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Escape for a Music Concert Walkthrough

Escape for a Music Concert

123Bee - Escape for a Music Concert is another new point and click type room escape game by 123 Bee. A boy from a fundamental Christian family wants to go to a music concert. But, his family members don’t want him to go to the concert because he is from an orthodox Christian family. His family members slept after some time, so he decides to use this chance to escape from his house to the concert. But, unfortunately, he forgot where the key has been kept. Help him to find the key to go to the concert. Good luck and have fun!

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Upside-Down Text Spoiler Maker
To decode, copy the upside-down text and paste into the left box
Spoiler:   Use This:


What's with that cursor change? Whoa...

Can't zoom or get full screen...can't play.

Cant do anything with the three books...

Need four books. Can't do anything with that orange red arrow puzzle.

And lets give a big hand for 123 Bee....

Jumping ship. Stuck with one of too many things, not worth the time to keep looking for a clue that's not there.

And out. Started making progress when I stopped thinking too hard.

PS. I wonder if I'll ever be hit by that "Great Escape" sign when I open the door to leave my aparment. :)

Luke, you can spring as in the game checkers.

four books and useless code on them. This is not a good game.

I have green, red and blue book. where is the last one?

yellow in pile on desk or table.
I have a rubiks cube like box and a paper with holes. clicking square on cube like holes on paper does nothing. Did anyone open this?

The colours of the four books are irrelevant - look at the numbers for the 4-digit code.

Yes Evans - I opened the cube by clicking the places the holes were on the paper. Perhaps you need to look at the paper first, in usual ENA style!

stuck with only box left and can't find most of the items needed to open things. Have 1 of lots of them.

Yes, I have looked at paper several times and tried box several times. It does not open.

Giving up, this game is too annoying to enjoy.

You need numbers for the 3-circle drawer in the far right room. Check the colours, and then look for the places/numbers of those colours on the colour-circle chart in the second room.

The flowers on the wall in the far right room are for the 3-digit code under the computer in the second room. Don't try too hard, it's just three rows of flowers - how many in each row.

A bit of a challenge finding things, but a fun game. Thanks for the helping hand, 123 Bee!

Out too..for the yellow/red arrow puzzle, you have side all the arrows to the opposite side (i.e. yellow arrows all have to move to right side, and red has to move over to left side). To get an arrow to change sides, someone pointed out it was like checkers. If you put a red arrow in the original empty spot, you'll be able to jump the yellow arrow over it, provided you have an empty spot on the other side where the yellow can move to. I hope that makes sense!

bitty game

Great example, Erika! Once you get that arrow puzzle things start popping. Stay with it. Didn't like the arrow changes but still an overall good game. Thanks 123bee!

Dont you love the complex preamble..
As much fun as the game

good game, straightforward escape game

       Anonymous  9/25/14, 4:04 PM  

I don't get the three-circle-drawer... on the colour-circle-chart at the second room are no numbers at the three colours of the drawer. There are only three numbers on the chart and all of them have other colours than the circles of the drawer.

@safra - the colors on the drawer are light blue, white and dark blue. Now look at the color chart. You see the top left color (red) is 1 and the color directly underneath it is 5. So count towards the other colors, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. for example, light blue is color #2 and so on.

Safra the numbers on the green orange and red circles are there to show you where all the numbers are, starting with 1, so the aqua white and blue circles would be 2 8 and 4.

Finally got out but that arrow puzzle was challenging. At first I was trying too hard but when I started just playing with it while watching football it fell into place.

I've wanted 123Bee to use a hand cursor forever so this is a good thing, just think they could make the hand a little smaller! Fun game.

I was just ready to denounce the 123Bug joke, but no. The red flower stuck to my cursor.....

Good game despite of that.

       Anonymous  9/26/14, 3:48 AM  

Dammit Janet! (SCNR) *slaps her forehead* Holy cow... I must have been totally stupid... Thanks, Janet and lilrascal! ^^

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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