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E-Addict Twists Escape 2 Walkthrough

E-Addict Twists Escape 2

E Addict Twists Escape 2 is another point and click type room escape game created by EAddict by using Dr. Fou's Room Escape Maker. In this game, you must find some items and solve puzzles to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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lets try this

These are usually beyond me, but i will try it.

       Anonymous  6/6/14, 5:53 PM  

here we go!

       Anonymous  6/6/14, 5:56 PM  

oh no, I suck at these... and I am tired.... I will be no use

this is hard

       Anonymous  6/6/14, 6:11 PM  

has anyone solve any of the safes?

Dear E Addict,

I'm sure this game makes sense in your head!

But it sucks for us.

Thanks Escaper ! ;)

Hello everyone , well just some more twists !

well i'm sorry some of you guys could be disappointed lol , these puzzles could be hard to solve yes , close to riddle style puzzles .. so let's just just wait for Peggy and Arrie nl ..

Zazie i hope you are having sweet dreams , i'm gonna have some sweet dreams myself now unless Larue pops up in one of them with an axe in her hand !

*Peeks in>>@_@! Oh my this looks harder than usual, and will keep us busy for at least the weekend! Ty for the game E-Addict! Goes back to hiding.....:P

Oh and don't forget to accidently refresh or close your browser or something relative to that since you made the game, so you can get your group hug *Hides axe. :P

lol larue


Close to riddle style puzzles, but twisted.
Yup! That's E-Addict's brain.

As for the puzzles, I haven't got a clue.

Just a suggestion... the puzzles should have a hint of being solvable. Have no clue on any of them, so why even try.

Nope, no clues, except what is there! He likes to see us suffer!
But he will come and help us tomorrow, if he survives the night.:P

I figured out the one with the two lights. Click on the number one. Then find the first letter by clicking each arrow. Draw a short perpendicular line at the tip of each red arrow. Now click the number two and do the same to find the second letter, and so on.

Thanks for that great clue Annie! Have a glass now.

Nice going, Annie! Thanks.
My vase is now full of water, but I can't do anything with it yet.

I've gone and returned many times, trying different ideas on each puzzle. No luck on any of them.

Now it's my turn to go to bed.

I hate the fact that I'm in a different time zone than those who play these. By the time I get a chance to return, it will all have been solved and everyone gone to bed again.

Please leave good clues, like Annie's, and not be overly vague.

walked in, said Fuck No. walked out

       Anonymous  6/6/14, 11:41 PM  

For the clock puzzle:

the number "7" looks like the hands of a clock, the short hour hand pointing left at "9" and the long minute hand pointing down at "6"

....9:30 pm

Thanks, id.

encouraging comments so far ... shall I start? Or first do what I have to do?

If someone would be so kind to give me the first letter Annie found, perhaps I can find the others myself.

In a normal working brain - and I say this without hesitation - a dot combining 4 and 3 would make 7.

The digit 74 is built up of 7 small lines, so, 96 is built up of ...12. Another brilliant idea of mine that leads nowhere.

All my suggestions lead to 'nothing happens'. Sigh ....
If anyone of you players have a degree in psychology could you please explain to me why I like these games?

Because I do ...

       Anonymous  6/7/14, 2:14 AM  

Again another game of what is clear to the author certainly isn't clear to me, no clue's worth a damn to work out the puzzle's.

1 star

       Anonymous  6/7/14, 2:23 AM  

@ E-Addict

Frankly, you need to point us to a website that explains your types of puzzle's, because without adequate instruction or clue's of how this work or should be done, your games are gibberish.

Thus you get 1 star.

darn!!! i cant play till monday :(

To iconland2003 : Thats y i like EA games. Coz he have different point of view and i need to find it to resolve his puzzles. It is same way as the profilers find the way of thinking of criminals and catch them. And always it is good to have such non standart way of thinking, similar to my own.

lol, I like your comparison Ormenco. Hmmmm.

i survived Larue .. but seems i should expect a group assault and not a group hug lol .. Peggy , i noticed the anger in your post :) , but you should focus on the puzzles instead of focusing on me .. i mean the left right puzzle ? the clue is just above the dude !

lol @Ericka !

has anyone used the screwdriver yet ?

Hey Ormenco .. too bad you can't play it !

