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Trapped Cuckoo Escape Walkthrough

Trapped Cuckoo Escape

TheEscapeGames - Trapped Cuckoo Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by The Escape Games. Colorful garden with pleasant atmosphere, but the disruption existing often by the garden witch. The cute tree, rock & many things has been change of its aspects from nature by the curse of witch. In that sort the cute innocent bird were trapped by the curse of witch. So you need to escape the bird from the cage by solving the amazing puzzles across the monster objects. Good luck and have fun!

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The half anchor thing goes on a zoomed-in view of the tree branch top right first scene for colour clue.

Bread knife slices tree stump!

Use bottle on well and water yellow flowers by tree second scene.

I have two things in the inventory that I can't identify. Power tools? Batteries? Folded knives? Lighters? Dinner for two?

Which tree? Clodagh

Oh, found another one in the sticking-out root of the tree 2nd scene, LH side. It IS a battery. Now, where do they go, and what's the yellow thing. Perhaps....

Found 2 batteries (?) and a black/yellow thing. No clue what it is..

Use broom on bottom right part in second scene.

Hi Bandy - which clue are you after?

The anchor

If you've got it, in the first scene zoom in to top right branch on the screen - the tree is on the left, I know, but it's branches stretch to the right - as far as you can go.

TY Clodagh! And happy Friday! :]

Or, looking again, that's the branch of another tree encroaching from the right. In any case, stick it with the anchor!

Thanks Bandy - always happy on Friday - and most other days!

I found it upper right branch.

That is one tough bread knife! LOL

Whats up with all this math, in games to day?

Only got 1 battery from first scene (and 1 from second). Any hints on the second one?

Did you find the bars clue in the first scene, on the yellow flowers under the bird cage? I've used that clue, but can't remember where. Somewhere in the back of the second scene I think.

Anne, do you mean you've got two batteries? If so, that's all I've found as well.

I have 6 pieces of code paper - I think I need another one.

Looks like I need 3 more papers? HUMM

Yes, already used that clue.

didn't realize this was still live. Stuck with two batteries and a yellow thing. I think I am missing two pieces of paper. Still have lime even though I used the code and still have a knife.

Oh, found another piece of paper in the second scene, zoomed in on the trunk just above left of the middle red tree.

i think I have 7 papers, not sure now as I put them together

Yes, I think that's all the papers - now for the maths! (Where's Evans?!).

Ok stuck, must need a blade or something for power tool, and 3 more papers?

My last paper was in a red flower first scene

i am missing one paper but can read it all without it. Won't let me answer until I have all papers

All that calculating for a 2-digit number - and I still can't get it right!

TY for the red flower clue Miles1

I have the answer but because I am missing a paper it won't work.


Clodagh -it starts with a 7

I had my last paper in my enventory all this time!! DUH LOL

My last piece of paper was from tree in second scene. Just left of bright red bush.

TY Miles! that was the one I was missing too! Out now

Yep, I had 71, but it doesn't work for me - am I putting it in the right place? The man-like tree in the middle of the second scene?

I am out. LOL since I found my last paper I had all the time!

Bandy help!

71 worked for me ? Not sure?

@Clodagh do you have all the papers? It won't work if you are missing one even though you can read the code.

Hope it's not a bug?

71 worked for me too Clodagh

Oh LOL Clodagh, thought you ment you found 3!
Was already replaying to remember where I found they others. One comes from red box, the other from the tree in second scene.

1 paper in first scene, click below birdshouse, even below the yellow bars.

Ya no BF in these.

There was one in the red flower, first scene.

No, I had all 7 papers ages ago. Sob.

one in hay bail

Humm don't know?

there are 9 papers

I must be missing one - thanks people!

Had the hay bail one.

Don't do like me and had it all the time!! LOL

Thanks Ann - it was the one below the birdhouse. It's happy Friday again!

Hooray! Use the chainsaw like a bread knife!

No Bandy, I just THOUGHT I had them all the time! All in the mind, all in the mind. Bird brain.

Phew....had us all worried for a bit there :-)

YW Clodagh :)
Answer is indeed 71, but don't get it. What was the +19 for? If you add that too, you get 90.

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Yea Clodagh!!!!!

I got all of them Bandy, and I mean ALL of them this time! And thank you Melody!

Anne, each set of 3 numbers had a plus sign to their left, so add each set, then times the first two sets together (6x8), add the third set (+11) and minus the fourth set (7) - totals 52, then add the 19 = 71. It did make sense really!

This is what I did:
which already equals 71 :)

I can't believe I can't find a place to use chainsaw.

Finally found it!

Roberto where????

Ok. Found it

For those who haven't found where to use the chainsaw, it's the big tree trunk on the left in the first scene!

I thought that would be the word for the cage as soon as I started but guess it wouldn't of worked without doing the whole game!

Thanks for doing the math for me. Where is the motor part of the chainsaw? and what is the 10 10 clue from the lime for?

have 2 batteries and a grey thing. Now what?

I think the game is okay, it's just that I don't recognize the things I find. I drag them to every hotspot to see if something happens. That's why I quit now.

I love it - a chainsaw that uses two triple A batteries - LOL!!

Fun game!!

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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