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Warfield Escape Walkthrough

Warfield Escape

EightGames - War Field Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. A Great solider got wounded and could not find the ways to escape from the war field. He needs your help to escape from the war field. Try to collect the material so that you can turn the helicopter attention to you. Hurry up and relieve the man from the war field. Good luck and have fun!

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Okay sure, one more, then get some work done, then hurry back to hopefully find another SD to start the weekend!!!

going in...

many silver parts, paper, bottle and 1 wheel

Shouldn't the guy they're aiming at have a beard?

The shooting targets is the hint for the medikit.

Use the sponge on the guys head (wound).

Got also a cloth from somewhere put it on dark spot on bottom, then bottle and then put all metal pieces on it.

Yes s-t - but can't make the darn thing work - sort of 1, o clock, 7, 2 9 and 4 ish???
Metal things go on cloth, spread in centre of 2nd screen, pour canteen over, and make the letters with the shapes

snap Zazie!

there is a number on the rifle, but no letters in the place to put long code ???

The many digits code is on the rifle (make letters alphabet numbers) gives 3rd gear.

I need two more metal pieces and can't figure out the order for the medipack.

Two targets are higher so they are for the top clocks/dials. The other 3 for the bottom ones.

3 gears on the tank gives a band aid for the guy.

Winnie it is like a M, start bottom left.

Ah thanks (again) st!

thanks S-t - didn't spot the heights!

Out ! Did not like the war scenes !

My guess was 4-6 for top and 2-8-2 for bottom but that does not work...

2 and 8 is the top part.

Nice game, but looking for all the metal parts was tedious.

Where is the sponge?

Thanks Zazie and s-t. Got it now but don't understand the logic of it..

Never mind - got it - putting the pieces on the frame

Oh no, just one metal piece missing... there where so many that I will never know which one I'm missing.

I'm missing the first M metal piece. The tab key should be working in such games.

Guys, are you all off to play some other game? Do I need to do something more after putting the bandaid on the soldier? Can't find anything, need one more metal piece.

Oh my, I found it! Sorry Gina, don't remember where I found first M piece.

I'm quitting this, chasing the last piece is tedious. The riddles were fun, but unsolvable pixel-hunts isn't my idea of a good time.

SSSSSSstupid the metal part for M takes me out of this game cant find it.

Agree...chasing the last piece isn't worth the rest of the game. 2 star max.

I also can not find one piece, not even at 250% magnification and slowly sweeping cursor over every millimeter of the scenes, clicking everywhere it changes to a hand. I hate pixel hunts. What a waste of time. I quit.

I concur. This one was a loser.

I think the last metal piece is on the far left of the first scene, by the tents, but it's unclickable!

My pieces don't want to go on frame.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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