Arrie .. a dot combining 4 and 3 would make 7 ? lol seems you miss your childhood a lot lol .. you should leave the cube house as soon as possible .. 4 verticals and 3 horizontals ?

for the two digits combination , just see the clue of 7 4 → 7 .. @kevaus the screwdriver is used on the guy to the right of the door .. see you later !

thanks E-Addict

yay an e-addict game
I was hoping you would get one here. My brain needs a good workout

oh I'm going to need help with this one too
anyone still here?

yes Alexis,but i am waiting for help too !!

hi kevaus
I got the clock and the 2-buttons from hints above but can't get anything else yet

the 4 x 4 grid I've tried all the numbers individually, adding them, counting the number of letters in the colors, alphabetically but nada

i got the clock,but have no idea about the 2 buttons puzzle,even with the hints given

the first letter is "c"

still don't understand it, Alexis

Alexis, is the 3rd letter an I ?

no it's a U

and 4 a Z ?

for the third letter you go from top left to bottom left then across bottom and up right side

I think I more or less guessed the fourth one by a word that would fit

4 is an E !!

If I now understand this one on 4 the green dots are two green lines (following the arrows), that's how you get an E ?

But I still don't get the 2nd being an L ...

hi arrie
I got that one I'm trying to make sense of the one with green dot and arrows at the bottom
I can see L and C maybe for second and third but nothing for 1st and 4th

I filled the glass with water, and poured that in the vase. Clicked the vase, got ... not yet.

I got the one over the water cooler I added the dots where they would make a number and it worked

hello Alexis!
These games need teamwork lol ... impossible to do it on my own.
And still, with the solution on this red/green puzzle, I too am guessing the L and the E. (E-Addict won't like this comment ... complaining, complaining ... lol).

The first number being a '4'?

it looks like you add the dots where the blanks are on the left

okay, staring at a green H now, how to add one green dot there?

add one at top and bottom from where the blanks are not from where the dot is

It's great you found this one, I started with the '4' earlier today, but couldn't find the others, so thought I was on the wrong track.

same with the yellow

YES !! Thank you! You're subtle hint gave me the illusion I almost did it myself !! We get a remote.

for the blue don't add any

remote works on picture

but I have no idea what to do with that hint

I think is is connected to the puzzle left of it.
p.e. the first lines make half a v or u, + the half clock shape, completes the letter. It works fine for the last one, becoming a G, cause the half clock shape should be placed at the left side (looking at the arrow). But the letters don't work.

it says plus 1 so I was trying it with puzzle on the right but not getting anywhere with that one either

I have to take the dog out I'll be back in a few

I'm going to make soup first, since I'm already in it ... sigh ...
BUT, we made progress!

lol Alexis .... crossing comments .... so funny.

Hi i just caught up, i guess, i worked so hard on the safe left of fireplace. Tried to swap the green dots where the arrow is pointing, and also to mirror them, tried lots of things even anagram the letters i got, but nope.

I got V (or U), L, O and G...

lol arrie
hi zazie

Hi everybody, i am so stuck lol.....

that makes at least 2 of us really stuck

I also tried lots of things for the safe with 4 colored dots, i even tried to overlay the numbers where the dots are...

For ex, 4 and 3 would be 9 etc

I tried a lot of things with the 4 colored dots too including
adding,subtracting, alphabetical by color,

did overlaying them work?

Hi sisters!
Soup is on, the house starts smelling, very inspiring, but ... 3 are stuck.

I think the clock plus 1 clue could be for later by the door since there is 2:25 there

I remember a hint a while ago about using the sd. On the face-mouth right of the door? He wants an egg.

any thoughts on the 74->7 numbers?

The left part of the mustache also goes right with the other half.
No idea how to apply that to 2:25.

Alexis, no overlaying did not work, or maybe i made a mistake....

didn't think so I couldn't see a number from overlaying 2 and 1

I played with that mustache for a long time too
maybe we need something else first

clue 7-4, difference = 3.
This is the same for the other numbers.

don't try 4 three's though ! I already did ... lol

tried that too

I thought of looking at the way the digits are built up, looking at how many little lines are missing, but 7 4 give 6 little lines, not 7.

