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Shingeki Escape Walkthrough

Shingeki Escape

Shingeki Escape is another point and click type room escape game from flashgame. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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When the guy comes running at you, just click an arrow to run away. Otherwise you'll die.

Stuck with a stick and a key, and keep on dying... ?

       Anonymous  8/5/14, 8:58 AM  

First thought "Oh, they are really excited to see me."
Second thought: "That grinning bastard just ate me."

Now i have to get some revenge.

       Anonymous  8/5/14, 8:59 AM  

Under the paper next to the red door is the key for the red door.

Open the safe using the number of feet (include the guy who eats you). Used the key (from under the poster) to get a hook. Attached hook to pole. Now I have two dinguses that I have no idea what they are or what to do with them

When counting feet include the one that chases you, too. Then click top(?) of box.

       Anonymous  8/5/14, 9:01 AM  

The box with a keyhole is open and doesn't need a key. Get a hook out of it, combine it with the stick and get that thing down the shelf.

Now i'm stuck with the colorcode. Thought it's the feed of the shingeki, but that doesn't work

Theres some sort of clue on the side of the stick after attaching to the hook.

Playing with the 2 signs on poster removes the letters.

stuck with a hook on a stick, a strange thing from the shelf and a tube thing

Thanks Kernowoman. That shows you a point on the black grid thingy to get another thingy

Used hook on a black window ....below row.

       Anonymous  8/5/14, 9:07 AM  

Can somebody please give me the number of the colorcode? Nothing works here.

Missing letters on poster return if you hit your left arrow key. Probably just a text field.

After you enter the number click the top (colored part) of the box. 268 or 286

Had found that hotspot on the window before but couldn't find the object until I had seen the clue on the stick

color code - count all feets

       Anonymous  8/5/14, 9:10 AM  

Thank you, Tiquer.

Also stuck with camera(?), white rod, and white nut(?). Plus the hook with --> 3-3 on it (which I guess referred to black-windowed building since there was something there that wasn't before)..

So I've still got the hook on the stick and the camera(?) with 4 things attached to it. Hmmm!

I think the white nut goes on the camera

Jeez that big fella doesn't give up, does he!

Got something black off the leg of the table with the open box on it.

I have tried everything on the guy who attacks you and they all do nothing except make you die. You'd think a guy who runs so woosie would be easier to kill

Ah, got it! Out! The camera is a jet pack. Face the big guy with it highlighted.

       Anonymous  8/5/14, 9:15 AM  

that black stuff from the tableleg is for the camera.

"camera" + two white parts = weapon

You have to have fully assembled the jet pack.

Tiquer what did you attach to the camera ? I can´t attach anything, tried to combine everything.

black thing is a hose

Have to attach the black (straps?) first to the "camera", then each of the two white things. I needed to zoom out, then back in to attach each piece.

       Anonymous  8/5/14, 9:18 AM  

Zazie, attach that black thing from under the table with the box to the "camera". Then take that tube with a hole in full size and the put the camera on it. After that the white thing.

Thanks, Tiquer. Finally didn't get killed!
open 'camera', open it and put the black thingy on it then put the pipe type thing on that and finally the thing that looks like a nut.

Thx everybody, i was missing the black part from table.

       Anonymous  8/5/14, 9:20 AM  

After that you slay Grinning Man and get the hell out of there.

Once you have the "camera" (it is actually a jet pack) just highlight it and wait for the monster to run right up to it. Then you magically get a sword and kill him. Really poor....

That was ......... unusual.

do you have two parts form the little house? they are on the floor near table

Yep thx Megi i am out ;-)

I don't quite like this. One or several ways to die and no save option?
No thanks.

I will joyfully watch a video walkthrough later. I guess the game may be exciting, I just don't want to play it myself.

Where is the tube? I can't make the hook work on any window.

Sorry, I meant the white tube, or rod, or whatever.

Rod was somewhere leaning to the right, easily visible. White tube was from black window after you have seen the hint on combined hook with rod.

Hmm...that rod/stick ... I found it somewhere at the shack with the two jap signs on it...

Note I said *AT* the shack, not *INSIDE* the shack.

       Anonymous  8/5/14, 5:45 PM  

1 star, language barrier, green guy ate me end of game.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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