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Room of Spring Color Walkthrough

Room of Spring Color

Yuuri - Room of Spring Colour Escape is another point and click type room escape game developed by Yuuri. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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going in...

got a slice of orange and put it on the side of cb...stuck...dont understand the code

got the missing yellow leave from shelf, but no hint for left/right code or code for the leaves. I think the red flowers from top to bottom are the hint, but not worked

stuck same place

Opened the L/R drawer and got a cord for lamp. Gives another hint.
(For L/R button look on left and right wall)

I don't get the flower code.... I thought it should be like the cabinet to the left but it doesn't work

Opened the flower button drawer with hint from lamp and the flowers in shelf and got nippers.

Used nippers to get key, used key and got box needing 3-digit code.

i feel dumb, i tried so many combis for l/r code like Anja said (hint from wall) but nothing, not my day

For 3-digit code open window and wait. Got key and out

For L/R code look at the lines on wall from up to down!

SPOILER altert:

gabi it's the stripes on the wall from top to bottom, llrrlr

when doing the flower button drawer remember to make a complete square, push the first petal again 3 times

TY Anja

For flower button code: Use the order from lamp hint and click the buttons as often the flower said (sorry for my englisH)
beginn with down right and click the petal 3 times, then the up right 2 times and so on

Snoff: thank you for the hint to push the lower right button again. Was stuck there for a long time.

Dreadful naming ;(

i cant get the flowers to work for me right corner 3x top, 2x and let top 1x and bottom left 4x nothing what am I doing wrong,

Sherry12: look at Snoff's comment at 3/2/14, 2:35 AM
there are 5 buttons to push to make complete square

Ummm...may want to reconsider that name.

also cant get the cb with the cage on top, I openned the first door, and cant get the second door open with the button on the side, i put the lemon in nada help please

bottom right 3x, top right 2x, top left 1x, bottom left 4x, bottom right 3x and the middle one

pls friends, i am from brazil and the only meaning for this word is sexual violation. is there another meaning i dont know?

nvm duh I was clicking the wrong flowers I tried the side flower and it worked, I was clicking the red flowers, out, Your right, the title is terrible

I think, it's a translation problem. do you know the oilseed rape with little yellow blossoms?

sorry Hotzenplotz but i dont know this seed with this name, probably with another name in portuguese

Brassica napus

I think you are right Hotzenplotz. I didn't know the translation of the word until I googled it (I'm from Germany).

I think they mean the rape plants!!! Look at the picture in the end!

Maybe someone kann correct the name of the game!?!

The original Japanese name is "ナノハナルーム" (菜の花ルーム ) which means room of vegetable flower. It is the question of translation.

excuse me, WHAT kind of room is this??? RAPE?!?! boo hiss to those who allowed this on the site!!!

Hey guys
Thanx for qualifying the name
Obvious translation error
No offense was meant
Everyone makes mistakes
Lets not get TOO PC

Watch the window for the last code.

Please be polite. It is not the fault of the maker of this game. It is the fault of Google translator!!!

       Anonymous  3/2/14, 7:50 AM  

It is the fault of the publisher of this site. They have ultimate control over what is presented, and they should be taking appropriate action.

       Anonymous  3/2/14, 7:51 AM  

It is the fault of the publisher of this site. They have ultimate control over what is presented, and they should be taking appropriate action.

Besides, on a site that has had games where you poison dogs, kill people in all manner of "humorous" ways, insensitively walk past women who have been abducted and tied up while you search for a screwdriver, and engage in a wide variety of other things that would in real life land you in prison, what sort of realistic expectation can you have here? If you want G-rated games, or only games for kids, maybe you should stick to sites which advertise themselves as such. Otherwise, grow up and realize that the English language is full of homonyms, and the word "rape" is one of them.

I don't buy that argument. First, nobody should be relying on Google translator for something that is going to be released to the general public. And second, I don't think this is actually a translation error. Rape is a plant which has very pretty flowers, as depicted at the END screen of this game. The translation to English was accurate. That is the name of the plant, though many people are now referring to it as something else in order to avoid saying the word rape. But that is nothing more than overly political correct euphemism, and the actual name of the plant remains what it is...rape.

You are assuming that the publisher of this site is a native English speaker, who would have been aware of the two meanings the word has. I think that is an incredibly large (and inaccurate, as it happens) assumption to make.