Hey E addict
Thanx for the new game
Will do it tomorrow
No time today
I bet you thought I had left...
Just been too busy
Have missed your games!

spelling out numbers and counting letters doesn't work

Still no progress here :-(

I tried overlapping the dots to make letters and get V upside down T I but 4th one doesn't make a letter

I need a break, bb later.

Hey EA
This is your most obscure one yet!
Really no time today
I hate to leave you guts
Arrie, Peggy, Zazie et al but have to work!

The soup is great, but nope, running out of ideas.

mmm soup sounds like a good idea then more coffee then maybe some ideas back soon

Ha, don't get your hopes up !! lol. For now I'm going back to Ainars. Slowly making progress while writing a WT.
Will be back soon!

Do I smell yummy soup?
E-Addict~ No assault~trust us(haha) lol. We love you torturing us with your "riddle like" puzzles for some reason, BUT you will have to put down that lethal weapon you are holding in the pic, before you get your group hug! I am pretty useless on solving any of these, but I love to read the hints and find the answers. Ty all!

Me too larue i love to read the hints and solve a code, only there are no hints anymore lol....i really need help !

For the double number safe EA wrote earlier that we just shall look at the 74-->7 hint..I am staring at it for hours and still nothing haha.

Ik that there is a difference or addition of 3 between them.
And that if you add the lines for each number 7(3 lines) +4(4 lines) that equals 7 and to make a 7 you need 3 lines.
I just confused myself again lol. But that doesn't seem to work in my brain, for the numbers below.

Oh my this is my first time at one of these games and even reading all the hints above I am lost! However I did figure out the clock one - you have to use military time.....yah!!

I tried this too, if i count the lines of the 4 numbers i get : 12, 12, 11, 10. And then i counted the lines in these numbers, gives 7, 7 ,4, 8, doesn´t work either.

Congrats Dawn! Well done!

I forgot to say last time Zazie~You were great at solving a lot them in the last one!

Thx larue, but thisone makes my brain smoking more than ever lol....i also tried 5543 (the difference between 12 to 7, 11 to 7 and 10 to 7) but nope...grrr

I tried dividing them - nope
thought maybe if 7 is fourth then sequence 6 5 4 - nope

welcome dawn

there's a difference of 11 between all of them (if you put the 74 in too) until you get to the 25 - it doesn't fit the pattern

unless you reverse it

Yes welcome dawn !

Hello Dawn, larue! The soup is gone, loved it.
You don't think the 25 reversed is a hint to reverse numbers do you? Getting a bit in panic here now, hints within a hint, oh my. BUT I just finished Ainars WT, so I feel refreshed.
The answers will now drop out of the sky I think. Let's see ... (don't wait for me though).

for the clock I tried military time for 7 pm but it didn't work :(

Enjoy it is not a 7 but a 9 where the needle is pointing.

EnJoy use the position if the lines in the number 7 on the clock top line is hour and vertical line is minutes

Oh.. I don't have a needle? I am not smart enough for these. I just got one safe open and I guessed

Just pull up the 7 I would like to add ...

lol Enjoy, Thát's in real life, not in dr Fou.

Oh Alexis. I see what you mean, but when in put in the military time for 9 pm. nothing happens nor for 9 am.

We have 3 safes open Enjoy, the clock, the one with two times four arrows at the right, and the one left of table.

EnJoy the vertical line points down not up

forgot to mention use 24 hour clock
hint says PM

Drag the 7 up til it's inside the clock.

thank you.. I got it. But my mind doesn't work like this, so I am going to call it quits. Good luck and thanks for the help!

Enjoy the 7 is pointing on 9 (the horizontal part) and the vertical part on 6.so.....

arrg brain going into meltdown got to take a break

so, I tried the one above the cooler. I think the numbers are 1408.. but no!

Sad Enjoy, all this time we invested in you ... and you're leaving ...

Green - 8
yellow - 0
blue - 1
red - not really sure guessed 4

not yet arrie.. I am still here plodding along

Ah !! You're trying another one !!
On the right you see the dots, on the left vertical line you note the black empty ones. Give them a dot in you're mind and add them to what's there. The first number than is a 4.

* you're = your

So, ignore the dot on the left vertical line.
The green one: add a green dot above and below, ignore the middle one.

yeah.. had all the numbers but not in the right order! Got it!

just walking down the keyboard.

What is 25 doing here.

