on you. ROFL:(

       Anonymous  2/12/14, 8:30 AM  

Same problem with Opera : at some point of the game, for an unknown reason, the game is replaced by a page of advertisments. My FlasPlayer version is up to date.

hi larue - yes, it looks like that is the answer because patrick klm also had that problem.

ENA is pretty good at fixing things for people, so maybe they will catch this one!

I had the same problems with the ads popping up during the game, but I didn't lose my place...just look in the upper right hand corner of the ads and you can close them. The game should still be there. Hope this helps! :)

KiwiKate - what browser are you using?

Idea with arrow keys is stupid.


Use the arrows of your keyboard to move the red ball, in the maze.

Ty KiwiKate and I think they might have fixed it, but just for a fyi I did see the "close" in the upper R earlier in the day and clicked on it and still lost the game I was playing. It went to a game site.
And my game was not in any other tab.

did maze but door won't open! do I need something else for a handle or something? grrrr.... everything else done!

oh, the darn circle thing, sorry, forgot about that!

lol found a jube :D

lol found a jube :D

Hi, Zoe! Sorry I'm so late in getting back to you, was trying to prepare for this snow we're getting here in VA! I'm using IE 10. @Larue, aw, sorry you lost your game, was hoping I could help! That is very irritating, though...hopefully this won't continue with the Ena games, I really enjoy playing them! Have a good day, folks!

Isn't it enough that we have to sit through the ads, but you add a pop up page as well. Now the offing sign to your mostly lame games? Seriously?

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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