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Escape Eternity Walkthrough

Escape Eternity

Escape From Eternity is another free online point and click room escape game from Psionic 3D. "Escape Eternity is a simple 3D escape the room game, it’s my first created in UNITY and has essentially been a learning experience. It’s just a short test game and hopefully I’ve learnt enough now to create some big epic escape games in the very near future! Thanks for playing and if you like it please share with friends etc or take the time to review it but please don’t be too harsh in your critiques ;-) I’m still learning UNITY." Good luck and have fun! [Submitted by Roberto]

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this game requires the Unity plug in to play. It is a perfectly safe download. Enjoy

Please tell me what to download?

It's okay) It downloaded for me)

I added a download link......hope this helps :)

Geeze aint seen newgrounds in ages

Short, but nice)

Hmmm 2 mystical spheres.. and 2 pyramids..

better unity game than some I have seen

So far: I REALLY LIKE BREAKING JARS it's just like in Zelda, yes, very pleased.

This is a fun game. I like being a demon god Cthulhu being.

Wish the notes were easier to see. I got a couple before noticing I even had any. And then a couple more without knowing where they came from.

Overall I enjoyed it. Though it was a bit dark in some spots. Couldn't really tell when I picked stuff up so just had to periodically check my inventory.
But I am very ready to inflict misery upon the human race let's do this

jonthewatch -- where is the unity plugin download link?

Were is the download link?

If ya get unity allow plugin message allow it
if not google unity DL and install

this link should do it for ya...

Thanks Leroy.

Going to play another game that works!! Plugin link did nothing.

Unity? Now don't say this has anything to do with Unity desktop environment on Ubuntu...

Nah Arby I dont think so

plugin is not supported by my OS (linux) :'(


ok.... The two spheres on the left hand side? I've done all the puzzles...

The plug in ambushed my google page and changed it on other computer. Why did that happen? I'm not going to install it on this one.


Yes, it's complicated. Not only do you need Pipelight (https://launchpad.net/pipelight), but also a patched version of Wine. Hah, thanks a lot. I think I'm going to do without. =)

Great game - I look forward to more!

jonthewatch: When I go full screen I can't navigate, the display goes off the edges. Regular view is kind of small, can't read the writing. Monitor 1280x1024 any fix?

Ok, managed to just use CTRL+ to make the screen bigger. Would be nice to play full screen version. BEautiful graphics and great sound. Looking forward to more.

I can´t play. Downloaded that plugin and it still says that it needs permission. Good for nothing.

Unity Web Player 4.5.0 and lower (click-to-play), Windows has been blocked for your protection.

Why was it blocked?
Current versions of the Unity Web Player plugin have known vulnerabilities that can put users at risk.
Who is affected?
All Firefox users who have these versions of the plugin installed.
What does this mean?

The problematic add-on or plugin will be automatically disabled and no longer usable.
When Mozilla becomes aware of add-ons, plugins, or other third-party software that seriously compromises Firefox security, stability, or performance and meets certain criteria, the software may be blocked from general use. For more information, please read this support article.

Blocked on February 25, 2014.

mystic and very nice graphics... not hard but different...
I liked it very much... thanks for this nice game =)

I downloaded the unity and still nothing. Guess I'll abandon Psionic even though I love these games.

You need to close firefox to install unity.

I don't use Firefox. I've been trying all day to get this to work....so sadful!


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