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Bands Rebus Walkthrough

Bands Rebus

Bands Rebus is another free online rebus game by Cawulla and Jonthewatch for EscapeGames24. There are 20 levels of picture clues to solve....just say what you see and find the bands. You might need your parents help for some levels....and your kids help for others. Good luck and have fun!

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Yay. Thanks Cawulla and Jon.

Thanks Cawulla and Jon!

thanks Cawulla and Jon :)

thanks, this should take up my weekend...lol got the first 2 not sure on 3....

Stuck on that first object on level 5. I know what it looks like, but surely not?

Level 3 - first of all think of betrayal.

oops meant got the first 3 not sure on 4

OK rds, level 4 - what kind of moon is it?

for five, look up the word you have in urban dictionary

Clogagh, for 5, it is, lol

If you get a "404 Page Not Found", that means the answer is wrong, click back in your browser to try again

thanks clodagh.... onto level 10 now

I guess I'm dating myself, but on 14 and only a couple I had to google!
Have to figure out what that object is on 14 :)

my internet is slow, how are you doing now clodagh? I am stuck on 11 at the moment... let me know if you need any help

Can someone give me another hint for level five? Blues brothers + ???

aitch, it's ???? then the brothers

finally - never heard of them!

Thanks rds - I'm still stuck on 5 - I've tried all sorts of things, and finally come up with Joint Brothers, which isn't right. (I won't tell you what I originally thought the first picture was - just to say it wasn't a funny cigarette...).

rds, name where you might see the first pic

My son had hysterics when I told him what I'd originally put for level 5.

any hints on 11 please?

If I don't have any help on level 5 soon, I'm going to have to list all the things I've tried - it'll be long and embarrassing!

@Clodagh: LOL. I thought exactly the same thing. Still don't have 5.

for 5, it is what it looks like, what else can you call it? Duthie's hint to use Urban Dictionary is a good one

I got it! Need two pop's I guess:)

clodagh you are so close.... whats another name for it starting with d?????

rds, for 11, where is that landscape? and be sure you are spelling correctly :)

Tried Duthie's Urban Dictionary hint Donas, but the trouble is that I'm not sure what I'm looking at in the first place!

level 18 - I've got an answer but it's not working

I'm stuck on 18 too but can offer help on the earlier ones

@clodagh - try googling bands containing the word (2nd image)

Too innocent?

for level 18, googles the images


level 5 help....check out the other names: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=joint

@donas - I only get a google result for the bottom images

another word for joint clodagh?

annaby, you should find a film name

On 2, what is the 3rd image?
I think its something a car needs... o**

18: the bottom images should help tremendously....if you think Italian collective names

Hooray hooray hooray! Thanks everyone, and finally Jonthewatch for the long one beginning with D! You must all be so fed-up with my thickness, but thanks for the patience. Sorry to say it folks, but I'll probably be back...

Gut, use the 3rd image to make moonshine ;)

Clodagh, did you get it? It's "another word for joint." I tried the urban dictionary but that didn't have it. Found it when I googled the words above.

Level 2.....you might make whiskey in the 3rd image

Ty donas although I thought there was another person involved in that band

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Now stuck as anything on 14.

Ooh - found 14 when I realised what film was hinted at in the second picture.

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18 - I finally was able to separate the images and got the movie title - but that answer doesn't work either

nope Jon, I'm being thick obv. but still can't get 18, any more clues?

Any hints for level 16 please?

LOL I like level 7

stuck on 13

remember, no 'The' at the START of the band names for level 18.....and yes, all bands are real :)

annaby, don't use the first "the"

Need a clue for 13 - the pixelly pic

i didn't use the

Enjoy, be sure to use the whole name spelled out

For level 13, they are all the same thing.

Pop.. got 13

annaby, it's "pluralandtheplural"

Level 13 again - they are actually all the same personage.

13: on the second row, 5th from the left....can you think who that looks like? The rest will fall into place

For level 13, the fifth one from the left on the second row should give you the hint for what all of them are.

Oops, you got there before me Jon!

Still struggling with level 16.

lol - I didn't use "and the" because it was in the rebus - oh never mind :D

Yeh - just got 16 - my one-time favourite band!

For 16, use a collective name for the ships

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       Anonymous  8/23/14, 2:38 PM  

Stuck on Level 7. It seems to be too late for me. A hole? A golfcourse? A flag? Gras? Green? Heaven? Trees? A bit of sun?

A bit of sun would be a cool bandname, that's for sure.

Any hints on Level 17?

sorry Annaby....it's hard to get these things just right....we debated long and hard whether to use that level or not...glad you got past it ok :)

Buecher - for level 7 your fifth guess was right for the first part of the name.