The game makers or translators or whoever came up with the name of this game should realize that the name of this game should be 'Rapeseed Room Escape', not just 'Rape Room Escape' because according to Wikipedia, "Rapeseed" is one word.

I think the maker only issue Japanese name of the game. Who provide the English name?

Unfortunate naming of the game...I was taken aback as well even though I knew it was not the meaning we have in English! Well, the admins should have put a disclaimer or re titled this ...I know there are plenty here who understand the meaning and I blame them! Admins....wake up!

Maybe @ Anasteisha Roma is bored and wanted to see the outrage????? Hmmmmmm?????

The name is "ナノハナルーム" where "ルーム" means room. I tried Google translate "ナノハナ" which gives "Rape". I think this is the reason.

tautau - looks like that is exactly what happened, but there should at least be someone proofreading or something before they post the game.

I just want to say it is not fair to blame the maker of the game who does not provide the English name. Maybe the one who posted the game, or the administrator of Escapegames24 should take care. Definitely Rapeseed Room Escape is much better.


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We're all familiar with Yuuri and they write cute games involving baby chicks. They don't do English. Google autotranslated the Japanese title into "Rape room." I'm not sure of the native language of the EG24 admins but I think it's contingent on them to rename the title here to be Rapeseed Room or maybe Canola Room (as Americans dubbed rapeseed since they found the name offensive).

Hey guys
For once I agree with Bill Chinery
SOMEONE made a mistak
Get over it
Its not a perfect world!!!!

It is not Just Americans who found it offensive! And anyone using English as the main language for their site should be aware!
Thanks for changing this, finally!
And the game is about Spring, not cooking oil!!!!
...those who post the games can be a little more careful in the future...

Hi escapers,

Developer of this game made mistake about translation on Google Translate and our poster posted it with exact translation without knowing what it means exactly.

Sorry for trouble and now we changed its name on our site.

Thanks for understanding.

Really? is everyone on here that delicate? Poorly translated Engrish (jap english) and everyone's having a heart attack? grow up, Its obviously a mistake. Such a politically correct and pussy world we live in now.

Thanx Sox
Common sense

of course men have no problems with the term...shame on you for your insensitivity! :)

this is not insensitivity
This is just acceptance taht occasionally people make a mistake
I absolutely agree that the name should have been changed BUT
Everyone is getting very upset over a genuine MISTAKE
God knows I make enough.
Its just too easy to get over the top with outrage. Lets try to reserve our anger for real meanness and intentional nastiness. Thats all
I was just as taken aback as everybody but i try to keep anger in check till proven that intentional rather than an error.

Rape is the name of the plant. Rapeseed is the name of the seed that comes from the plant. Rapeseed oil is the oil made from the seeds. But the plant itself is just called rape.

Nokra, chill out, k? It was just a mistake.

"Room of Spring Color" as a name for a game is very suggestive and imho not suitable for the nice game site we have here.
I mean, we all know what two adults do when they get a room and especially on spring break.
And about the last part of the name: Well (besides the fact it should have been spelled/written in properly British: colour) I wouldn't dare to touch that issue/subject/word with a ten foot pole even when offered a million, because of all the possible not pc associations that can be made with that word.
Anyway, to cut a long story short: I prefere the old name. Nature with all the different beautiful flowers there are, is great and the yellow ones I love most.
In fact, I even think from now on all the game names here should be a flower name.

small-tool: peace, love and happiness!!!

Lol s-t, you should play on N. then.
Note: The literal translation of the game title is "Rape Room". However, as the EG24 guys pointed out, this is actually referring to the Rapeseed plant, not the despicable crime of the same name. So I decided to use this alternate, far less offensive title.

I'm a farmer. I plant rapeseed, but I grow rape.
That's how that works.

Good idea ST
Lets name the games we dont like after vegetables and games we like after flowers ....I like that

I was not angry nor even upset...I noticed a error that needed to be changed...there were clearly others here very upset and then those that chastised and ridiculed them for being upset! That is what I took exception to! That was what I called insensitive! Thank You!

Well, I found your statement "of course men have no problems with the term" rather insensitive and prejudicial to the entire gender, as well as being an ad hominem attack. The smiley did nothing to defuse it.

lol @Bill 3/2/14, 7:51 AM .. i don't remember walking past abducted and tied up women while searching for a screwdriver though !

On Britannica, this plant called directly as "Rape": http://global.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/491375/rape

"Colour" is chiefly the British spelling of the Latin word "color".

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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