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Dollar House Escape Walkthrough

Dollar House Escape

GamesNovel - Dollar House Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel. One day you were went your friend home with your family. At the end of the function your family left you there unexpectedly. And the door is closed.Try to collect the clues, objects and apply logic to escape from the dollar house. Good luck and have fun!

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out, bit of a pixel hunt.....tab works

Missing 3 coins, 3 digits and top cb on most left scene, 3 digits under TV, right cb on 1st scene.

There is a key in a vase on the bed headboard.

Key under cushion on couch and pillow on bed.

There is a vase that can be got in the living room. Not sure what for.

Thanks for the key in vase. Still missing 2 coins and 3 digits under TV.

Use this vase on round table after put all pieces.

I missed the little side table to the left of 14 in living room. That was last white piece. Got 666 code from putting white pieces and vase.

Cant change letters in stars and numbers under TV. Missing 1 coin now.

Curtain in TV room give 3 digit code (TAB key works to find some areas). A real pixel hunt....

My tab bey doesn't work. :(, but I found the code under curtain. Thanks! Missing the word now.

same place as you Roberto but cant change letters or numbers

Where was the clue for the white ottoman in the TV room?

thank you out now

Out! My word didn't appear at first by putting coins. Had to check back to see it. Thanks!

I think was on TV in another room.

It was on TV, out now.

Thanks everyone. Pixel hunt games are no fun alone.

missing 1 piece on the bottom on the otterman help please

find the last piece, it was the 2 # in left room Now all I need is the last coin at the very bottom, does anyone remember were it was

find the last coin, need the letters for the door, checked back at the coins still no word there, help someone please

Did you use the 3 digit's from the right side of a TV Sherry???

Sorry, answered wrong question, the letters appear over the coins - check that it's not hidden by a banner or similar

@LNS I see the letters over the coins, but cant make it out



thank you got it. I didn't zoom in enough Thanks so much, too much pixel hunt for me thanks again

Still missing the last coin. Need one more 3-digit code, and my star-letters won't change...

I used the 3-digit code from the round table, after placing the vase.
And the one right of TV. But where is the third one.?

Found it. It was under the curtain in TV room, as tiquer said.
(but there are 3 TV-rooms, choose the blue one) :-)

no one even mentioned the 12345 slider puzzle. How does it work??

Same here, Evans. I've tried several ways and can't get it to work.

Giving up. Not very good at these, don't usually get to play live, and not enough clues left to help.

Code for the ottoman chest is on one of the TV's

Slider is exactly how it shows

First knob goes to 2
Second knob goes to 1
Third knob goes to 5

Missing a code for the coffee table in the bedroom and a key for the cupboard above the TV in same room.Also missing the centre left side of the round table cloth.
But so much behind other players that I doubt I'll get any help!

Are you people serious? Three freaking commercials before I can even get to the shitty game. And then more advertisements on that page too? Wow. You suck.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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