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Ena Theme Park Mask Escape Walkthrough

Ena Theme Park Mask Escape

EnaGames - Ena Theme Park Mask Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. Assume that You have just graduated from college with a degree in Science. your parents are sending you to Europe for a four week vacation before that you heads to New York City to attend Columbia's graduate program in journalism. you are taking the trip and sharing an apartment in NYC with your best friend , your's half of the rent being paid for by your parents. As your parents announce they can no longer financially support you, the trip is definitely off, but you couldn't have enough money in NYC to pay rent. With no marketable job skills, you got a job at a third rate amusement park called Joypark as one of the many games operators. At theme park, you are not having any real experience with different ride, one day you come to know that the theme park is a third rated one all the rides are under repair so you should escape from their to save your life. Click on the objects to interact. Good luck and have fun!

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There's a horse inside the dragon's tummy!

Colours of the bobbles on the swinging roundabout in the air balloon scene are for the little safe at the base of the swingboat ride.

I always wanted a teddy-on-a-stick - and now I have two! Want a third for that box in the seal scene. (Greedy).

I think the balloons in the air are the code for the colour boxes under the whale, but I haven't found the order yet.

Balloon colors don't seem to work on the box under the whale

Found an arrow to go with the bow.

Oh dear, I hope there wasn't anyone in that hot-air balloon.

Hi Clodagh - long time no see - lol!

What do seals balance on their noses?

Not dark here Zoe - in fact very lively!

LW - yeah I tried the balloon colors there too - both from top to bottom and bottom to top and they didn't work, though the colors are the same....

Maybe we need another clue for that, ENAstyle.

No beds, though, Coldagh....ahh well, can't have everything...

Another wheel for the train at the foot of the waterfall.

I checked out the ENA bedroom escape from earlier today - it wasn't restful at all, and the music was horrible. Better stay here.

Clodagh - where did you find the bow and arrow?

Pop, found bow in first scene

Arrow was in a tree to the far right of one of the scenes - sorry I can't be more specific.

arrow in tree to the right of the seal.

@Clodagh - TY, it was in the seal scene

Ah - found third teddy! The red ring in the inventory is a handle for the clown tent in the far right scene.

I have a water pistol now from the teddy box. What to shoot, what to shoot...

Still need one more horse, one more star, and can't figure out what to do with the water pistal

Clodagh - good find! I was waiting to find a key, and had the ring in my inventory all the time!

And need picture code for box in first scene

Same place LW. Also need to place the cannon ball - I suppose we need the second star before we can do that.

I've tried filling the water pistol everywhere, just in case it's empty. Nothing so far.

stuck same as you LWTM

And what's that door in the ice-cream hut in the first scene?

@Clodagh - was just wondering the same thing

water piston doesn't work on balloons...

There must be some pixel I'm missing...

There must be something we can do with order of the balloon colours. Clicked everywhere!

I'm stuck at the same place as everyone. Have pistol and ball. Answer must lie with balloons and whale code.

Maybe the order they appear in front of each other? But where does that leave the grey/blue one?

Colours! Purple yellow blue pink red.

Water pistol is used on ice-cream.

Hooray! Out.

I tried the colors top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, right to left.

Are those the colours I posted Zoe?

u have to spray an ice cream cone.....why??????

Try it Loralei - you might like it!

Is everyone out now?

Yay Clodagh! Did you bf the colors? If not, what's the logic?

what a waste of ice cream! lol

For the colours, I tried the balloons in the order they appeared in front of each other (not very obvious actually), but then I placed the blue one in the middle of the list. It didn't work forwards, so I tried it backwards and hey presto!

No not your colors Clodagh...top to bottom is blue, purple, yellow, pink, red. Left to right is pink, purple, yellow, red, blue...

I guess that's the closest you can get to the colors, but it's a stretch for sure. Then again, this is ENA - when does anything make sense - lol!!

At least this one was fairly cheerful!

The horses are in the strangest places: the dragon's tummy, the clown's nose...:-)

I agree with you zoe, funny ena. Too frustrating

It's a cute game! Typical ENA, but fun! Where would we be without Clodagh's hints, though!

Thanks Zoe! Though it's usually me looking for hints here. We all do out bit don't we - that's what makes it fun.!

Oh dear, OUR bit, not OUT bit. Time for a lie down.

Stepped away for phone call. Thanks for hints, I was ready to give this one up.

OK game except colours difficult to see

I have a pink ring, a grey ball and two bears left in inventory. Where do they go, and what's the hint for colours under whale?

POP! Pink ring opens door under clown, gives third bear...

I'm a little further, thanks for the colour order, Clodagh.
Now I have water pistol and token.

Token opens safe, gives ice cream. Water pistol used on it, gives order for symbols...

A lot of this wasn't a logical as we would like, but I do have good news about the "ice cream". I think it is cotton candy, so it would dissolve if you sprayed it with water. That makes some sense.

That does make sense now Zoneseek.

I like such children park games, for me the only thing
which was not logical is the ballons colour order, but
at the end a nice game.
Thank you ENA Games.
Besides, your older games, ena bed , ena science... worked
today, don`t know why.

Place the bow on bottom right of hot air balloon scene.
Took me watching the walkthrough for that! That's desperation!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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