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Escape Cave of Devil Walkthrough

Escape Cave of Devil

XtraGamingz - XG Escape Cave of Devil is another point and click room escape game developed by Xtra Gamingz. The story of this game is to escape from the devil. Click on the objects to interact with them and solve the simple puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Anyone else playing?

How do we put the skeleton together?

For cryin' out loud! I paused the game to request help, and it won't un-pause! Now I have to start over.

Hi Peggy.
Only just started so I won't be much help while I try to catch up.

I would join you if you don't mind. Slow loading due to my firewall.

Welcome aboard Meritneith.

OK inside now.
They had to be the easiest door codes ever!

Yeah, Austen, I was gonna mention, don't overthink number codes.

Peggy we're not trying to rebuild the skeleton.
Throw the bones in the fire.

2 arms, 1 leg, 1 skull, 1 ribcage & 1 pelvis all gone up in smoke.
Where's his other leg?!

Oh, thanks, Austen!

All the bones are there somewhere.
Now, what to do with the eyes, cylinder & blue vessel.

Haha, I'm so dumb. I'm clicking around without really knowing what I'm doing. Found the coat 5566 at the right which gave me a strange blue thing and a flame. Seems I have to do much more!

I think I've got them all in now.

Oh. I got the eyes to attach just under the glowing crown above the throne.

Oh - the 3-digit-codes weren't too hard after finding a place for the flame...

Meritneith try the candles by the door with your flame.

Eyes go between throne and crown.

And I got the blue glowy vessel to sit on the steps on the left-hand side of the throne.

Blue vessel to left of steps.

Looks like you can type faster than me Peggy!

Gold vessel outside!

Ha ha, Austen. :-)

I haven't entered a 4# code in the outside-left scene, or the colored dots on the knife. Has anyone got that yet?

Austen, where outside?

To put the cylinder, I mean.

Yes. The coloured dot code comes from the four dots which we covered with those wooden icons to open the front door and now can't see!
Code is blue, green, red, red + 1 click (can't see what colour it goes 'cause it disappears).

Gold vessel goes guess where.
Still does nothing though.

where does gold cylinder go...

Sorry but I can't help and am waiting for your hints! :-)

Nobody has figured that out yet Robert.

Gold vessel to left of throne

That's why I couldn't get the colored dots. I was following by order of the numbers each candle gave. Durp! I can't even listen to my own advice. I was overthinking.

I put mine to the right.
Are there more?


Oh, after the glowy vessels, tip the cylinder over the fire.

i did get out if anyone else is stuck

aha, i was missing some of the skeleton. After all skeleton bits are in the fire, then use cylinder

Missing 1 long bone Jessica.
Bet nobody remembers where they were!

       Anonymous  10/13/14, 2:18 AM  

just joining in,can't play all the time,busy day you know

Hi Dazz.

click all around the gargoyle things...i missed both feet earlier... and the rib cage is near the throne (right hand side I believe)

Got skull, 2 arms, 2 legs, pelvis & ribcage.
Was there anything else?

Both long bones are in similar places in the left and right views from throne. Look between the fire and 1st pillars.

Oh and the aforementioned 1 long bone - I assume femur.

i think that's it...you will know if you have it all b/c then you can use the cylinder

sorry...i was clicking like mad! :D

It was right in front of me in the open.
Head slap!

Thanks to all. Out now.

lol! looks like we got through all the new ones austen! :D

I had some phone calls, so it took me some time to go on. I'm out but this was one of those senseless games. I would have gone out if you hadn't helped us so kindly. Thank you for that!

You're welcome Meritneith.
See you all in the next one.

       Anonymous  10/13/14, 2:45 AM  

Good gravy, this is awful. And what does the "W" on the throne stand for? "Wucifer?"

LOL, ps238.

Lots of hints here but none of them mean anything to me. I have a blue glowing vessel and that is all I can do. see lots of places to but 3# codes but where are the hints? Need help getting started here!

Lots of hints here but none of them mean anything to me. I have a blue glowing vessel and that is all I can do. see lots of places to but 3# codes but where are the hints? Need help getting started here!

@evans, from opening scene, go right, collect the flame.
Go back to 1st scene, click on each of the candles around the door and light them. Each candle gives 3 numbers.

Go to the left scene, there are 2 places for 3 numbers. Going from left to right, enter the numbers beginning with 111, then 222. Then go to the right scene and enter the other numbers.

       Subscribe  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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