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Ena Musroom House Escape Walkthrough

Ena Musroom House Escape


EnaGames - Ena's Musroom House Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. Assume that one day you went to the house of your friend which resemble the structure of mushroom. You knocked up the door of the house as much you can but no use on that. So you need to escape from their by solving the puzzles using the hidden clues. Click on the objects to interact and solve the puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Nobody's here? I'm stuck with 3 diamonds, half of the tao thingie, 4 coloured arrows for the blue cabinet and a paper showinf a lamp turned on. I don't know how to find numbers or the order of the coloured shapes...

By the way... the pink paint is used on the mirror to show the order of crowns.

I had to resort to the wt to find the 4 digits on the branch.

Ok, I thought the lamp was missing the bulb... the paper show the position of the head (which can be turned); when correct, turn it on and it enlight a number

Have you found the diamond bottom of mirror?

There is a drawer in the short table with the teapot on it.

There is a corkscrew hidden above the pink TV

Where is the 5 digit code from the candles used?

You dont need the bulb.

Thanks Roberto, I missed that one. What's the number shown by lighting the candle for?

Nvm. the 5 digit code from the candles is used on the 5 digits drawer with colours. I guess the colours were just a red herring.

colors are the order for the other drawer.

Hi folks! Has anyone found the order for the coloured shapes and their numbers under the telly? I've tried to put them in in the order I found them left to right in the rooms, but that doesn't seem to be right.

The black monkey has a hard-to-see wind-key hole in it.

Oh - Roberto - I think you answered my question while I was posting! Thank you.

There's a code on tree. 1st scene, above green cb.

That was it - out now.

Code for green drawers anyone? I have seen all symbols, tried putting in order shown on drawer in other room and then same numbers. No good.

Thanks Roberto :)

And now I have a black jin yang like thing left and an orange tap/key or so. No idea where to use that.

Lorri, if you mean the ones under the telly, then it goes Yellow Blue Pink Green Orange, and 4556 and I think 2. That opened for me anyway.

Lorri morrow,
I used the dots on those shapes as numbers. Couldn't see dots on orange but just kept clicking that digit till it was correct.

The key goes in the side of the monkey.

Order the shapes following the colours on the drawer in first screen and then assign them the number of symmetric "parts" that form each shape (e.g. Blue is 5 and orange is 2)! I'm only missing one coloured arrow now and second half of "tao"

Ah thanks Tiquer,
That's where the orange wind key was used.

Logical enough out without help great game

Thanks Clodagh and small-tool! You guys rock! I am out now :)

use key on monkey.

ooops! I had missed the number on top left in first scene!

Lol, finally found the place where to use jin yang things. It's on the cupboard with the dogs.
Easy Ena this time.

Top right, do you mean Franza?!

Yes, of course, top right, not left! Out now.

The trickiest (and most annoying) part I found was the number square in the third room. I really hate those. I'm sure there must be an obvious and logical way to do them, but for me I just had to fiddle and fiddle until it worked. Grrrr!

It's a slider puzzle Clodagh.
The easiest method to solve those is making it kind of smaller puzzles.
So the first step is to get the first row and the first column correct and then you have a slider puzzle left that's only a 2x2 grid.

corkscrew for wine bottle in last scene is by candles on right

Stuck on number slider, can't get the last nr. in right place, grrrrr.

Wow! Great game ENA!!!!
Thanks - definitely 5 stars on this one!!

Thanks for explaining the slider Small Tool.

I think the dog statues have to do with the upper cabinet clue, but for the life of me, I can't make it work. Help?

