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Nine Flowers Escape Walkthrough

Nine Flowers Escape

Games4King - Nine Flowers Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 4 King. This is a critical game where the some one has been trapped in the 9 Flowers House, so you will need to collect the necessary objects to make him escape from this house, if you have the right attitude then you will get him out. Good luck and have fun!

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Missing last flower from colores numbers.


Need too zoom in allthe numbers on wall. Out!

Hi Friends, Now Fixed The Loading Problem. sorry for intruding.Thanks For Playing Games4King Games.Let's Play ...

have all the flowers but have 2 pinks and 2 light blues instead of a maroon and dark blue so can't finish. Game is Buggy still. though they say it is fixed!

missing 1 flower, 1/2 a plate and what ever I need for the rabbit....

Same here evans.
Already placed some flowers and got the same colors again.
Replaying now, without placing them, and getting all different colors now.
Still stuck to get last flower.
Zoomed in on all numbers. Entered them according to the dots in room 1, but no clue what numbers to enter underneat. Thought numbers of pieces each number is devided to, but that didn't work...

In last room (view 3), there is a wind-up key above the door. That's used for the rabbit.
And I think thats where you get the second half, but not sure.

Had that key, not in inventory now...

If you don't collect all flowers before put them on pic, some flowers disappear when you come back to put more flowers.

need the dark blue flower, I had the key, but I think it was used on a dark brown little drawer that was in the inventory.

AVG picked up malware loading this game lack of adbloc doesn't help

@Anne Ter - just enter the same numbers below as the colored numbers above. I swear I tried it already, but I went back and made sure I zoomed in on all the colored numbers and then it worked.

Dark blue flower is from the slider puzzle scene 3.

There are two keys.Right side top scene 1, left side top scene 2

melody, I played it over and your right, now I remember were the keys go , I put the key in the rabbit, is half of one , still looking for the other half, and the other key open the safe and got the gray flower, I had all that, still looking for the dark blue flower and the other half plate

Im sorry, its the light blue Im looking for

Light blue is from the puzzle in scene 2 using the bottle heights from scene 1. You must zoom on the bottles first (as with all the clues) before it will work.

I did that and got the ligjt blue flower , but its not in my inventory, Don't know were it went, I guess I have to replay again oh well thanks so much for your help

No problem. Nothing worse than being stuck in a game that everyone else has finished. Seems that the game is a bit buggy.

Note to anyone coming later....collect all nine flowers and both bits of plate before trying to place them. Zoom on everything

Collect all flowers before placing. Don't use gray knob on anything but rabbit or it will disappear. Enter digits below the broken colored #'s first or it won't activate (digits are the same as the broken #'s)

ze nize geen but ze buggie one

No problems here - great game! I enjoyed it.

Had and placed all flowers except the light blue one - when I came back to the board with it, its space had been taken by another light blue one and the darker blue one had disappeared.

Buggy, buggy, bye, bye...

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