EAddict gave a clue at 3:44 am for the 4x4 grid. The coordinates for each dot tell you how many horizontal and vertical lines are in the number you're looking for. The number 2 would have the coordinates 3,2 The digital number 2 is made with three horizintal lines and two vertical ones.

Going left with two numbers in between, would make:
74 and 7 0
6 3 and 6 9
5 2 and 5 8
but 85 gives 8 -
and 96 gives 9=
haha, that's not correct.

25 is 52 turned around lol...

You might be onto something Annie! Can't leave it alone right?

I got a hammer!

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Annie Congrats!!! How!?

Thx arrie got the grid safe open !!!

I know Zazie, I know, was just thinking out loud, so E-Addict can follow me ..

Boo, I stabilized my wobbly table only to find out I need a saw.

I mean thx Annie, sorry !

Huh ? You're thanking ME ??? Sure ???

LOL, now spoil it to me, I deserve it

Ok and now we need a saw for the bars lol....

red dot: 3,4 which digital number has 3 horizontal lines and four vertical? the number 8

I got it myself !! I got it !! Thank you Annie !!

Oh, I'm disappointed too. Now what ?

I'm going to celebrate this small victory with a cup of coffee. Period.

way to go Annie
but I still don't get it
would the red one be 4 vertical and 3 horizontal or the other way round?

I can see the 8 but what number has 3 vertical and only 1 horizontal

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It could help you to draw it on paper. That worked for me.

yay I got it THANKYOU Annie

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Alexis, three vertical and one horizontal is a 4

       Anonymous  6/7/14, 11:55 AM  

Hello everybody! I just joined in, thanks for clues - 4 safes open thanks to you!

E-Addict said, "the left right puzzle ? the clue is just above the dude ! (3:38 am) I'm assuming this is the face with mustache, any thoughts on how 2:25 is a clue for a R/L puzzle?

The mustache goes from left to right ?

Hello Mako, Glad you're joining us.

could he have meant the 8 dots with left-right arrows beside the green button underneath?

       Anonymous  6/7/14, 12:05 PM  

or the guy with the mustache

       Anonymous  6/7/14, 12:17 PM  

I've opened the save with big E - got banknots

       Anonymous  6/7/14, 12:17 PM  

I mean "safe"

       Anonymous  6/7/14, 12:19 PM  

Just look at the numbers and E and look what's too many.

Ormenco, are the hints clear enough?
Hope you can follow them ...

hi Mako
what do you mean look at what's too many?

Mako first: gives a zero, so 0 too many? what number does that give?
Great you solved it!

Thx mako !!! Put the money in fireplace.

arrie for the 1rst number there is one dot in the center too much, so first number is 1.

ok I get the first number and maybe third if it's 7 but...

If you put the 3 over the E there are some dots which do not fit in a 3.

Count these.....

I still don't see it
if first number is backward E
then last is 1
but don't see the middle 11 and 3

Always think digital (numbers)

arrrg my brain is obviously not up to par today
still don't get it

For the second number you get 2 vertical lines, so its twice a 1, now look how you can place the 11 into the big E and count the black dots which are too much.

the first number is a 0. When placed over the "E" you would still see the one square hole in the wall, so the first # is a 1. The last one is a 6.; placed over the "E" you see no holes in the wall, so the last # is a 0.

so is second number 6?

No the half .-)

Struggeling with the 4 letter code....

thank you thank you thankyou
finally got it
still don't know how but it's open

yes the letters
I've tried everything I can think of with those too

I tried mirroring them and can see V U O but nothing for the 4th one so that obviously isn't how to get them

Zazie, do you think we need to see the whole clock to understand the letter code? I wonder if the "PLUS..." is adding a 1 to something or a minute hand to the clock.

Congrats Alexis .-)

2:25 if you draw lines would make a K up against a straight line but we have no straight lines with the dots

I am not sure if the clock hint refers to the 4 letter safe.I also tried to see the letters you mentionned above and when the arrow is pointing to the right to take the next letter in alphabet,and when the arrow is pointing to the left to take one letter before in alphabet, but i don´t get a word which makes sense.

could the plus 1 mean we add a dot or a line somewhere or could it be next letter up in alphabet

i'm in same place a you zazie

This is the question Alexis....i don´t know, just trying all possible things.

I did something else in between. Thank you for E code.
I have it open and can move on.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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