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Ena Class Room Escape Walkthrough

Ena Class Room Escape

EnaGames - Ena Class Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. Assume that you went to your school on holiday without any knowledge but the gates of the school were closed by the security without knowing that you are inside. So you to escape from their and go back to your home. Click on the hidden clues to solve the puzzles and click the objects to interact with them. Good luck and have fun!

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key from math problem on chalkboard,

Desk gives backpack►pinwheel.
Use glasses on whiteboard for color letter clue

Can't do much here. Only have a colored little wind mill, coming from the backpack, coming from the drawer.
No idea where to put the chalkboard code.

Got an eye symbol from puzzle above brown cb.

Chalkboard code goes on drawer with 4 letters.

lens from 4 letter drawer goes on microscope for clue--not sure to what yet.

@ Roberto--where is the clue for puzzle above brown cb?

Never mind. Clue is from the microscope lens--you have to kind of draw the shapes using the 12 red buttons, if that makes sense.

That pic on wall took me a long time to solve.

Type name of person in picture into keyboard. Hint E=MC2. Get a plaque or something but I don't know what to do with it. Trying to figure out number/color wheel.

Numbers 3,4 and 6 on color wheel makes green light flash, but don't know why.

triangle plus triangle gives 6? Maybe a clue to solve 4 symbols on chalkboard?

Shape clue gives 4 digit code.

Colors to pinwheel correspond to turtle/shark/fish/seahorse, working on strongarming it.

I see, there are TWO chalkboard codes.

I tried that code before found the clue, that's why it didn't work.

My clue (fish, turtle, etc...) disapeared!

This game isn't working properly I guess.

I got the eye of Ra from the lens clue

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Use shapes from chalkboard for number cabinet - number of corners.

Thank you LLM, I thought I had done that already, well, now it worked. Use the crayons on the paper in the other room to get the symbols/colors.

1st time I played the game, final code didn't work. Now it did.
You can't check the clue you get from pic puzzle?!

Thank you LLM.
Get crayons--give clue from drawing pad for 4 color shape in 2nd room--get memory stick for projector clue.

The USB coming from that goes left in computer, which will make the beamer work. The number goes ..

.... on the colorwheel, which gives another eye.

And there is a hotspot in the left part of the classroom, on the middle table. There you can place the eyes, which give you sea-symbols.

Enter projector clue SPOI4L3E6R8 into color wheel for 2nd eye.
Gives shark/turtle clue + pinwheel color to escape.

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The low buttons change color, the upper ones the shapes. Start with a red fish.

objects get stuck while using it. Anyone have this problem or its only for me?

Other than this problem. Nice game with good clues. jeu est plus amusant.

I can't figure out the last lens shape to enter into the squares!

Never mind, duh...

April, help! I've lit the first green button by clicking every square. I have no idea about the second and third symbol.

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You have to do them from left to right.
First one, click them all.
Second one, leave out the upper and lower ones,
Third one, leave out the diagonal middle ones.

Why on earth would anyone guess who the portrait was meant to be? I was stuck with the windmill and couldn't decipher the clues left here, so I checked the video walkthrough, and it went straight to the portrait and typed in Einstein - no clue to that anywhere. I thought he looked more like a middle-eastern dictator!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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