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Escape Work Walkthrough

Escape Work

ArtKivez - Escape Work  is another point and click escape game developed by Art Kivez. You are bored at your job and want to go to the gym. In this game, you try to sneak away without coworkers or your boss noticing. Good luck and have fun!

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Escape Work Walkthrough

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


like the names of co-workers ! lol

the colour code is the cords, but you have to click on the panel to get the order, cute game

@handy: what do you mean with "click on the panel"?
Don't get the Colour order, panels say
but doesn't work

... POP tried it a thousand times, now it works...

       Anonymous  6/22/14, 1:43 AM  

Color clue on file cabinet is buggy, I had to enter it several times for it to work.

Also, apparently it does not matter if the cleaner see's you leave.

color code works fine 4 me, WGYPi
3 stars

Just went in. Got coffeebag. Scissors gave eraser and found small key in plant near gossip girl.

       Anonymous  6/22/14, 5:15 AM  

Buggy game : the "play" button is inactive !

Erase "NO" and Bette will leave. Use key on drawer for password.

pdgph: I used http://escapefan.com/play-escape-work/ to get into the game.

Finally out. Thought the P was for Purple but it had to be Pink. Cleaner may stay around, he doesn't gossip :)

easy game relly LOL

what is the 6 digit code for PC?

When you do color code on cabinet, you have to click the handle of drawer in zoomed view.

@Yorkie_Gal you get 6 digit code when you get the woman in last room to leave her desk and unlock the drawer to her desk.

       Anonymous  6/22/14, 11:58 AM  

"Click on the panel?" Where? I don't see a clue for the color code anywhere in this game. I get the feeling that until I view it, the game won't let me progress.

the color hints work but don't see clue for order

Oh yeah, when you click on the color wire plate it gives you a number. left to right, 3124. I had it written down but forgot about it.

Clarification: what Handy meant by "click on panel" is that after you enter the color code, you need to click the drawer itself to open it, it does not open automatically.

Does this help Rose?

On pc you need a 6 number code.

Take the scissors from Betty's desk far right room.
Cut the eraser from the whiteboard at Staul's, by clicking on it while holding the scissors.
Take the coffeebag from the supplies and throw it away at the big bin behind the cleaning guy.
Take the small key from the plant behind gossip-lady.
Wipe out the word 'NO' on the board behind Betty, go back one room and back into Betty's room. Open the drawer with the key and see the number you need on the pc.
It will make Staul leave his desk.
Click the 4 cables that you find in the rooms and note the numbers they give. Numbers + colours combined are used on Staul's drawerblock. In it is a gossip magazine.
give it to gossip-lady, take your gym-bag and leave.

Spoiler cables (ports they are called)

1 = white, 2 = green, 3 = yellow, 4 = pink,

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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