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Escape the Yellow House Walkthrough

Escape the Yellow House

Abroy - Escape The Yellow House is another point and click escape game developed by Silver Castle Games for Abroy. Search the yellow house for clues which will lead you to the exit. Good luck and have fun!

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Math again! If I wanted to do math, I would go back to school!
Boring and stupid game!

Too easy...

there is no math in this game.

Swift! As a clue for the list of maths numbers, the RH column goes down in a logical sequence - just notice that the LH column jumps TWO sequences at the end.

That was actually quite a good game! I suppose you wouldn't be evans if you weren't always so negative...

Nice but too easy

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Found lettuce leaf, olive oil and picture puzzle pieces oh an macrame hanging which I put on door, drizzled the lettuce leaf in the olive oil and nibbled on it whilst trying to find where to put puzzle pieces couldn't find it so i'm out of here by little red x

uh escape girl, I think you're playing a different game

Too funny, I started looking for the lettuce.

nice little game pity about the negative comments

It all went well until I found a blue red and white thing and don't know what to do with it or what it is. Is it supposed to fit in the-turned off-pc?

3.31 minutes. I'm smart.

Second try: 3:21... Why did that pc not plug in the first time?

One flaw.
The paper sequence should be 860 not 870

3:09 on the first try.

Nuckelhedd, not a flaw, notice that the list skips a number.

I liked the game.

@ Evans, You need to take more time figuring things! These games are puzzles, and the solutions should not be immediately obvious.
Nucklrheads post was incorrect, and may confuse other players.
205-760 (not shown)
so 206- ? is 870
a very simple pattern, no actual math involved other than very basic counting.
BTW those who haven't done Sudoku because you don't like math, there is ZERO math in those puzzles. The numbers could very easily be substituted with 9 different colors or pictures.

If Abroy games are for 'smart people', I'd hate to meet the stupid ones.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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