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Reform of the Veranda Walkthrough

Reform of the Veranda

NeatEscape - Reform of the Veranda: Porch Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Neat Escape. Try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Only one possible ending. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


Anyone here? Found the code for boxes on left wall and box with red and blue switches. Missing blue number.

I'll join you. Last game before I have to go. I'm not very good at these ..

All I have left is to find were to use blue and red #'s

EscapeFanJ Blue number in box from slot with pink + green code. Look at doors

Hi arrie its pretty easy so far.

bandy: beneath right bench

Hahaha, this is funny!!! LOL

well hum were to use the red and blue #'s ?

Hello Bandy .... HELP !!! lol ....

Cant find blue number. Have both safes open and bolted box, paper and hammer left. What doors, bandy?

TY EscapeFan!!

You need to get the nippers from the table use hammer on it. that will get the wrench

wrench will open the little box for blue #

Thank you, bandy. Didn't see that spot on the table. Out now.

How to work the blue red box? have hint but cant seem to open it.

bandy, think degrees.

Don't exactly understand where you are stuck, so:
The openings show letters with colours bl ye l.bl. br.

Click on the glass balcony doors for colours gr. and pink.

Those are for the wall safes. So far so good?

AHHH Ok got it !

Ah okay. And thanks for the degree hint.

Great ending again !!

arrie I was afraid to say TY too much!!! LOL

hahaha ... bandy, thank you for being so thoughtful.

Oh boy, there is a bug in this game!

I replayed and couldn't find the note with red x again.
Started yet again and - WATCH OUT.

First take the note, THEN use the nippers to cut the fence.
If you don't do it in that order, the note will disappear with cutting the fence.

Never found the dials under the bench - but otherwise pretty straightforward.

And how to open that safe under the bench?

@rafaga. That safe under the bench got me puzzled as well. The hint from EscapedFan didn't help, as I don't know zilch about degrees ;-)
Found it by BF. If you think clock wise place the red on where the 25 would be and the blue on 50 (more or less) Hope that makes sense to you.

I don't get the degree hint. Could somebody explain it? Please

OK. Got it! Thanks!

The game said now the memo bug has been fixed.

For blue and red dial think degree of angle

Very, very good game.
Got out without help, but that was not one of the easiest ones.

The hint from EscapedFan didn't help, as I don't know zilch about degrees ;-)

Though I can hardly imagine that (unless someone really missed out 4 out of 5 Maths lessons in school due to partying), here's a hintbook:

45° - between 1 o'clock and 2 o'clock
90° - 3 o'clock
135° - between 4 o'clock and 5 o'clock
180° - 6 o'clock
225° - between 7 o'clock and 8 o'clock
270° - 9 o'clock
315° - between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock
0°/360° - 12 o'clock

Thank you for taking the time to explain this Arbeitslooser.
Never assume things to be known by everybody.

That's right arrie, I missed years of school due to illness and I never caught up with the math. So no, I was not partying arbeitsloooser.

Great hints - especially arbeitslooser for the dials!

Now I want a pork cutlet!

For numpties like me put the red dial at 5 and the blue dial at 10 (position on clock) great game.

my note just showed a red X. Is that correct?

Nice game! but i dont like the pork :)

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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