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Ena Escape The Great Prince Walkthrough

Ena Escape The Great Prince

EnaGames - Ena Escape The Great Prince is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. Assume that the great prince of your country has become a statue because of a curse and kept at the unknown place. You have found the place where the statue is kept and need to escape him from that curse. Click on the objects to interact with them and find the hidden objects. Good luck and have fun!

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Have a crowbar, 1 symbol, 2 flowers, ladder, 4 nails, hammer, jar with water, 2 wood and a bowl. I put a stone in the bucket. I know many people help here but a lot of them use the video wt. I refuse that. So let's wait for the real gamers ;)

The wood and nails are for the ladder, use wood, use nail, use hammer, use nail etc.
Bowl is for green plant in middle scene. A bug will fill it.

Use 2 stones on bucket, get frog. Use frog in left scene. Also use fixed ladder there to get the pickaxe.

Where did you find crowbar Cat

On the roof of the church.

what is cauldren of goo for?

opens in screen but nothing to do with it

Yw escape girl.
Leroy, the bowl needs someting else. I found another stone that goes there, but it's still not enough.

Ive got all but 1 insect LOL but I dont know where else to look

Another stone in scene left of church. Use on cauldron for another insect. That was mine 6th insect. Use in right scene and use hammer there. Finally got star for the prince (knight)

This one was nice to play and not too hard. Thx Ena
I stay around for help. Hope escape girl and Leroy will follow soon :)

Another stone needed for cauldron gives another symbol

@ Leroy: LOL at comment from Lord Elrond at avatar.

damn rock hunt LOL finally out....

Glad you both made it.
Btw: did one of you played ArtKivez - play escape work? Game doesn't load for me.

Ok will go look now

Got it Leroy with this link: http://escapefan.com/play-escape-work/

Out finally

Yea i played it

Will try it now excape girl. Thx.

crap game again, 1 stars

Would have been nice if you guys told where you found the rocks ;) and not just "out".

Left of church scene ... where and do we need a tool to get it ?

Cheers :)

So I'm assuming I have to have the ladder to get the axe in the tree but I only have two nails and no hammer

wooop side of left platform

I am still here if you need any help Ericka. *laughs* am still looking for that last stone....

Found two nails in rock holding stone table.
Out now..nice game Ena

oh my, found the last stone, beneath the gate in the scene with the knight. Tore the scene to the left of the church apart, pixel by pixel, but there is only one stone there. The one we use the crowbar on.

Thank you ENA :) I enjoy your games.

Good game - thank you Ena!

Nice one, Ena! Thanks!

"Would have been nice if you guys told where you found the rocks ;) and not just "out"."

But Dreams, you have doen much the same thing.
It would be nice if someone would tell where the second two nails are (have 1st two from under (inside) stone table). Can't use the ladder until I have those. So I Assume I need the ladder to get the crowbar (???).

etc, etc.

Giving up - its hopeless playing these games so early before there are a lot more helps & hints.

For those of you that need the other 2 nails to build the ladder...get the crowbar on the roof of the church. It's a little tricky to see, but it's there. It kind of blends in. Use the crowbar on the sign on the tree on the right. It will give you the 2 nails you need and a symbol.

Use the crowbar on the stone in the far left scene. Use the jar with water on the dirt. A flower will grow and give you another symbol.

Now I'm stuck with a cauldron with a rock, a crowbar, and the hammer. I'm missing something else to add to the cauldron, I just don't know what it is. Is there anyone else playing?

Ok, got it figured out. You will need a total of 4 stones for this game. Two you used on the well for the frog. Two you use on the cauldron. I missed the stone in front of the gate by the knight. Now I have the final symbol from the cauldron.

Thanks for your help Jennifer.
Perhaps we should say, for the sake of later players, that the crowbar is on the front porch roof (I hadn't found that hotspot before).
Now I can't figure out how to move the rock in fron tof the gate.
And I'm still missing two bugs so there must be something else I've missed.
..... still searching ....

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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