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Security Villa House Escape Walkthrough

Security Villa House Escape

GamesNovel - Security Villa House Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel. Here you have to explore different puzzles and solve it by using your fun filled skills. Finally escape from there through using the key on the main door. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


ok. Easy. In and out.

stupid easy game. not worth playing. forget it.

Lousy comments left here. I am stuck and could use some REAL help.

Okay then, been in this house before a couple of weeks ago, so should be doable.
- pink dustcloth next to tv goes in far right room to clean the stain. the number you get is used in the same room = puzzle piece.
- the number from the book on the table there goes in the large cabinet = clock hand (I know, I know) in far right room = number.
- the number from the clock goes below clock = key.
- key is used in large cabinet = box, opening box = puzzle piece.
- another puzzle piece comes from one of the drawers in the cabinet, a fourth one comes from small picture next to exit door.
- place the pp on the large picture left of the door = number for drawerblcok = exit key.

I hate the zooming on these - it makes me feel ill so I'm not playing.

       Anonymous  8/30/14, 6:31 PM  

Won't play these games too much advertising.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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