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XG Cave Ant Escape Walkthrough

XG Cave Ant Escape

XtraGamingz - XG Cave Ant Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Xtra Gamingz. Use all the objects and escape from the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Out LOL hard bit is finding the hotspots

Hi Blondebeard. I placed four flowers on the gate, poured some weirdo liquid into the old mans torch, lit the fire and stuck. Do you know where to find the 3 digit code?

Well, after a clicky-fest, I was able to pick up one of the lit sticks and light the old mans torch for the 3 code. In a new room now.

A big nail and hammer from each sides black hole gave me a red key to open the middle cave door for a box...which needs a colour code.......which is the centre bits of the flowers. I now have a leaf. Give leaf to ant so he can surf outta there.

Glad ya got out

need more help please. where is liquid and how did anyone light the fire? All I have are the flowers and I can see 2#'s on flowers on lower right.

left side near some red mushrooms are rocks to light fire

flowers go on back gate need 4

loquid upper right grey puzzle

im stuck placed 4 flowers hope thers wasnt a certain order.bottom left found a yellow flower say 1 and a purple flower saying 3 thats it wheres the liquid for torch you say upper right puzzle but it a colour code and theres a number code left wall so stuck,

ok colour code is yellow-purple blue guess number 3 on blue flower but u cant see it

got the liquid poured in torch lit it gave me number code got sword to cut door behind the man got the nail hammer use nail on white cube then use hammer got red key used to get box code from middle of flowers in ist scene and out

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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