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Aliens Escape Walkthrough

Aliens Escape

Games2Attack - Aliens Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games 2 Attack. In this escape game, you are trapped in a cave and you try to escape the Aliens Ship by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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anyone else here? need some help.

just loading game now

I'll have a look, but don't have much time...

I am stuck with 3 small aliens and 2 grey/blue rectangles. have put some pieces on ship on far right.

Just going around picking up things. I really wish on games like this where there are so many hot spots that they would get rid of the hot spots after picking up what you need.

found 3rd rectangle and place to put them- lower right side of second scene but apparently I need more. Also need one more skull for back panel 3rd scene.

I agree lilrascal, could use more light too. Very dark.

i have 5 grey/blue ractangles. Put aliens/skulls on scene 2 times to the right (think you need 7) in the back. Then use colour code.

Found a lot of very tiny stuff

This is just a nasty pixel hunt. finally found last skull. can't find anymore rectangles or use aliens yet.

letter squares go on flashing red light pole thingy then set colors according to next right scene

any idea where you got the rectangles? I found one on floor left side third room.

Little red ring goes into device on the left, door opens and reveal display with arrows.

that gives hint above for arrows down left first scene. take red dot from light and put on object there.

you need 5 rectangles.
There is a colourcode in 2nd scene for skulls.

arrow clue top of second scene

Everything is too small and too dark, even with the .swf file open, and no logic to clues so not wasting any more time on this one, I always have to laugh when a bad game is posted and immediately given a 5 star vote.

Thought i completed the robot. But think need something more.... Robot doesn't do anything so far.

rings and allen head go in 3rd scene - but I'm missing a ring I guess

Alien head goes on the two rings second scene, but seems to do nothing

tricky ring in that scene up high on left.
Still need one more rectangle.

meant third scene and obviously I need more rings

Only have four rectangle and missing a ring

if i remember correctly, there where 2 rings in first scene. Somewhere in the bottom (left and right i think).

where do we put those blue/grey rectangles?

I am giving up. sick of pixel hunting for rectangle.
VERY poor game.

farmwife, rectangles go in second scene on the right on a panel. hard to describe.

thank you Evans - never would have thought there

Yvon, thx, now found another one....but seems I still need ANOTHER one...nooooo...

anybody do anything with the little jug things in scenes or the brown boxes?

suddenly had a stick in inventery (far to the left in inventery). Think i found it on the floor in 3rd scene.

Ok, Alien done, but need another recangle and can't find this hidden panel... :-(((

Flora,. its is not a hidden pannel. Just zoom and place the rectangles.

This panel is it in scene right of the cave?

Ship with the 3 aliens flew away :)

Thx, Yvon found the place, but still need one...

stick used to break pots to get keys for brown boxes - gives eggs to hatch in back of first scene and put aliens on big robot and out - what a pain in the a$$ this was

Nice to Know where to use the stick if I only could find it...

Can someone please spoil where the stick is? I feel like I've clicked everywhere.

not to mention this d***** rectangle...

stick is top left of scene where you put the rectangles - it's more a grey rod

I'll give up ...too much pixel hunt.

Found the stick. Thanks @Farmwife!

rectangles (4 out of 5):
scene 1: upper left.
2: upper right and upper left.
3: floor left.

hope this is where the one you are missing is.

can someone be more specific about the rod place?

rectangles :

1st scene - top left and left of circle opening in the back
2nd scene - upper left on grate thing and right on window covering thing
3rd scene - bottom left on floor grate

rod in 3rd scene - just above the white square on the upper left that looks like a lit window - it is part of the awning of that window

Thank you for your helpful specific hints Farmwife - I was beginning to go mad....

Glad to help and repay for all the hints you all leave

I still need another ring for the heap in the middle room (2nd or 3rd room - strange navigation), and I suppose that gives the top of the rocket. Oh, I just can't be bothered any more!

1st scene - left of middle of the room on the floor in that rock rubble AND on the right on the floor of rock rubble (just below right of the wooden box)
outdoor scene - top right under the left most lit window
ring scene - top left in ceiling

Thank you very much Farmwife, and good riddance Aliens and your fiendishly tiny rocket parts and puzzle pieces. Be gone from us Earthlings and return no more!

Thx, farmwife, finally got it, but the rod suddenly was in the invebtory, could'nt say where I got it....

LOL Clodagh - I agree 100%

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