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Ena Animals Escape Walkthrough

Ena Animals Escape

EnaGames - Ena Animals Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. The Story of this game is to escape the animals which are arrested into cage before releasing them you need to remove its anger by feeding some foods. Click on the objects to interact with them and solve the simple puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Ena Animals Escape Walkthrough

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Old MacDonald had a farm....

Weird fox looks lke a lion LOL and I cant feed chicken to it

Aaaah gotta use chcicken first to trap the hunter

ive released all the animals apart from the snake,cant find no egg

Dammit where are ya? Im stuck with many things...

yeah I have things like cone rubber strips bombs etc and nest in distance in elephant scene

same here

and that cart looks like a mount for a cannon...
also have hammer incomplete, stone,wood and some other things...

I need a rope or something to attached the hammer pieces.

How do we make the Hammer?

you need a rock to hit the hammer

i got rope but doesnt go with hammer lol

Hiya lackey of Nokia

Different rock for hammer next to cave man! Shovel near gate and two conens in same (gate) scene

I made a catapult

Hey Leroy!!

corners are for the fox cave hit them with hammer.i need a place for the shovel.

shovel is for left side of gate at exit

it is picky order but bombs go in dug hole

I found some sort of rubber thing that I cut up with the sword.

my rope is a fuse LOL hole filled back in now

Rubber band was in gate scene near gate.

bet we trying to make fire with cocnut and stickl and rubber?

cut it up richard

How do I get that stupid nest (prob has egg as well LOL)

cut another wood\stick in elephant scene

what is going on with the catapelt thing?i have bowl and stick together.hit them with the hammer but they need something more.

made slingshot and set up for nest now LOL think I need another stone?

and another rock in caveman scene

I think "spoon" (bowl and stick) will be used to feed egg to snake

rock for slingshot have nest and egg

but no clue on how to make slingshot work. it's on the ground in front of the nest, but does nothing. i have a key, two rocks and a knife

ok make the slingshot with two sticks from trees.tied them up with the rubber pieces.use it in first scene with a tiny rock near the sitting man.take the egg.cut the rope on snakes cage.remove the panel and put the egg in the wooden spoon(not catapelt).give it to the snake and unlock it.looking for a second stone now to make fire.

Booom and out LOL need any help?

rck also just right of cave man

How do you light the fuse?

big explosion!!!Out finally!!!!!!

you need 2 stones and the nest Kimmy.

be very aware some items used more than once...

good grief that small stone was impossible to find!

thanks for the help all

LOL I know and you have to us all items in a very particular order...

I've been trying to play live for a while now. Y'all are too fast for me. But I'm catching up. Thanks Leroy for the help.

where is the spoon?

ok i have the stick and bowl together.. need something else to complete it??

grr my bowl/stick disapeared.

did anyone notice there is a knife in the very last inventory slot . i had to restart it was there from the get go.

There's a ton of rocks you need to pick up in the caveman scene.

egg goes in spoon to feed snake...

Get nest to make fire with stones...then BOOM....

that was a terrible game

You know what ENA? Your games aren't worth disabling adblock. I don't want to watch 30 seconds of ads to play a 1 minute game. You aren't Mateus Skutnik or SelfDefiant or TomaTea or any of the good game providers. You make cheap shit games . Get over yourself and thanks for showing what you are really concerned with. Making money and NOT good games.

Oh and now i see you have to watch ads to see the walkthrough too? You are something else. Greedy people making shite games.

The fox looks like a lion to me, and is that a Panda bear? Panda bears eat bamboo, leaves, fruits and vegatables I tought, but no fish...

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I tried to give 3 chicken to the angry "fox", but he doesn't want to eat them...

You have to use the chickens to trap walking caveman first.

Only found ONE cone. Can't find the second one.
Another "dead" game??

it is there Ashley you just gotta find the right pixel

Thanks Leroy ... but I give up. There are so many "zoom" screens and I don't know which one.
If the game needs to be this complicated (pixel-hunting) then I think its a waste of good game time.
I'll find a better game.

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