Never mind, watched the walkthrough. Problem is, the first and third dogs are the same size when you actually measure them.

vkacademy don't know if you're still here. Use the height of the dogs and turn them into numbers......smallest is one (or 1st shortest), next smallest is 2 (or 2nd shortest), etc. to the tallest one being 5 (or 5th shortest). Then go to the puzzle where this clue is used and click once for 1, twice for 2 etc. for example......first dog would be assigned the number 4 as it's the "4th" shortest (if that makes any sense). On the puzzle, click 4 times on the first position to match the first dog's height. Do this for all the dogs.

spoiler on that height puzzle with dog clue below


       Anonymous  3/8/14, 3:21 PM  

I can't even start this game. It always runs the same ads when I try to load it, the first one is fine, but the second one for Sprint shows up as about an inch too large for the frame it's in. This then seems to carry over into the game where "play" is stuck under the frame and I can't get to it. As if the ads weren't annoying enough, it'd be nice if they didn't wreck the aspect ratio of the game (assuming that's where the problem lies).

Great game - again :) - thank you Ena!!!

didn't finish the game, I needed the 5 digit code for the 1st room to the left, found no matches, and needed 1 flag in first room. so close yet so far, no video walkthrough that I could find. :(

Walkthrough Part 1

Room 1
Look at blue CB on left, note the order of colors on drawer (y b p g o)
Look at pink design on tree branch ceiling beam above mirror, note the number of angles (5)
Click on lower right-hand corner of mirror, get a red gem
Look at dogs on top of red CB, note height levels (4 2 5 1 3)
Look at yellow design, note the number of angles (4)
Get yellow gem on shelf of red CB
Look at left door of red CB, note it needs a Yin & Yang
Look at upper tree trunk on far right of screen, (just above blue box on wall) note 4 numbers
Enter 4 numbers from tree in right-hand door of red CB, get Yang
Get handle from top of green CB, (right side of screen)
Look at left door of green CB, note it needs 4 gems
Look at blue box on wall, note it needs 9 crystals

Go right to Room 2
Look at blue design on sofa, note the number of angles (5)
Note the unlit candles above the TV
Get corkscrew from 'V' of tree branch between TV and blue CB
Open drawer of green table, get dial
Look at dial, click on the pegs of the dial to match the solid dots in the diagram next to dial, click on dial again to put back in inventory
Look at orange design on green table, note the number of angles (2)
Note the toy monkey needs a key
Click on pink bear, get green gem
Look at top door of blue CB, enter height levels of dogs from Room 1, get brown crystal

Go right to Room 3
Put handle on top drawer of CB under lamp, get a box
Look at box, put dial on top, get blue crystal
Look at green design on bedpost, note the number of angles (6)
Click on purple bear, get blue gem
Click on right-hand pillow, get clue for lamp
Look at lamp clue
Look at lamp, adjust lamp to match clue (6 clicks), then you can turn on lamp, get 5 numbers (84379)
Look at bottle on top of red CB on the right of screen, use corkscrew, get dark red crystal
Enter 5 numbers from lamp in CB below bottle, get pink crystal
Pick up toy key and paint can from shelves of red CB
Do slider puzzle on CB above bed, get green crystal

Walkthrough Part 2

Go to Room 2
Look at toy monkey, use toy key, get Yin

Go to Room 1
Look at left door of red CB, add Yin & Yang, get turquoise crystal
Look at left door of green CB, place gems, get lighter
Look at mirror, pour paint on mirror, get 5 crowns clue

Go to Room 2
Look at right-hand door of blue CB, enter code from mirror (clicks per box -- 1 3 0 4 2), get purple crystal
Look at top drawer of green CB, using the order of colors from Room 1, enter designs on top row and number of angles for each on bottom row, get red crystal
Look at lighter, click it on, click again to put it back in inventory
Look at candles, light candles, get 5 number clue (96572)

Go to Room 1
Look at drawer of blue CB, enter 5 numbers from candles, get yellow crystal
Look at blue box on wall, enter crystals, get door key

Go to Room 3
Unlock door

:) don't you just hate it when someone gets your door knocked-up? Nice to see a walkthrough. Thanks Peggy

Great game, I give 5 stars.
Thank you ENA GAMES.

FYI...need to zoom each of the symbols before the color/code works under the TV

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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