I was doing really good, but came to a screeching halt on 14. Can someone give me a clue about the 3rd image?

having trouble with the first image on lvl 20

buecherverschlingen, a green is correct

@gut - the 3rd image is an instrument

Bone Gut - sometimes they can be tubular.

Level 7...you said the answer to the first clue, it's that part of a golf course all right....

I have no clue for level 17. I know the names of the pics but ....

Same here Dutchie.

for 17, googling the images, or naming them, will help

for 17 - use just the first part of the name of the first pic

Ah, level 17 - just use the names you know for the pictures, and take off the second part of the first one.

for 17, googling their names should help too :)

17 - first image - another name for rocks
middle image is a place or worship

stuck on 18 also

       Anonymous  8/23/14, 2:46 PM  

Ohh. And i was just trying to be funny. Now i don't now how i couldn't see that. Thanks!

lvl 20 - a hint on first pic?

I guess I've never heard of the level 14 band. Thanks to google, I figured it out

annaby, for 20, find a synonym for valley

Thanks all, on 18 :)

I never heard of the band in 17 either ;)

I know I have number 2 right and it says it's wrong
SPOIcrosbystillsandnashLER I tried without the "and" in it too and it still takes me to the error page.

that should work sweetgrass

Oh for heaven's sake - if I had taken the 2nd pic at face value, I would have had lvl 20 at the start

it's the correct answer all right Sweet...try it again and be careful of typing

Thanks again Cawulla and Jon - that was a lot of fun!!

OK Y'all, now that I have sent my daughter some cash, back to the game. Stuck on level 13. I know they are presidents, but cannot find the exact name of the band. Clues?

19 is ridiculous! The first character is related to Mario. I googled the rest.

Aitch - presidents of.......

       Anonymous  8/23/14, 3:00 PM  

I'm stuck with a rolling pin and some diamonds.

I guess i'm going to bed now and give it another try tomorrow (or shall i say today?) with hopefully a lot of hints till then.

gotta remember to leave out the the! Tks, Clodagh.

19....great name for a band (again, I never heard of them before)

for the record, I never heard of 13,14,15

13 are a great favourite of mine, 14 and 15 I found purely for the sake of making this game ;)

Loved the Pentatonix Jon - thanks for the game!

buecherverschlingen Think of another name for diamonds.

I am stumped on 19

all these people talking about level 19- I'm struggling with level 1- can't help thinking about a depressing band from Manchester but its not them

finally! cheers jon, decent quiz..anyone need any help?

Enzed - the first picture shows something obvious, but spell it like a bubble-centred chocolate bar.

enzed..I thought the same ;) the 'pointer's' part of the answer, not just telling you where to look

the penny drops! ThanksRB

M Dahlberg - for 19, I thought the first picture reminded me of Mario (heard of but never played it), so I googled him and searched images for one that matched, found his name and added 'the' to it in the search bar. That brought up the whole band name.

Finished! Thanks for all the hints. Thanks Jon and Cawulla for this fun riddle . Love the vid :)

how could I NOT know lvl 7? :P love love love ~~

I have been stuck on 18 for 45 min googling till my fingers are bleeding..and the comments so far haven't helped... :-( I think the end of it is Spoandthepopesiler but haven't a clue as to what the first two photos are - any better clues for me? :```-(

LT, not the "popes" but a familar way of saying father

18 spoiler

the first 2 images come from a movie called Mama!

LT ..i had the same problems, googling the top half of the picture would be more helpful, it's a film i've never heard of..and it's not 'pope' but the Italian for Father(s)

Italian for Daddies.

seriously? and I remember them good grief got 18 now thx

After googling the 3 images together, I keep getting the wrong answer. I get results about state parks or restaurants.

I wound up using my snipping tool to google the top images for 18 (and some others) - I don't know if there's an easier way ...

@gut - the first pic is a group of navy ships which is called a ____

there isn't Annaby, google images is your friend with this type of game....and help from comments too ;)

Finally finished - 18 was horrible for me to figure out

Thanks for the game :)

Bone Gut..16 are a big band not unknowns..the collective noun for the ships + elm,oak,mahogany + the 2nd part of world's most famous burger

POP! Once I found the right name, I remembered the band

Squadron, fleet, armada, task force, flotilla, convoy, carrier, vessels

2nd one of those Bone Gut is the first syllable of the first word.
Fleet- / -

Done! Thanks for all the hints guys! Fun game/riddle!

OH derrr me. LOL
I was thinking of synonyms for the images

GAH! 20?

well that was fun- once I solved the first one! Pentatonix were pretty good too

       Anonymous  8/23/14, 3:51 PM  

Oh my gosh, i'm out. Or done. I liked it, thanks :)

Did you get 20 MD? American bandleader from the 30's and 40's- 3 words

Thanks rouge!!! WHEW!

stuck on 12....

