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Sand House Escape Walkthrough

Sand House Escape

Games4King - G4K Sand House Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 4 King. Some one has been trapped in the sand house, so you will need to collect the necessary objects to make him escape from the sand house. If you have the right attitude then you will get him out. Good luck and have fun!

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The only clue for a code that I have found is the lava lamps for color code. Have a knife, hammer and a pot that I have no idea what to do with. Click fest so far.

Use pot to water plant. Gives fruit to cut with knife

There is a black wedge-knife thing - I think on red/white awning. Use with hammer on split rail fence

Not too logical a game - why would putting cheese in water give me a key!! Oh well...

Pot on plant, turned to walkthrough.

I know! Maybe it's supposed to be a sponge?

Knew I should have gone back and played an old Robamimi or Tesshi-e game!

Cheese in the water is so "ENA" lol.

Dear Games4 King, can we just assume that if I have a screwdriver out that I'm going to unscrew all of the screws and not wander away half way through?

Where is the screwdriver? I've looked at every hotspot again and don't see it (probably right in front of my nose). And who puts cheese in a kid's pool? lol

I'm with you on that one Erika (comment 04:29 wherever that time zone is!).
I actually did wander off (to pour a fresh rum) and would have appreciated not having to repeat the process for the other three screws when I got back!

Lilrascal - Where are you up to and what is currently in your inventory?

Don't want to give too many spoilers!

In re: cheese in water.

Some people think they are Napoleon. Why shouldn't some fish think they are mice? ;p

Screwdriver came from 4-digit code box in second scene, as I recall, which came from breaking up the two pumpkins(?) with the hammer.

Thanks, I had the cards with the numbers on them right there in my inventory. Never fails!

Thx Annie K for pointing out the pumpkins. I thought they were basketballs, so I was looking for a knife or pump. Ou tnow.

       Anonymous  9/29/14, 3:42 AM  

Dear G4K: If you want me to water a plant and you present me with a pot and a pool, either let me fill the pot from the pool or indicate that the pot I've picked up is already full of water.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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