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Find the Escape-Men 91: Figure Skating Walkthrough

Find the Escape-Men 91: Figure Skating

Find the Escape-Men 91: Figure Skating is another sequel of Find The Escape-Men Japanese point and click type escape the room game from No1Game. Find the 10 Escape-Men, solve some puzzles, and escape! This game has one ending. Good luck and have fun!

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(No1Game) Find the Escape-Men 91: Figure Skating walkthrough

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The clock is a reflection.
For the box, minutes on the left and hours on the right.

Keep going back to the guy in the crowd left side.

Wait for me!

I have 6 so far, but can't seem to find anymore

Now 7, check out the laptop from the green man judge

So far: 8 men and the thing from the dialing box (used twice)

You can use the men to get one from the escape signal

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Peggy look closely at him and click him, he turns to show a green side

Have 9 now
@ Peggy: keep clicking on the driver in you inventory

For the green sign you have to throw one of the others at him, now have 9

Got my 10. from the crashed "car"

Belgarion, thank you. I've looked at the driver many times, and clicked on him, but not once did I get him to turn until your post.

Bazooka LOL one way of getting a person out of bed...

Oops - first round and 4 men and stuck. I'll have to work myself through your comments and think I won't be a helping hand.

Thanks for all the help. Got all 10 now.
I swear I had already tried everything you suggested.
None of it worked until your comments were posted.
Maybe I just wasn't patient enough to let things happen.

Thanks again.

Still stuck on 9, is there one on the phone? if so where please?

Belgarion, did you get the one from the spotlight?

How to put the dials ? I have 9 men.

Second round and now 8 men.

What spotlight please?

Zazie look at the clock in the mirror

To the left of the upstairs window are two switches.
Turn the rink off and the spot on and look out the window.

Tried the clock time many times, nothing happens.

Zazie remember its a mirror, so they will be backwards

On nine as well - what to do with clock?

Ahh thx Belgarion, i will try this !

Thanks Peggy, totally missed that view, finally out.

And out, thx again !

Ah, just found the dial box!

Rob, the clock is the hint for the box on the bed

Eventually I found all men by myself except the one in the exit sign and the spotlight man (had missed the view). I would never had solved the dial box as the minute button was left and the hours button right.

Thanks for your help everyone!

Great game!

Only got 7. Nothing happen after redial on phone.

With the one whose face turned to green, 8 now.

After that got 10 and out

Found these ones:
- spotlight
- top of the door (by throwing another)
- sleeping (bazooka) man
- judge
- judge computer
- cheer on the right
- sick guy on left.
That's 7.
Where are the other 3?..

haven't realized there'd be a car drive by lol

Who has a pill for that poor guy left who has a headache ? the only one a can't find. (K.F. re-dial and wait untill a car crash on ice there you'll find a man and another - you must take a look at the first man )

I do the clock, the spot, the car x2, the dial, the judge, the game, the exit sign, the bed.. and realize my english was worst than I thought. snif. But can't find the last one.

Same here gre-nadine, don't know how to get the last EM from the sick guy. Hints anybody ?

gre-nadine, just visit the sick guy a couple of times, he will turn green.

okeyyyyy just wait now he is free.. just take a second look . and be patient .

Great game, thx.

THANKS Emmes .. great minds together.

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Anyone here?where did you find the pfone number?Please?

roula, click Re when you pick up the reciever. The Re means redial.

up the stairs, click left (find 2 switches)

the final video is amazing :D

Hmm I have 8 men (used the bazooka, broken the exit sign, redialed ) but there has been no car crash. I have looked from upstairs and downstairs. How do I get it to happen. I can't dial again - it says it is not necessary.

       Anonymous  3/14/14, 6:53 AM  

Can anyone give me the trick to getting the sick guy to turn green so that I can grab him? I know Gre-nadine said be patient but how long could it possibly take? I've been trying for over 15 minutes so I know something has to be wrong. Hints anyone? He's my last guy and I hate not finishing the game.

82ba6f48 - I used the bazooka on him.

Anita - it's a waiting game. After you call on the phone, just go to the rink and wait for the guy to drive by. Then go left, get the driver and look in front of the crashed car.

       Anonymous  3/14/14, 7:01 AM  

Zoe, Thanks but I'm not talking about the guy in the bed. I'm talking about the guy on the left side of the rink. Can you help me with him?

Yes - just keep visiting him. Eventually he turns green. Go off and do something else and come back to him over and over again.

       Anonymous  3/14/14, 7:10 AM  

Thanks, Zoe. I'll give it a try. I found that when I left and came back he went from slight green to white again. So, I decided sitting with him should be the trick. Now I'll go and take your advice.

       Anonymous  3/14/14, 7:14 AM  

Yeah, success and I only had to leave and come back twice (probably because I had done it so many times earlier). Thanks again Zoe.

Great! Congrats!

I love these games always!

no #10 for me. boo hop

click the crack in the rink to get another man

i have 8 still got wat looks like a telescope, and man ill in bed need help

ok 9 now it not a telescope,so cant find the 10th one

got it man in crowd eventually went green.was funny end bit one min he skating next min flew through de roof

It says system maintenance when I click the link. :(

       Anonymous  3/14/14, 2:03 PM  

me too prufrock

site is up again! :D

LOL the best find the escape men EVER!

       Anonymous  3/14/14, 4:14 PM  

Cheers nini xd, kept coming back to see if it was up? love these games.

       Anonymous  3/14/14, 6:47 PM  

Arrgh, first time I've ever gotten stuck on one of these! :[

Found so far:
-Bedridden Bazooka Boy
-Cheering guy on right
-Sick guy on left
-Crazy Zamboni Driver
-Zamboni-made hole in rink
-Judge's computer
-Exit sign

Where's the last one I'm missing?

       Anonymous  3/14/14, 6:50 PM  

Never mind, found it! Silly advertisement board...

While replaying this, I realized that that Joe character and the escape-man in front of him are from the manga/anime 'Ashita no Joe'. It has quite a sad ending.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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