POP got it

stuck on 14 now...

20 is probably one of three possibilities: gl*** mi**** b***, ele***** li*** orc******, or st*** mi**** b*** but I'm probably wrong.

for level 14, don't use the name of the actor for the 2nd pic, name the film.

Gut, combine your first possibility with the last word of your 2nd

help on 14 please

school, brad pitt, sleigh bells?

i dont know the movie..lol

for 14, school, name of movie, bells

the name of the movie is a number, starring Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman

Ok, I got 14. first picture is obvious. I think the middle picture has to do with a movie title, third pict is obvious

thanks Donas.. I had a POP

stuck on level 8

tishtosh, the man is an US president, then just name what you see in the 2nd pic

Thanks for the hint donas. Another riddle complete!
Thanks cawulla and jon for a great riddle

Thanks Donas, I put J-ff-----star---- but got page not found.

ps. Donas 727 I didn't use capitals

Well, for 20 I kept trying Electric Light Orchestra... over and over again. Should have concentrated on the brand of beer!

tishtosh, try an earlier name for the band

Thanks Cawulla and Jon .. Great Fun!

Thanks Donas 727 got it now :)

Arghh - I know level 2 is CSN - cro**y, st***s and n**h but no matter what way I type it, it won't take. Advice please?

janet, don't know if it will help but don't put spaces between words

Tishtosh - thank you - that was it!!!

Enjoyed that, thanks to the game makers

Thanks Jon and Cawulla. That was wonderful fun. Never heard of a couple of those bands.

Thanks - was a great game. Saw a lot of them in concert - tho not Glenn Miller...

Great game boys but...I beg your pardon...5 was WAY too hard especially for non-native English speakers.
I've never heard that alternate term for a 'spliff' in my life before.

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Thanks Cawulla and Jon. This one, for the most part, was easier for me than some of your previous games. But when I was stumped, it took forever to figure them out. Even with the comments and hints posted, they were difficult.

For #18, I felt the Popes' photos were a bit misleading. I think photos of simple ministers would've sufficed.

Thanks for all your work!

Stuck on Lvl 12. Thought it was "-- churchmice" but they look more like rats. Which doesn't help - makes it harder.
Is the first image an explosion (yes - clearly it is!) but what of? Fireworks? Nuclear? (don't think so) ?????

Ashley. Lvl 12. That explosion made a noise....it went BOOM

Ashley - the bomb goes b....m and the town hall has rats


Stuck fast on 13. I've found three different bands but none of them seem to work.

Okay, found it - don't abreviate the end of the band's name for 13. Never heard of them but they chose a longassed name!

Aha - thanks Momma Cyndi

Never heard of 14 either

Brad Pitt was in the movie 'Seven'

Never heard of 15 either! Good job the name was exactly what the pictures were

geez! Never heard of 17 either! I am so not up to date on music! It is like a Big Empty space in my knowledge!

Would never have gotten 18 without jonthewatch 8/23/14, 3:19 PM !

Everyone should be as happy as the Wallowitz type guy in the video :)

A million thanks Cawulla and Jon. I absolutely loved that.

Level 19, rightmost pic: that obviously looks like a bicycle chainring.
Well, I know "Jesus & Mary Chain" but there's no Jesus anywhere LOL...

Yes that IS a chainring! Finally made it to level 20. Just had to look up the unusual word for it (remember AE is not BE)

       Anonymous  8/24/14, 6:20 AM  

Struggling with 19.
Googled mario as suggested above and have come up with "mushroom head the rain gear" ....

Oh dear.

       Anonymous  8/24/14, 6:28 AM  

Got it. The character is not called mushroom head - lol.
It's also another word for a cog.

I must be stupid. Cannot figure out level one.

1st level - what is that red thing called? And the man is a black-----.
Remember to adjust spelling for the 1st word.

Also - thanks again Tishtosh - do not put any spaces between the words.

Cyberjar88 - a rebus uses pictures in a word play. The first part is also an English word for what you use with a bow. If you know the English for a man who works metal with an anvil and forge. Now say the two words out loud and quickly - it should sound like an American rock band


Can someone spoil all the answers? I'm stuck on Lvl 4

Jorge - one of the best bands for live concerts- What do you use the first thing to do? What type of moon is it? What are you when you in the ground with RIP over you?


That was a great game, thanks Jon and Cawulla!!!

       Anonymous  8/24/14, 1:18 PM  

Great! I had a lot of fun and I have learned some new bands
(o‿∩) Thanks!!!

Finally finished all the levels, but some of these band names were ridiculous.

Thanks Janet

on level 15 - seems "Squirrel Nut Zips" isn't a band name

I was close!

       Anonymous  8/24/14, 3:50 PM  

Stuck on 12. Is that 2nd pic supposed to be a specific town?

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